4 Things That Will Happen When You Go No Contact With A Narcissist

It is very difficult to get to the point of not having any contact with a narcissist and even maintaining it.

This is because we all know how extremely manipulative they are and what all kinds of underhanded tactics they like to use just to get you back into their evil abusive cycle.

I’ve read about what to do if he comes back, how not to contact him, and how to react.

You know you have to ignore him and give him no reason at all to talk to you, and in practice, you know you have to be extremely boring, so he loses interest and leaves.

Remember, it is not your choice to cut off all contact with a narcissist. You may want to, but he will only leave you alone when he has no options left.

It is extremely painful to live in fear of what your narcissist might do next. I’ve been in similar situations with him before.

You thought it was over and you were done with him forever, but you were wrong.

He’s back, and he’s doing crazier things than before. So, even after no contact with him, you still live in fear that he will come back and try to attract you again and hurt you again.

Once you no longer connect, you will feel worse than before. You’ll feel like a heroin addict going cold Türkiye.

You will want to go back to him because you are addicted to the feelings you had while being around him.

It is a simple chemical process. That’s why you simply have to accept what happened to you.

Treat it as a shock because it is one and go to “narcissistic rehab.” Be clean, be sober, and then think twice or even three times before doing any kind of action, because your actions may not be safe and you are not thinking correctly.

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Now, the catch is that while you are going through this painful healing process, your narcissist may come back and destroy all the effort you put into making yourself feel better.

He will guilt trip you and manipulate you into coming back to him, so he can hurt you again.

You simply have to cut off all contact with them. You don’t have to ask yourself whether he misses you or not
loves you.

You should not stalk them on social media or ask your friends about them to find out what they are doing.

Don’t pass by their homes hoping you can catch a glimpse of them.

None of these situations are healthy for you and your healing process.

Even when you realize this and cut him and everything about him out of your life, you are still insecure. Here are some things it can do even when there is no connection:

Announces that he is the one who ended your relationship

You may learn this from his Facebook status or from the fact that he deleted all the photos of you two from social media. He might even share it with your friends, so you can find out about it.

Either way, this may cause you great trauma because you are the one who needs saving, not him.

He will seem defenseless and naive, and in this state of mind you are in, you will be tempted to bring him back and become more attached to him than before.

Your abandonment issues may get worse, but the only solution to this situation is to step back and not engage in any discussions with him.

Find someone who loves and cares about you — your family or friends — and talk to them.

Feelings of abandonment and unloved will disappear over time, especially when you get support.

He will contact you about random things

He will do whatever it takes, just to check if you are still addicted to him.

He will ask you for unimportant things just to be more present. (This is how the male mind works while offline.)

You see, narcissists don’t like losing and won’t come to terms with the fact that you’re dumping them. They will not give up their narcissistic stock so easily.

You have to stay strong in these situations because he will come back and ask questions or indicate that he is dating someone else when he is not. He will do this to see if you will be motivated and if you will respond.

If you do, he knows that you are still addicted to him and that he has an easy way back into your life.

You should not respond to these provocations. Do not engage or maintain any contact because if you do, you will find yourself searching for answers, trying to get him to take responsibility and the result of all this is that you will get hurt again.

He will pretend to take responsibility and promise to change

He will do almost anything to get you back into the relationship.

He will accept reconciliation and have a long, deep conversation with you trying to figure out what went wrong in his life that made him act the way he does. Don’t fall for these narcissistic abuse tactics and lies.

He’s just saying this to make you think he’s turned the tables and wants to give it another chance, but this time as a new man, completely changed.

If he can’t contact you, he will send you messages apologizing and that’s where the problem starts.

It is very difficult to resist because you think that he has finally changed. Finally, he realized all the things you’ve been saying for so long.

Then history repeats itself and you return to it. At first, it will be nice until his ego wakes up, and when that happens, the abuse will be worse than what you’ve experienced so far.

He will punish you for making him creep up on you, for making him vulnerable to get you back.

What you need to do to avoid this is to continue the healing process and find love within yourself.

Be the source of your happiness and you won’t need anyone else to fill this emptiness you feel.

You are not responsible for others, only for yourself. You have to understand that and learn to live this way and no one will be able to touch you, not even him.

He will use you and make you feel guilty for helping him

He’ll come up with all sorts of terrible things that happened to him.

He will lie that he lost his job or that his mother is sick and he is in a terrible place right now.

He knows that you are a compassionate person and that you want to help those who need your help.

This is one of the reasons why empaths attract narcissists, because of their energy and willingness to help others. Narcissists take advantage of this.

Related : How to Tell if a Narcissist Is Lying: 8 Signs

He will try to arouse sympathy and in this way, he will win you back. So, what happens next? It’s hard to resist not helping someone you once loved, even if that person treated you poorly.

If you are this type of person, you will fall back into its trap very easily, and God knows how you will get out of it again.

What you should do is don’t buy this crap! You will only get more pain and abuse.

You have to face yourself and realize that you are not responsible for healing every broken person.

If he needs help, he will find someone to give it to him, and whether this is true or not, you must stay away from him if you want to heal, get better, and move on with your life.