It seems you can’t get away from narcissists these days. Just turn on the TV and heads of state are bragging about making their country great again. Even your best friends pull their best faces in a pitiful attempt to earn the compliment.
But did you know that there are different types of narcissists and some are worse than others? As if narcissistic behavior isn’t bad enough, we now have to deal with categorizing it into some kind of ranking.
I’d rather give them all a wide berth, but apparently, that’s not always possible. You see, narcissists can be charming and manipulative. As a result, they can work their way into your life before you know it.
It is therefore important to be able to identify the types of narcissists so that you have any chance of identifying them beforehand. There are 4 types of narcissists.
However, first of all, it is important to note that about the classification of narcissism, there are two main categories of narcissists. These types are then divided into 4 sub-personality types.
So, the two main categories are classic narcissists and wardrobe narcissists.
Two main types of narcissists – classic and closet
Your classic narcissist is exactly what you would expect a narcissist to be. This is the person who longs for the limelight. Someone who has to attract attention. A manipulative person who uses other people to further their advantage.
Classic narcissists are entitled to be cold and have no empathy for other people’s feelings. They can suffer from a God complex and think that everyone is here to serve their needs. It is easily monitored.
The classic narcissist needs strength and recognition and will make sure everyone knows how special they are. This is what we automatically imagine when we think of a narcissist.
Closet narcissist
On the other hand, we have a closet narcissist. This type is difficult to define. Their feelings of narcissism stem from self-loathing and hatred. So they put on a mask to win approval.
Roomby narcissists are obsessed with recognition and attention and are envious of those around them. As such, they form a relationship with a specific person or brand to enhance their profile.
Roomby narcissists want to feel special but are more insecure about their feelings. They still have that sense of entitlement and lack of empathy but are not as confident as classic narcissists. Instead, they take advantage of someone else’s success and use the halo effect to enjoy their glory.
So these are the two main categories of narcissists; We now come to the four personality types. What this means is that all four types of narcissists would fall into the classic narcissist category or narcissist category.
4 Subtypes of narcissists
Do you have a friend who always seems to be at the center of any trouble or drama in your life? This is the natural habitat of the toxic narcissist.
They will find any angle to enter your life and once there they will cause nothing but destruction. Toxic narcissists are demanding and attention-seeking. They are exhausted to be around.
Everything they touch is poisonous or damaged. You find that you lose friends, family members, or even money or your job whenever they get involved.
The collective narcissist
On the other end of the spectrum is the communal narcissist. This person is considered the most caring and warm person in the room. He gets their attention by being likable and reliable.
This is the person you would go to or share a secret or trust with. The collective narcissist is trustworthy and selfless. They seem to put others first and are altruistic.
However, this is just a mask. By appearing sweet and warm, they are fueling their need for validation and self-worth.
The sexual narcissist
A sexual narcissist has several tricks up their sleeves to manipulate and charm you. It is also very difficult at first. They will bombard you with compliments to win your heart.
You may feel as though this is your soul mate or the love of your life. They pretend to like the things that like to get close to you. They love to blow you up and flatter you to sweep you off your feet.
You feel as if you are in a whirlwind of fairy tale romance. Then, once they get what they want from you, they cheat or dump you without ceremony.
The psychopathic narcissist
Of all the types of narcissists on my list, the psychopathic narcissist is the one you should avoid. Indeed, about serial killers, although the FBI has stated that “there are no specific sets of traits or characteristics that appear to distinguish serial killers from other violent criminals,” they have admitted that they share certain traits.
These included:
superficial charm
Great sense of self-worth
Pathological lying
Manipulating others
Lack of remorse and/or guilt
shallow affect
Lack of empathy
Not taking responsibility
stimulus-seeking behavior
irresponsible behavior
Parasitic lifestyle
Not having realistic goals in life
“I don’t feel guilty about anything. I feel sorry for people who feel guilty.” Ted Bundy
In other words, narcissistic traits. But there is a reason why the psychopathic narcissist is the most dangerous of all narcissists. This is the point of rejection.
We often find this to happen when a psychopathic narcissist explodes into violence. We know that narcissists don’t take rejection very well. Or, for that matter, losing face if their stately facade is revealed to be untrue.
But rarely does a narcissist resort to levels of violence that lead to murder. However, with psychopathic narcissists, the picture is troubling. It seems that combined with the fear of rejection along with a sense of ownership, this type of narcissist leads them to act aggressively.