If you’ve never met a narcissist before, go out and buy a lottery ticket because you’re a very lucky person. Most of us have had a narcissistic friend, partner, coworker, or parent. Sometimes it may take some time to know the signs of narcissism, but once you do, it becomes very obvious and it becomes difficult to learn how to deal with a narcissistic person.
People can have narcissistic traits without being clinically diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, as there is a full spectrum of narcissism. Some classic characteristics of narcissists are that they are arrogant, selfish, self-interested, manipulative, and lack empathy.
Related: 5 Steps To Finally Heal (And Move On) From Your Narcissist Parent
Although they may not be great at empathy or sensitivity (towards others), they are geniuses at making everything about themselves and at leaving a trail of debris behind them. Narcissists love to get into people’s minds so they can control them, and if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, it’s even worse.
Fortunately, you can truly understand how to deal with a narcissist, thanks to an article by Kim Said. She writes about the secret things narcissists use against us and how to change those things.
1. You will never satisfy a narcissist, no matter what you do.
Narcissists want you to believe that no matter how hard you try, nothing will ever be good enough. They do this to control you, so you will keep trying to get their approval and you will keep failing.
Do you do everything, from working long hours at your job, and paying all the bills, to serving as the narcissist’s assistant, and yet they never thank or compliment you? This type of manipulation works with narcissists because it ensures that you will always be willing to do whatever they ask of you at any given moment, and it also destroys your self-confidence and self-esteem.
It’s a win-win for the narcissist and a win-win for you. To counter this tactic of narcissists, stop doing everything they tell you to do and take back your power.
2. Narcissists have an additional sense that enables them to see the weaknesses of others.
Related: Narcissists Are Just Extremely Needy People Deep Down, Says Science
Narcissists and other manipulative people can spot weaknesses by looking at different facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. People who feel insecure may avoid direct eye contact with others or speak quietly. Narcissists use psychological manipulation to control their victims…I mean their loved ones, and to make them so invested in the relationship with the narcissist that they cannot see a way out.
You may be in a relationship with a narcissist, but the best way to change this pattern is to break this vicious cycle by focusing on yourself and your recovery. The best thing you can do is get out of the relationship and make sure not to get into it again.
3. Once the narcissist succeeds in isolating you from your friends and family, he or she will use the silent treatment on you.
After the initial honeymoon period is over, where the narcissist seems too loving and wonderful to be true, he or she will begin to blame other people in your life for your relationship problems, isolating you from people who might give you any positive feelings. supports. Once you isolate yourself, the narcissistic partner will lash out and stop talking to you.
The silent treatment is extremely cruel, sadistic, and destructive to your psyche. For the sake of your mental health and sense of self, you need to completely break up with the narcissist. Over time you will reach the point where you can heal.
The narcissist will try to bring you back into their life, but you have to be strong. Although narcissists may seem lovable and amazing, they will never be there for you or be what you need to be a healthy, happy person.