We all know someone whose presence spoils all the fun. Or someone who complains all the time, and you end up feeling exhausted after talking to them. There are also those who never have a kind word to say.
What do all these examples have in common? They describe low vibration people. Could you have such individuals in your social circle without even realizing it?
First, let’s focus on the definition of low vibration.
What does it mean to have a “low vibration”?
It means that you have negative energy and spread it to those around you.
If we look at it from a rational point of view, “low vibration” or “negative energy” translates into negative emotions. Therefore, the person afflicted with it is vulnerable to negative emotions, destructive thought patterns, and toxic behaviors. They also drag everyone into their misery.
However, this does not always happen consciously. Some people give off negative emotions because they have a mental illness or are going through a difficult time.
However, if your friend or family member is always angry, bitter, or sad, it means they have chronic negativity or low vibration. So, what are the signs of low vibrational people?
35 Signs of low vibration in people
- They are rarely in a good mood
Low vibration means negative emotions and, therefore, a bad mood. This is why people with low vibrations feel frustrated most of the time.
Of course, there could be a particular thing or person that spoiled their mood. But often, they are disturbed by their negative thoughts.
- Everything gets on their nerves
For the same reason, they get upset easily. Whether it’s a co-worker’s laugh, a song on the radio, or downtown traffic jams, something or someone always gets on their nerves.
- They always find a reason to complain
With a negative attitude like this, it is not surprising that people with low vibrations complain a lot.
Of course, all of us feel upset and angry from time to time, but the main sign of people with low vibrations is that they dwell on negativity. They seem to enjoy complaining and talking about ugly, sad, and frustrating things.
- They lose their temper easily
Anger is among the most powerful low vibrational emotions. Therefore, when someone is vulnerable to low vibrational energy, they easily lose their temper. Sometimes they feel angry about the most important issues.
For example, a low vibration person may start an argument out of nothing or feel offended by someone’s innocent remark.
- They are always ready to discuss
People with low vibrations seem to consciously seek conflict. It is as if they are seeking to express all their pent-up anger and chronic resentment with useless arguments. This is true, their low vibrations make them attract more negativity into their lives. - They see life in a negative light
Low vibration energy makes you focus on the negatives in every situation. Moreover, it makes you generally pessimistic and have a bleak outlook on life. People with low vibrations tend to pay most of their attention to flaws, problems, and disappointments.
- They believe that life is unfair to them
People with low vibrations are convinced that life is completely unfair and does not treat them right. They did not succeed because the circumstances were adverse, and they are unhappy because they married the wrong person. A person like this tends to feel bad luck and abuse. - They find it difficult to feel happy
Even when a low vibrational person accomplishes something, he or she finds it difficult to feel happy. They constantly worry that something bad will come, and that this success and happiness will not last for long.
They do not trust life itself, which is why they struggle to enjoy it, even in its most beautiful moments.
- They are not happy for others either
Of course, people with low vibrations find it more difficult to feel happy about others. Instead, they feel jealous and bitter.
It seems that the success of others spoils their mood, and this is true, because envy is a low vibrational emotion. Therefore, it is natural for such a person to feel jealous instead of celebrating someone else’s achievements.
- They lack energy and enthusiasm
Low vibration means a lack of energy, enthusiasm, and vigor for life. It makes you dull, unenthusiastic, and tired. That’s why people who have it hardly ever get excited about things and events.
- They like to criticize others
Since people with low vibrations focus on the negative, they tend to point out everyone’s faults and mistakes. This prompts them to criticize those around them. - They are also critical of themselves
Low vibration not only makes you critical towards others, but it also fuels self-criticism and self-hatred. A person like this often blames himself for the smallest mistakes.
They may also make self-deprecating comments to fish out compliments and get others to comfort them.
- They find it difficult to have a good time
If you have an acquaintance or friend who always seems bored and annoyed at gatherings, he or she may be a low vibration person. People like this tend to be dry and stiff, as if they don’t know how to relax and have fun. - They are not satisfied with anything
No matter what you do for your low vibration friend, he will never appreciate it. The gift I gave them wasn’t what they expected, the concert I invited them to was too crowded, and the food in the restaurant was overcooked…
Such people are never satisfied with anything because they are not satisfied with themselves in the first place.
- They make a mountain out of a hill
Creating a mountain out of a molehill is typical behavior for people with low vibrations. They take a simple problem and exaggerate it into a disaster.
This is because their low vibrational energy makes them vulnerable to negative emotions, such as anxiety and frustration. Therefore, sometimes they create problems out of nothing. As a result, they waste their lives focusing on trivial matters.
- They dwell on negativity
When a low vibrational person has a particular worry or problem, they struggle to shift their focus to something else. They dwell on the negativity caused by their overthinking and anxiety. They are completely immersed in the problem and cannot think of anything else. - They are worried
Anxiety and fear are among the low vibration emotions. Therefore, a person with this type of energy tends to worry easily and worry about everything. They are also likely to suffer from irrational fears and phobias. - They are unlucky
To an outside observer, a low vibration person appears to be the unluckiest person of all. They always make wrong choices and face difficult situations. The truth is that their lack of luck stems from their low vibrational energy, not from external circumstances.
- They often feel misunderstood and mistreated
For the same reason, people with low vibrations attract toxic and negative people. This quote from Wayne Dyer sums it up perfectly:
The Law of Attraction is: You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.
So, if you have a low vibration, it makes sense that you attract people with similar energy.
- They have a victim mentality
It may be difficult for people with low vibrations to accept responsibility for their failures. It’s easier to blame everyone, right? For this reason they often develop a victim mentality and complain of abuse and exploitation.
- They are prone to sadness
As we said above, the main sign of a low-vibration person is that he is susceptible to all kinds of negative emotions. There is certainly sadness among them.
These people often feel bad and sad for no apparent reason. Sometimes they can’t even say what exactly spoiled their mood.
- They have no purpose in life
Low vibration energy makes you unmotivated and drained. Therefore, you do not have the strength to set goals and pursue dreams. You are stuck in a routine, busy with your daily responsibilities, living a life that has no purpose.
If you know a low vibrational person, you will not see that spark in their eyes that makes a person passionate and determined.
- They are impatient and judgmental
When your vibration is low, you only see the bad side in other people. You also do not seek to understand and accept it. For this reason, people with low vibrations tend to be judgmental and impatient with those around them. - They feel bad about themselves
A low vibration person’s negativity is focused not only on others, but also on themselves. This makes them vulnerable to self-esteem issues. Since they find it difficult to feel happy and content, they also struggle to feel good about themselves.
- They are very sensitive and easily offended
People with low vibrations can be difficult to deal with because they often overreact and feel offended by nonsense. This happens because of their bitterness and general dissatisfaction with life and with themselves.
You feel you need to watch what you say carefully to ensure that your low-vibration friend will not be offended.
- They overprotect their personal space
For the same reason, a low vibration person tends to be overprotective of his personal space. They are very sensitive, which may lead them to be overly cautious with others. They do not trust anyone and consider every attempt to establish contact as an invasion of their personal space. - They compete in misery
If you tell a low-vibration friend about your problems, don’t expect that he or she will show sympathy, offer help, or try to cheer you up. Most likely, they will tell you a similar story of their own, where they seem even more miserable. As a result, you end up consoling them instead. - They make everything about themselves
When a person has low vibrational energy, he becomes a prisoner of his own self-absorption. This is because their problems, fears, and concerns consume all their attention and energy. There are no emotional resources left to help or comfort another person.
For this reason, they struggle even to talk about other people’s problems. People with low vibrations make everything about themselves and turn every conversation to things that concern them.
- They become mean
Too low vibration energy can turn you into a bitter and mean person. You may end up feeling like you hate everyone because you think others are the root of all your problems.
This is why, in certain situations, people with low vibrations become very mean and say terrible things to others.
- They love gossip
Gossip usually revolves around negative topics, such as marriage problems and family disputes. That’s why people with low vibrations love it. It’s another way to pry into other people’s mistakes and get secret pleasure from their failures. - They become defensive
Defensiveness is an adverse reaction to criticism and conflict. Low vibration people become defensive when you call them out or point out their mistakes.
This reaction does not allow them to listen to constructive criticism and learn from their mistakes. As a result, they do not develop. Instead, they object to your words and focus on their hurt feelings.
- They have a grudge
With this type of situation, it makes sense that it would be easy for a low vibrational person to hold grudges against others. Sometimes this can last for weeks, months and even years!
Their negativity and self-preoccupation do not allow them to forgive others and let the situation go. They dwell on feelings of resentment and would rather give the other person the silent treatment than talk about the problem.
- They see the bad in people and ignore the good
It is difficult to look at life and people from a positive perspective when your vibration is low. You always notice the flaws in those around you and completely neglect their good qualities.
This is why you tend to have a low opinion of people in general. You are just unable to see and appreciate their positive aspects.
- They make mistakes
Nitpicking is another sign of low vibration energy. You start making useless arguments and waste your life arguing about trivial things.
As we said above, low vibration makes a person feed on negativity and look for the faults of others. This is why they bother others and make petty criticisms.
- They sabotage themselves
People with low vibrations are prisoners of their own minds. Since they overthink things and create problems out of nothing, they often sabotage themselves, whether it is about their career or love life. It’s as if they suffer when things go well, so they sabotage every chance to succeed and find happiness.
Do you have low vibration people in your social circle? If your friend is chronically upset, sad, or unlucky, ask yourself if going out with him is a good idea. Such people can only drag you into their misery and poison you with their negativity.