In the societal landscape of our modern world lurks a sinister force, preying on the empathetic and highly sensitive people among us. This force, known as “waiting” in Native American lore, is a mental virus that spreads like a treacherous infection, infecting hearts and souls with its toxic tendrils of negativity, fear, and spiritual illness.
For empaths and highly sensitive people, the threat posed by Wetiko is particularly strong. With their heightened sensitivity and deep attunement to the energies around them, these individuals are vulnerable to being overwhelmed by the darkness and despair that Wetiko spreads. Like a noxious fog seeping into every crevice, Wetiko can cloud the senses, distort perception, and erode the foundations of inner peace and clarity. However, empaths and highly sensitive people, armed with powerful practices drawn from a wellspring of conceptual wisdom, can strengthen their spiritual armor in defense against wetiko.
Let’s explore…
Defense Against Wetiko: Shadow of the Community
Before exploring defenses, it is important to understand the nature of wetiko, as it resides insidiously in the collective subconscious, forming the fabric of our reality.
Originating from the indigenous cultures of North America, wetiko embodies spiritual suffering, a psychosis that infects the human psyche and feeds on the very soul of humanity. It is embodied through greed, consumption, and the relentless pursuit of power, which distort perceptions and promote disconnection from the web of life.
According to Paul Levy, author of Awake in a Dream and the Dissipation of Weetiko, “The satanic wetiko virus, like the vampire, if left to its own devices, not only has no power, it will die, because it cannot exist unless there is someone who seems outside of itself and can To feed on it.
Wetiko feeds on fear, naivety, and unconsciousness, perpetuating cycles of suffering and discord. This elusive power tricks its wielders into believing that consuming the life force of others, which includes all life on Earth, is a rational and morally acceptable way of being. Once infected with the wetiko virus, individuals are seen to have abandoned their humanity, transforming into wild creatures devoid of rationality, consumed by unrestrained transgressions and without remorse.
The wetiko virus promotes the illusion of separation, making the person believe they are isolated and elevating their ego to a position of paramount importance. As a result, the affected individual gives in to the ego’s relentless desires, even at the expense of others and the world at large.
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But fear not, there are powerful practices that can strengthen the defenses of empaths and highly sensitive people, protecting them from the destructive influence of wetiko. These practices are beacons of light that can pierce the veil of mystery, illuminating the path to spiritual mastery and emotional resilience.
1 – Cultivating radical presence
One of the most powerful remedies for Wetiko’s malignant grip is to practice radical presence. By grounding themselves firmly in the here and now, empaths and highly sensitive people can reclaim their power and resist being swept away by the currents of fear, anxiety, and negativity on which Wetiko thrives.
Radical presence involves a deep attunement to the present moment, a conscious decision to inhabit the entire body, and a desire to embrace the richness of sensory experience. Through practices such as listening to their body’s signals and accepting feedback from reality rather than creating false narratives in their minds, empaths and highly sensitive people can develop a sense of groundedness and stability that acts as a powerful shield in defense against Wetiko’s destabilizing influences.
2 – Embrace active hygiene
Just as we maintain physical hygiene to protect our physical health, empaths, and highly sensitive people must practice energetic hygiene to protect their subtle energetic fields from the toxic effects of wetiko. This involves consciously managing the energies one absorbs and conscientiously cleansing and cleansing the auric field.
Techniques such as energy protection, visualization, and spiritual cleansing rituals can be powerful tools in this endeavor. Imagine surrounding yourself with a luminous field of protective light, or visualize releasing any accumulated negative energies into the earth to be transformed. Practices such as smudging with sacred herbs, taking ritual baths, or working with crystals can also aid in energetic cleansing and fortification.
It is also worth noting that active hygiene includes cutting ties with toxic, manipulative, and abusive individuals. Otherwise, practicing active protection while keeping toxic people in one’s life is like shoveling the sidewalk while it’s still snowing.
Paul Levy’s vision from “Awaken in the Dream” and “Dispelling Wetiko” reveals a profound truth about the insidious nature of the Wetiko virus. This parasitic, vampire-like force feeds on the energy it draws from others, as well as the life force of its victims. However, Levy’s observation goes beyond a mere metaphorical comparison; It emphasizes the critical importance of separating from toxic individuals who embody traits of exploitation and abuse.
By recognizing that the wetiko virus relies on external sources to sustain itself, Levy highlights the necessity of cutting ties with those who perpetuate its influence. Toxic individuals who display exploitative and abusive behavior act as conduits for the manifestation of malignant wetiko energy. They derive a living from the suffering and disruption they inflict on others, feeding the virus’s insatiable hunger.
Separation from these individuals disrupts the parasitic cycle, depriving the wetikovirus of its primary food source. It is like taking away the lifeblood that the vampire feeds on, rendering him powerless and ultimately causing him to cease to exist. In doing so, individuals regain mastery of their energy and protect themselves from the destructive effects of the wetiko effect.
3- Engaging in shadow work
Wetiko often exploits the unconscious fears, traumas, and unresolved wounds that exist within our souls, using these vulnerabilities as gateways to sow the seeds of spiritual illness. To immunize against this, empaths and HSPs must courageously engage in shadow work—the process of consciously exploring and integrating disowned aspects of the self.
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Through practices such as journaling, inner child work, and archetypal exploration, individuals can shine light into the darkest corners of their psyches, transform trauma into wisdom, and transform pain into strength. By reclaiming and reintegrating these mystical aspects, empaths and highly sensitive people can become more whole, more resilient, and less susceptible to wetiko manipulations.
4 – Nourish the soul
In the battle against Wetiko, nourishing the soul is like fortifying a castle. By cultivating spiritual practices that ignite the inner flame of divine connection, empaths and highly sensitive people can tap into a wellspring of strength and resilience that transcends the boundaries of the physical world.
Practices such as prayer, meditation, sacred song, or engaging with nature can serve as powerful channels for nourishing the soul. Find traditions, teachings, and communities that align with your deepest values and aspirations, allowing them to instill meaning, purpose, and a sense of deep belonging in your life.
However, nourishing the soul also requires the courage to recognize and break toxic relationships that threaten to undermine one’s spiritual well-being. Wetiko often works through interpersonal dynamics, using emotional manipulation, gaslighting, and energetic vampirism to drain empaths and HSPs of their vitality and clarity.
It is crucial to develop discernment to identify such toxic connections, whether they appear in the form of romantic partnerships, family ties, friendships, or professional associations. These relationships can serve as conduits for Wetiko, perpetuating patterns of abuse, codependency, and spiritual harm.
Through a nourished spirit and a clear connection to one’s inner truth, empaths, and HSPs can find the strength to free themselves from these toxic dynamics, even when it is extremely painful. This act of self-preservation and setting boundaries is not a selfish indulgence but a sacred responsibility—for in protecting one’s spiritual well-being, it also preserves collective well-being.
The process of cutting toxic relationships may involve developing an inner resolve to walk away from situations that no longer serve one’s greater good. It is a courageous act of self-love and spiritual mastery, a declaration that one’s soul deserves to be nourished through relationships that uplift, empower, and foster true growth.
5- Embracing the sovereign perception
Wetiko thrives on distorting perception, casting its twisted shadow over reality and trapping individuals in a hall of mirrored fun. To counter this, empaths and highly sensitive people must develop sovereign perception—the ability to distinguish truth from illusion, see beyond the veil of fear and manipulation, and perceive the world through the lens of their inner wisdom and intuitive knowing.
Practices such as questioning societal narratives, exploring alternative viewpoints, and developing critical thinking skills can help in this endeavor. Seek sources of knowledge and understanding that empower rather than disempower, that illuminate rather than obscure, and that resonate with the truth of your lived experience.
By adopting these powerful practices, empaths and highly sensitive people can strengthen their defenses against the malignant influence of wetiko, reclaim their sovereignty, and embark on a path of spiritual empowerment. Although the fog of Wetiko may linger long, these beacons of light will guide the way, illuminating the way to a world where empathy, sensitivity, and true connection are celebrated as gifts rather than weaknesses.