All narcissists are just actors with ulterior motives that only they know about.

Due to the lack of emotional support in their younger, more vulnerable years, they develop a coping mechanism that later in life becomes a vicious and manipulative way to get what they want.

Their lack of a sense of self and the need to get their way all the time has made them people who wear many different masks in front of everyone they come into contact with.

It all depends on their current desires and needs and what they would like to achieve.

They change their mask every time they need something different from you.

It’s like a game for them. They don’t know how to be any other way.

They are not formed as people the way you and I are, so they have to play a role to feel important and fulfilled and to achieve what is on their agenda for that day.

Money, status, public admiration, and sex are their most common goals.

Once they identify their victim, they decide which mask to wear to squeeze you dry.

It’s really hard to see their mask because they have learned to play every role perfectly.

You’ll never guess what lies beneath the layers of their kind words, kind gestures, and plans for a future that will never happen.

These are the five most common masks a narcissist wears to play their victim and get what they need from them.

  1. The victim

This is the mask he wears when he needs you to feel sorry for him.

It usually involves a bunch of crazy ex-husbands, impossibly cruel bosses who treated him unfairly, and toxic parents who didn’t give him enough love and care when he was a child.

Not all of this will be dumped on you at once.

As you get to know him, he will be unraveled, piece by piece, and he seems reluctant to share such painful memories but is secretly happy that it works like a charm.

You’ll fall in love with him because he’ll give an Oscar-worthy performance, and that’s how he’ll draw you in and drain you day after day, taking what he needs from you and leaving you emotionally empty and completely drained.

  1. The ideal lover

At first, he will appear as the perfect man. He’ll say the right things, won’t take it too quickly, and seems to respect your wishes.

He won’t be very strong and you’ll think it’s you who seduced him (when in reality it’s all part of his master plan).

Once he has you in the sack, he will enjoy every part of you until he has enough.

You’ll think the night is going well, until the moment he wakes up, gets dressed, and leaves you, with a bright smile on his face.

That’s when he’ll hit you. It was all just a trick to get you into bed. He doesn’t care about you or your needs.

All he wanted was a good situation and he knew how to get it.

He will have played with you like a fiddle and satisfied his narcissistic needs. You will regret meeting him for the rest of your life.

  1. Workaholic

This man cannot understand that anyone is more capable or more successful at their job than him.

To make sure everyone knows this, he will need to overcompensate by constantly bragging about his abilities.

If you have this type of man around you, beware.

He may seem like a good guy who is a little involved in his job when in reality he is a deeply manipulative narcissist who will stop at nothing to prove how superior he is to you and anyone who dares to challenge him.

  1. The knight in shining armor This guy always seems to be around. That’s what he wants you to think about anyway.

He will find someone who needs “salvation” and he will prey on you.

He will help you with small tasks around the house or help you organize a party.

And the fact that he is always there for you means that he expects the same from you and much more.

He wants to pressure you into feeling like you owe him to the point of doing anything he wants you to do.

Don’t fall for this. Nothing he does is selfless, and it all comes at a high price.

He may seem cute at first but after a while, he’ll take the mask off and show you why he’s wearing it in the first place.

Because his true personality is much more frightening than you could have imagined.

  1. The martyr

This is the most evil mask he wears.

He will appear as a man who has dedicated his life to helping others, whether it be his wife, neighbors, or friends.

He will shout it from the rooftops.

He’s the guy who will always help you when you need help and make sure everyone sees that.

This is all part of his secret plan to keep you attached to him for as long as possible.

When you finally realize what he does and who he is, you will be considered the “bad guy” because you left this selfless good guy behind.

He will make you a toxic, dishonest, and/or unfaithful partner while pretending to be wallowing in misery.

He will have the sympathy of everyone around him because this is the image he created for himself and you will be the man left behind as the nicest guy on the block.


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