20 relationship red flags in a guy you shouldn’t ignore

Red flags are that nagging feeling we get in our gut that tells us something is wrong.

Some are subtle, others are more obvious. In either case, we should ignore them at our peril.

But what kind of behaviors are red flags in a man?

This article will share a comprehensive list of things to look for.

1) He refers to you both as “friends”
Unfortunately, not everyone will be honest and direct about what they want from you.

This means we need to read between the lines and pick up on those signals that don’t seem right.

One of these is that he refers to you as “friends.”

Maybe you’ve been hooking up for a long time or been dating several nights a week for a couple of months. Yet he still classifies you as friends.

While relationship status doesn’t need to be defined right away, “friends” can be dangerously close to a friends-with-benefits situation.

So it’s always better to clarify.

2) He says he’s not looking for anything serious at the moment
Of course, it all depends on what you are looking for. But if you hope things will improve, never ignore this red flag.

And believe it or not, many of us do.

We secretly and silently hope that he will change his mind, that his feelings will grow, and that we will be cool enough to convince him otherwise.

But we are only delaying and amplifying the heartache we will face later.

Bottom line: If he tells you he’s “not ready for a relationship” and “just looking for something casual” please believe him.

3) He never makes plans in advance
Last minute guys are all about low investment.

No one wants to come in too strong. But there is a certain amount of effort we put in when we relate to someone and have sincere intentions.

As a general rule, the more plans he makes with you in advance, the more careful he will be.

That’s why last-minute calls and late-night hangouts inspire little commitment.

If you’re dating, it’s reasonable to expect notice of when you’ll see each other.

4) He doesn’t ask you any questions or take a deeper interest in you
In the early days of communication, it can be very fun to focus on trivial matters. Having a good time can feel like enough.

But for a relationship to flourish, it must be deeper.

This means that you should take a real interest in each other’s lives.

He or she should want to know what motivates you, what you’re passionate about, and what your biggest values and beliefs are.

If no effort is made to discover these things, it can lead to trouble building anything beyond just casual.

5) Blows hot and cold
The truth is that people don’t always know what they feel. This can cause some mixed messages.

One day he is attentive and shows interest, but the next day he is gone.

That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, but it raises serious questions about the strength of his caring.

He’s definitely not 100%, and you shouldn’t ignore that and hope that his feelings for you will definitely grow.

But as with many of the red flags on our list, that doesn’t automatically mean you should cut your losses and run.

Real life and real relationships are never straightforward. It really depends on your unique circumstances.

That’s why you may also want to seek some advice that takes this into account.

With a professional relationship coach, you can get advice based on your life and experiences.

Relationship Hero is a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations, like many of the red flags on our list.

Not only do they listen to you, they give you practical, actionable advice on what to do next. You can connect with a certified relationship coach within minutes. Click here to get started.

6) He likes to bomb you
Maybe you’ve heard of love bombing?

It’s when someone pulls all the magic to win you over. They are both attentive and affectionate.

The catch is that it doesn’t last. This is often a tactic used by narcissists and abusers to make you fall in love with them.

Then once they’ve built you up, they’ll get to work stripping you down.

This can be difficult to figure out because you may not realize it until after the honeymoon phase is over.

But there are signs:

  • Coming very strong
  • Feeling like it was all a whirlwind romance
  • Accelerated commitment and things move quickly
  • She showers you with gifts
  • Excessive praise and compliments

7) He has a reputation
I feel kind of mean for saying this. Especially considering how often I preach about not being judgmental and giving people the benefit of the doubt.

But the old saying there’s no smoke without fire is often true.

So, when a man has a bad reputation for being a player or boy, it is wise to act with caution.

People change, but it also takes time. If he was breaking hearts just a few weeks ago, what are the chances that the leopard would have changed its spots?

Because as we’ll explore more in the next point, our past can be a good indicator of our future…

8) He has a history of infidelity
Men who have a history of cheating on their ex-partners are more likely to do so again in future relationships.

In fact, according to research, they are three times more likely to do it again.

Of course, it’s not that a cheater always becomes a cheater. People can learn lessons and grow from this.

But don’t ignore the statistics.

Dig deeper and ask questions about his past behavior. Explore his values and beliefs about loyalty.

9) He has never had a serious relationship
Why is this a red flag? Well, it’s not always the case, but it certainly can be.

If a guy is young it’s probably normal.

But if he’s a grown-ass man and never found the inclination to settle down you may be dealing with a Peter Pan type. Or just as bad, he’s never been able to make it work for long enough.