What is normal?
Okay. Normal in this context is the way we spend our days in an unusual way. It’s the way we move from one moment to the next without a major problem in between.
That’s normal.
It’s the way we live that narcissists somehow don’t accept… to the point where they go crazy.
So – I have five things that drive narcissists crazy that I wanted to share with you.
Life is normal, and all the ups and downs that come with it.
From the good to the bad, everything you go through is likely similar to the normal events that we all go through.
Narcissists aren’t really fans of normal. They’re trying every day to make their lives extraordinary.
They can’t do that if you’re in a place of normal that actually works for you.
You’ll see what I mean when you read on!
I’d rather not welcome you at all, but unfortunately, narcissists are everywhere.
Since there’s not much we can do about their presence, we can control how they invade our space, if at all.
Related : The Hidden Danger of Narcissists: They’re Hiding in Plain Sight
Starting with looking at all the selfish ways that ordinary things can drive them crazy is a good place to start!
1 Your Happiness
What makes narcissists hate happiness?
With a positive trait that comes naturally to you, it’s hard to imagine someone who hates you shining through and showing up for you.
Happiness comes in all shapes and forms. Sometimes it looks like getting a new job, or enjoying a vacation.
Other times, it might be as simple as waking up and watching the sunrise and making plans for your day.
So, what’s the problem?
The problem is that narcissists can’t be happy. Not really. I mean, you think they are because they seem to be smiling, laughing, and bragging about their lives.
But is that happiness? Can they really be comfortable in those feelings?
The short answer is, no. In order to be happy, you have to let your guard down. And for that, you have to allow yourself to be vulnerable.
Never expect a narcissist to be able to do any of that. What this does is teach others that they are not perfect.
The image they have built is worth a lot more than a moment of softness.
2 Your Success
When you win, expect the narcissist to follow you like a dark cloud trying to take everything away.
You won’t necessarily notice them, nor will anyone else, but they are constantly working behind the scenes.
Related : Don’t Fall for the Narcissist’s Charm Offensive
When you succeed and accomplish something – whether it’s big or small – brace yourself.
Well, I mean, it’s not like you solved the problem of world peace or anything like that.
If you think it’s important, good for you.
At least you’re finally doing something with your life.
These smart comments are unnecessary. They do nothing but make you feel bad in your moment of glory and pride.
But guess what? Underneath those comments is someone who is jealous of you and the attention your success is getting.
More importantly, they get angry because you’re building a positive self-image when they probably aren’t (as much as they talk).
No one should belittle your success, and if that drives a narcissist crazy, well, what’s the problem?
3 Not hearing the news first
It seems to me that narcissists feel entitled to know everything first. They want to be the one breaking the news and creating a storm of chatter around them as they announce what’s going on.
If it weren’t them, they’d be going absolutely nuts.
Why didn’t I know about this?
Why wasn’t I told?
Why did they tell you first, and not me?
How did you know this?
If you’re the one with the exciting news, they may try to deny your reality by manipulating you with statements like:
I don’t think you got this right.
You sound confused.
This can’t be true. I would know it if it was.
This is a prime example of a narcissist assuming the world revolves around them.
Who died and crowned them king or queen of importance?
4 Take up a hobby
Stop everything!
Do you have a hobby?
What is it, something stupid like drawing or writing? Do you run around like a little kid, or something?
Maybe you’re one of those sad people who loves to walk in nature or meditate.
By the way. How miserable are you?
Related : The Surprising Reason Narcissists Fake Empathy So Well
…Does this sound like something you’ve heard before? Yes. I’ve done my best to emulate the types of things a narcissist might say about your hobbies.
It’s not even good to pretend to be, but narcissists take great pleasure in making fun of you.
Behind that surface is a very negative person who is crazy about your love and passion that you’re trying to maintain in your daily life.
Hobbies are great, and they keep us in tune with who we are and what we want out of life.
They help us unwind or relax after a hard day. People look to take their hobby out and use it to relax and bring balance back into their lives.
If a narcissist sees that you are having too much fun, their natural inclination is to stop.
They don’t want to see you happy. Your happiness is their source, so they won’t hesitate to take it away from you to make you even more miserable.
5 Stand Up for Yourself
You deserve to own the moment you’re living and to be appreciated. Self-defense isn’t just about learning ninja moves in a weekly class to keep yourself safe while walking home at night.
Related : Unmasking the Secret Life of a Narcissist
Self-defense is also:
I didn’t say that.
I refuse to accept your version of reality, when my version is completely different.
You have no right to talk to me like that.
If you start yelling, I’ll leave the conversation.
I’m not going to get into this discussion. We’ve been through this before.
You can say whatever you want to say, and I’m going anyway.
I can’t express enough how crazy a narcissist is with statements like this. Statements that give you the space to be you, and own it.
That’s not normal, isn’t it? If you are being treated unfairly, you have the right to stand up for yourself and express your opinion, even if others don’t like it. This is no different, and it should always be something you strive to do.