5 Reasons Why Ditching A Toxic Relationship Is For The Best (Even If It’s Painful)

Are you struggling with a toxic relationship and wondering if letting go of that painful love is the right thing to do?

Unfortunately, leaving a toxic relationship isn’t always the easiest thing.

Related: Exactly What Happens When You Leave A Toxic Relationship

Does the thought of ending it fill you with pain and despair because you know how difficult it is to break up with your person?

Are you worried that if you leave this person, you will never love him or her again?

Unfortunately, these thoughts are what keep people in painful and toxic relationships.

However, you need to know that getting out of it, although painful, maybe the best chance you have at finding true love and happiness in your life.


Here are 5 reasons why it’s best to get rid of toxic relationships.

  1. Toxic relationships are distracting

One of the main reasons why letting go of painful love is necessary if you want a good life is that being in a toxic relationship can make it difficult to focus on work and life.

How much time do you spend thinking about your relationship? Are you finding it difficult to focus at work because you’re reliving the fight you had over the weekend?

Do you find yourself sitting in your car, wondering what would happen to you if you left your person, only to find that 20 minutes have passed and you have no idea?

Is eating dinner and helping with your homework more than you can handle one day because you’re so preoccupied with the pain you’re in?

Being in a toxic relationship can make it impossible to be present in your daily life. Giving up on that love is exactly what you need to do before obsession with it gets in the way of your career or your children’s mental health.

  1. You are not healthy.

In many ways, being in a toxic relationship is worse than pneumonia or the flu.

When you are very unhappy, your health will deteriorate. Your obsessive thoughts may keep you up all night and you may not sleep well.

Depression may prevent you from going out and interacting with friends. You may be eating too much or too little, and not nourishing your body the way you should.

If you’re in a toxic relationship that causes you nothing but pain, letting go may be exactly what you need to regain your health.

Imagine spending the rest of your life living with this unhealthy behavior. Can you imagine how that would feel? Not very good, I think.

  1. True love will be elusive.

If you are wasting your time staying in a toxic relationship because you are afraid of the hurt you will feel or the hurt you will cause someone else, know that staying in that relationship will ensure that you will never find the person who will truly love you.

If you spend every moment of your day worrying about how miserable you are or how badly you want to get out of this relationship, you won’t have any energy to put out into the world to attract happiness.

Instead, you will only attract darkness, because like attracts like.

If you are in a relationship, the chances of finding another relationship are almost non-existent.

It may be painful now – and maybe for a while. But if you can walk away from this toxic relationship, you have a much better chance of finding the love you want and deserve.

Related: 25 Songs That Nail The Bittersweet Nightmare Of Toxic Relationships

  1. It will be good for your person.

I remember when I was married and very unhappy, whenever I thought about leaving my husband, one of my reasons was that it would be better for him if we were separated.

I knew he was as unhappy as I was, and I knew that if I let him go, he would have a chance at true happiness. Letting him go would be the best thing for him.

However, I couldn’t do that because the thought of him being with someone else filled me with so much pain.

But think about your person. You once loved them and you probably still love them.

Would the best thing for them be to get out of this never-ending toxicity and give them a chance to be happy? Even if it’s painful for you, could it be the right thing for them?

think about it.

  1. You will get to know yourself again.

One of the best things about letting go of painful love is that by doing so, you will get to know and love yourself again.

For many of us who have been in toxic relationships, whether short or long, we often lose a part of ourselves.

I was in a relationship with a guy for about a year. We loved each other very much but our relationship was full of problems.

I wanted to end it, but he wouldn’t let me go. So I kept coming back to it, even if I knew it wasn’t in my best interest.

At the end of the year, I discovered that I was just a shell of the person I was when we met.

A year of not taking care of myself, being preoccupied with someone who didn’t treat me well, ignoring my needs, and putting myself down by staying put turned me into someone I couldn’t even recognize.

When I finally got the courage to leave him—and walk away from him forever—I was finally able to recognize myself again.

I remembered that I was the kind of person who had a lot to offer the world and that there were a lot of people who loved me. I had forgotten about that character, and I was so happy to have her back.

Do you know who you are today? Wouldn’t you love to get to know and love yourself again?

Letting go of a painful love can be one of the hardest things you can do.

To love someone is to give your heart and hope for the future to someone else. Unfortunately, love isn’t perfect, and sometimes relationships aren’t meant to be.

The benefits of leaving a toxic relationship will change your life for the better.

So, if your relationship is making you unhappy, it’s time to walk away.

If you do this, you will become healthier, you will be able to focus again, and you will get to know yourself. Your person will be happier and you will finally be able to find true love.

How cool would that be?

Related: The 3 Most Common Excuses People Make For Staying In Toxic Relationships