5 Dumb Relationship Games You Should Never Put Up With

Unfortunately, mind games have become a part of almost every romantic relationship today.

Although a little chasing and uncertainty can bring sparks to your love life, you should always respect yourself more than agreeing to some childish games that act as an ego boost for someone else and that will lead you nowhere.

That’s exactly why we bring you a list of 5 immature and useless relationship games that you should never put up with, despite the depth of your feelings for someone.

  1. Act carelessly
    One of the worst things modern dating has brought us is the lie that feelings and especially showing emotions are shameful.

Revealing weaknesses is a green light that allows another person to exploit and harm you.
This is exactly why acting heartless and pretending to be indifferent towards your loved one is unfortunately not uncommon in today’s relationships.

However, this is not something you should put up with or put up with.

Besides being childish and immature, it is also a sign of weakness, as it shows that you are afraid of getting hurt and that you are allowing your fear to control you.

It’s completely normal to want to feel loved and desired by your romantic partner, and demanding attention doesn’t make you pathetic or needy.

  1. Hot and cold toys
    I’m sure you have been in a situation where your friend was not consistent in his behavior.

One day, he’ll be the best man you could ever hope for: he acts like he loves you unconditionally and like he’ll never leave you.

However, the moment you are certain of his feelings, his behavior changes radically. Suddenly, he was distant and cold.

After all this relationship experience, you’re sick and tired of these hot and cold mind games and are wondering if you should play along.

Well, let me tell you that the only thing you should do is stay away from someone who is clearly unsure of you, no matter how much you love them.

  1. He made you jealous on purpose
    Let’s face it, jealousy is a part of every relationship and it just shows that you are afraid of losing the person you love.

However, there is a big difference between healthy jealousy and believing that it is the only evidence of love.

So, if a man is trying his best to make you jealous on purpose, it only shows his deep-rooted insecurities.

No, you’re not imagining things, and he’s probably doing everything he can to make you crazy and play with you.

Clearly, a guy like this is nothing more than an immature brat who doesn’t deserve a place in your life, let alone your anger at him.

  1. Not knowing where you stand
    If a man can’t make up his mind about you, your only option is to dump his sorry ass and move on with your life before he drags you into his twisted games and before it’s too late for you to get out of them. This relationship is almost intact.

The last thing you need is to waste years on someone who can’t commit and isn’t sure where you stand.

You need a mature man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to get it.

A loyal and faithful man will not keep his options open and will treat you like you are the only woman in the world.

  1. He made you wait
    It’s one thing if a man needs some time and space to clear his head and figure out what he wants.

However, it’s a completely different matter if he’s using this as an excuse to continue leading you on for as long as he wants.

Remember, you are worth more than a man who tries to make you wait to make up your mind, or who makes you wait for him to commit, or who keeps you waiting for a simple text or phone call.

Never allow anyone to treat you as a second option and never allow yourself to put your life on hold for someone else!