Are you seeing signs of a toxic relationship and wondering what’s going on?
Do you look around at other people in happy relationships and wonder if yours is one of the good ones?
Unfortunately, it’s hard to know when our relationships are toxic. We are so close and so deep, love can blind us in so many ways.
Related: The Difficult Truth About Moving On From A Toxic Relationship
Fortunately, if you know what to look for, you can spot relationship red flags, get out of them, and learn how to avoid another red flag in the future.
Here are 5 annoying signs of a toxic relationship that you should never ignore:
- You’re walking on eggshells.
I have a client who is the most confident in the world – he speaks what he wants, is sure of his actions, and feels good about himself.
In contrast, when he is at home, he feels insecure and insecure. In the presence of his wife, he is quiet, knowing that if he says or does something she doesn’t like, she will yell at him.
He doesn’t do projects at home without her guidance, because he’s afraid of doing the wrong thing. He spends more time in the garage knowing that if he’s out of sight, he’s out of danger.
Are you walking on eggshells around your partner? Are you very careful not to do anything that might upset them? Do you go out of your way to make them happy more than you think is normal?
If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, this is a clear red sign that your relationship is toxic.
No one should feel uncomfortable being themselves in any relationship. It’s time to take a closer look at your personality and see how you fit in.
- Your self-esteem is shot.
Many people in a toxic relationship no longer feel good about themselves. In some cases, it is because they are walking on eggshells, and this makes them lose their self-confidence.
In other cases, they don’t feel good about themselves because their partners belittle them, in ways big and small, over and over again.
I have a client whose husband never had a kind word to say about her. He never compliments her on her appearance, the dinner she cooked, or how well she did at her job.
Sometimes, he is silent and doesn’t say anything, which hurts her deeply. Sometimes, he’s very direct, telling her that her clothes are terrible or that she just lucked out at doing well.
These types of direct and indirect attacks slowly, over time, destroyed her self-esteem. She no longer thinks she is the wonderful person that others think she is.
Do you suffer from self-esteem issues caused by your relationship? If yes, this is a sign that you should consider leaving.
Related: 6 Toxic Relationship Behaviors Most Couples Think Are Normal
- Your health is deteriorating.
When I was unhappily married, I always had health problems. I developed food allergies, some of which were psychosomatic.
I was weakened by yeast overgrowth which led to fibromyalgia. I was suffering from chronic pain in my body and constant depression. I was falling apart.
When you are in a toxic relationship, it affects your physical health. If a person exists in a state of constant stress, being humiliated by their partners, and being unloved, it is impossible to maintain good health.
Even if you exercise regularly and eat well, the chances of you developing health problems if your relationship is toxic are high.
Do you have chronic health problems? It may be a sign that your relationship is toxic. Not only should you see a doctor, but it may be time to think about the next steps to regain your health.
Related: Why Optimistic Women Stay Trapped In Toxic Relationships
- Noticed drug use.
One of the biggest red flags in a relationship to watch out for is signs of substance abuse.
Usually, when people live in a very unhappy place, they look for ways to manage their unhappiness.
In an ideal world, people could manage their unhappiness in healthy ways, such as exercise and therapy. In this harsh world we live in, many people turn to substances to control their moods.
Ironically, substance abuse can exacerbate a toxic relationship. Drug and alcohol use weakens filters, and people often say and do things they wouldn’t necessarily do while drunk.
Problems that seem manageable suddenly become less manageable. Anger flares up, and emotional and physical abuse can ensue.
If both partners are using substances, things can quickly escalate and cause irreparable damage.
Substance abuse can also lead to depression. When you’re depressed, it becomes more difficult to get along with another person, and feeling good about yourself becomes impossible.
Even if your partner isn’t using drugs, doing so is a red flag that things need to change.
- Your friends have withdrawn.
A client of mine was in a toxic relationship. It took him a long time to notice, but he realized that all their friends had fallen away, leaving them alone and struggling.
Think about the couples you know who are in unhappy relationships. Are they fun to be with? If you choose to go out to dinner, will you invite them along? Does time spent with them make everyone uncomfortable and nervous?
Are you that couple to your friends? The one that no one likes to hang out with anymore?
Even if you’re still invited to a place as a couple, your friends may withdraw from you if you’re in a toxic relationship.
If all you want to do is talk about how miserable you are and how bad your partner is, then just by talking about it and not taking steps to fix it, you may find that your friends are less inclined to spend time with you.
Life is hard enough without constantly having to be dragged along by an unhappy friend.
So, take a look at your friendships. Do your couple of friends still invite you to do things? Do your personal friends make excuses for not spending time with you?
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” you may be in a toxic relationship. Maybe it’s time to take a hard, hard look at trying to fix it or get out of it.
Knowing these relationship red flags is an essential way to escape a toxic relationship and prevent a new one.
In toxic relationships, these signs are often difficult to spot because they are the reality 24/7. But having some clear signs to look for — rather than simply relying on your feelings — can help you figure out your next steps.
So, if you find yourself walking on eggshells, trying not to upset your partner, if your self-esteem and health are declining, if one or both of you are using drugs, if you’re losing friends, you need to address these issues now so you can reclaim your life.
This prospect seems daunting but you only have one life to live and living it the way you are now is not serving you any favors.
Reach out to a therapist or life coach and learn what you can do to help heal your relationship or help you move away. you can do that!
Related: 5 Tips For Dating Again After Leaving A Toxic Relationship