5 everyday habits that indicate an above average level of intelligence

As a writer, I’m always curious about other writers’ rituals and habits that help them get into and stay in the “zone.”

Most writers—famous and not—drink coffee a lot, and I’m one of them (though I limit myself to two cups most of the time).

However, I was surprised to learn that Honoré de Balzac—one of France’s greatest writers—drank an estimated 50 cups of coffee a day!

He once said, “Without coffee, one could not write, which means one could not live.”

No wonder a chain of coffee shops is named after him!

But this coffee story has a sad ending: Balzac reportedly suffered from stomach pains and died at the age of 51 from complications of congestive heart failure, which is thought to have been caused by his caffeine addiction.

French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre is also said to have been a Parisian café drinker, and writer Voltaire is said to have been a coffee drinker like Balzac.

Of course, not all smart people are coffee lovers, but caffeine habits are indeed linked to higher intelligence, according to the Mid Cities Psychiatry team.

Coffee consumption (or overconsumption in the case of the aforementioned intellectuals) isn’t the only daily habit that indicates above-average intelligence.

What are some other habits? Why not grab a cup of joe (ha!) and read to find out?

1) You like to think out loud (i.e. talk to yourself)

We’ve all done it: We might be driving, and suddenly we’re having a conversation with ourselves about how to solve a problem at work.

Yai Daily of Medium says that smart people talk to themselves all the time. “One of the main reasons smart people engage in self-talk is that it helps with problem-solving and decision-making. By talking out loud, they can better organize their thoughts and come up with creative solutions.”

Self-talk is also a useful tool for self-reflection and self-improvement, says Dailey. “When smart people talk to themselves, they may reflect on their behavior, analyze their emotions, and identify areas for growth.”

Self-talk can also be great for motivation and goal-setting.

Many self-help authors say that saying something out loud gives it more power, so if there’s something you want to do, say it.

Friends alum Jennifer Aniston said on The Drew Barrymore Show: “To achieve anything you want to achieve, talk about it as if it’s already happened. [For example] say, ‘Thank you for that dream job….’”

2) You also love spending time alone a lot

The smarter you are, the more focused you are on your long-term goals, which means that spending time with friends can be distracting rather than helpful, says Jeff Haden of Inc. “In short, if you’re spending time with people, you’re not getting things done.”

Smart people may seek out a solitary lifestyle to satisfy their need for intellectual curiosity and undistracted creativity, adds Steve Burns of New Trader U.

They may be socially anxious or sensitive, so they’ll rely on their inner thoughts because it’s more comfortable than engaging with other people.

“Everyone has unique needs, but whatever the case, it’s important to realize that solitude can provide tremendous growth and insight For those who embrace it.”

Another thing to consider is that smart people (though not necessarily all of them) tend to have better boundaries. This means that only a select few people have access to them.

Smart people are also selective about what they say “yes” to; in other words, they have no problem declining an invitation because they prefer to do their own thing.

3) You’re a voracious reader

When former President Barack Obama was still in office, he gave an interview in which he talked about how books were a sustained source of ideas and inspiration during his term.

He said that books helped him focus amid the whirlwind of 24-hour television news cycles and constant attention to social media.

They also invigorated his appreciation for the complexities and ambiguities of the human condition.

“All the successful people I know have one thing in common,” says entrepreneur Steven Spatz. “They never stop learning. That’s why so many CEOs, thought leaders, and politicians read so much… Reading voraciously and as part of a personalized, personalized routine is the cornerstone of lifelong personal development. That’s exactly what reading does.” “That’s why we see so many leaders from different sectors of human activity investing in their readings… Reading is good for the mind because it helps you stay balanced and intelligent.”

“People who decide to read every day are actively engaging, improving, and challenging their brains rather than doing something passive like playing video games or watching Netflix.”

4) You’re all about “organized chaos”

Psychologists have long believed that intelligence is complex and not easy to define.

Cornell professor Robert J. Sternberg, Ph.D., says that intelligence is the ability to “learn from experience, adapt to new situations, understand and manipulate abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate your environment.”

So, you might assume that a highly intelligent person is highly organized, right? No.

A University of Minnesota experiment found that people with a messy environment came up with more creative ideas than those with a neat, clean, and organized space.

“Disorganized environments seem to inspire a break from convention, which can lead to new insights,” says Kathleen Vohs, Ph.D., the study’s author.

“Organized environments, by contrast, encourage adherence to rules and playing it safe.”

Well, I wish I could see it that way…

5) You’re a Natural Night owl

According to the team at Peninsula Doctors, studies show that people who wake up late are more intelligent and creative than their early risers.

If that’s not proof that you should sleep in late, I don’t know what is.

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