It’s not the way you dress or that you want to be the center of attention, but here are three warning signs to look out for that could indicate you’re turning into a narcissist.
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Here are 3 very honest signs that you are an extreme narcissist:
- You are using the “narcissistic stick.”
From a marketing standpoint, that name was never going to catch on, so they ended up calling it the “selfie stick.” If you don’t know what a selfie stick is, it’s literally a stick that acts as an extension of your arm so you can take a more satisfying photo of yourself. You place your phone on its end so it faces you. Now, you can take a photo of yourself from a suitable distance. You have to look at yourself and admire yourself.
Why have we become obsessed with documenting our every moment, then immortalizing it on Facebook and Instagram?
You don’t take “selfies” so one day when you’re older you can go back and look at them. And for your information, no one is interested in searching for your photos online. There’s nothing wrong with taking a weird photo, but if you’re taking photos every second of the day, there’s a good chance you’ll become a narcissist. Narcissistic people find it almost impossible to connect with people.
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- You change your profile picture more than your underwear
You are always changing your Facebook profile picture. You are constantly editing your photos. You fix it, clean it, filter it and make it as beautiful as possible. Then, once you have that final image and perfect look, you can post it on Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook can be an incredibly narcissistic ritual. Really, they should have called this place The Book of Narcissism. They are basically people who post pictures of themselves and quote themselves in order to appear interesting to the outside world. Facebook is about social validation. Like saying “I matter” every day.
Here’s a hint: If you change your profile picture more than your underwear, you have a serious problem.
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- Constantly nagging
No one should spend a lot of time worrying about how they look in a photo. It is what is inside a person that matters. There’s nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance, but when it becomes too much, it’s a sign of narcissistic behavior.
Narcissistic people are all about the outside. They are always wearing makeup or doing their hair. You must do the work from the inside out. Discover who you really are and where you are going. Take responsibility for the things you’ve done in your life, and make time to learn and grow. Love and appreciate your friends and family in person, not online. It releases serotonin, which makes you happy. And happy people win.