Have you ever wondered, “Am I being emotionally abused?” If so, you may not have noticed the signs that your boyfriend is a narcissist and is hurting you.
When you’re dating a narcissist, you may not realize that your relationship isn’t the best, nor the healthiest.
The beginning of every relationship is exciting.
But, sometimes, you’re so in love that you lose yourself in the relationship. At this time, you are likely to become involved in a relationship with a narcissist.
Related: 5 Signs You’re In Love With A Narcissist Who Will Never (Ever) Change
One in 25 people in the United States has a disorder related to a lack of conscience, such as narcissistic personality disorder. Furthermore, narcissistic abuse is believed to affect more than 158 million people in the United States.
Dating a narcissist can tear your life apart unless you find the courage to leave. The problem is that the longer the relationship lasts, the more your boyfriend will absorb your confidence.
If you find yourself in one of them, it’s not because you’re bad. A person with a narcissistic personality is often very good at manipulation. He will start controlling you even when you are not aware of it.
Once you realize you are in a destructive relationship, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There’s no shame in asking for help.
Take this important dating tip seriously: Before you get into a new relationship with someone new, it’s important to know some signs of narcissism and narcissistic traits so you can watch out for them.
Related: Induced Conversation: A Narcissist’s Most Powerful Weapon
#Here are four signs that your friend is a narcissist and that it is time to leave the relationship:
1. He insists that you do what he wants
You might enjoy a night at the theatre. He will always have an excuse when you ask him to come over. He’ll probably get angry if you go with someone else. All your friends are a threat to him.
You have expressed your desire to go on a trip. Unfortunately, your friend always comes up with excuses. When he wants to go on a trip, he expects you to go and will get angry if you don’t agree.
If you live together, he may act helpful at the beginning of the relationship. But it won’t take long for his true colors to show. Soon it will be all about him.
He may go out for a night with his friends but expects you to stay home because he doesn’t want to lose control of you. He may continue to check you to see if you have stayed home.
Related: Narcissistic Abuse Is Easily Mistaken For Love (But Here’s How To Tell The Difference)
2. His gifts to you are more about him than you are about him
If you notice that he never cares about what you want on your birthday, anniversary, or Christmas – sound the alarm bell loud and clear!
At first, you might like his gifts. It might be a beautiful new outfit that you love. But soon you noticed that he seemed more interested in showing you off to his friends.
It will be demanding. If you don’t give him what he wants, you will pay a lot for it with anger and rage.
Related: 3 Brutally Honest Signs You’re An Extreme Narcissist
3. Small disagreements turn into big fights
Any couple will have a conflict. Conflict occurs when there are two people in a room with different points of view. Conflict only becomes a problem when people attack each other emotionally and physically.
If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, an insignificant conflict will turn into a major fight. It could be something as small as a disagreement about which restaurant to go to.
Suddenly, he will explode and start blaming you for all kinds of things that have nothing to do with your decision on where to eat.
He will pick fights with you. He will find your weaknesses and use them to humiliate you. He will do everything in his power to destroy your self-worth.
Related: My Ex Was A Covert Narcissist. Don’t Make The Mistakes I Did.
4. He blames you for all the problems in your relationship
No relationship is perfect. But with a narcissist, you will never be in a mutual, respectful relationship. You will never change his mind. He will never love you.
You can try everything you can imagine to overcome your struggle. Your friend may try to appease you, but before long, he or she will try to control you through constant emotional attacks.
Not only will he complain to you, but he will try to put you down in front of your friends and his friends. Your friend’s constant mistreatment is devastating.
You might be surprised at the number of women who have fallen into these abusive relationships. It’s not just mentally unstable women who end up in these abusive relationships. It can happen to anyone.
Listen to your friends if they are worried about you. Over time, the narcissist will continue to attack you until you lose your self-confidence. You will start to believe everything he says.
The earlier you can get out of the relationship, the better. The longer you stay, the harder it is to leave.
If you think you can change it, you’re fooling yourself. If your partner is going to change, he will first need to accept that he has a problem and then be willing to get the help he needs.