19 Telltale Signs a Narcissist Is Done with You

Relationships with narcissists are fraught at the best of times. Narcissistic people are selfish, pathological liars who will gaslight and exploit until you are useless. Narcissists team up with a witch attack that will put Disney to shame.

Narcissists lure and deceive you, and this is how manipulation and abuse begin. The relationship baffles you, but how do you know when it ends? Since narcissists are mercurial and deceitful creatures, it is unclear when a narcissist ends a relationship.
So, what are the telltale signs a narcissist is doing something wrong to you?

What happens when a narcissist ends up with you?

Narcissists are masters of manipulation. They will keep you around for as long as they can benefit from the relationship. Think of a narcissist as a cat; You are a dead mouse. Therefore, as long as the narcissist is getting something from you, he or she will continue to play.

Narcissists only have one thing in mind; themselves. They don’t care about your feelings or what you’ve invested in the relationship. Narcissists are cold and brutal when they are done with you.

Here are the signs of narcissistic transmission.

19 Telltale signs that a narcissist is done with you

  1. You feel that something has changed
    How do you know when a narcissist is done with you? You will feel it. Always trust your instincts. Has the weather changed? Is there coldness or withdrawal of emotion? Does your partner criticize or underestimate you? If you notice a change, this may indicate the end.
  2. The narcissist will ghost you
    Narcissists do not have any empathy. They don’t feel guilt or remorse and don’t think about your feelings. The easiest way to end a narcissistic relationship is to hide yourself. They will stop all communication, and won’t respond to texts, calls, or emails. It’s as if they fell off the planet.
  3. They will drain you financially
    Before the narcissist ends up with you, they will make sure they bled you out. After all, if you have money or assets, you are still useful to them. Change the passwords and PINs for your bank accounts if you notice that your narcissistic partner is cold and aloof.
  4. The narcissist ignores the things you say
    Narcissists do not waste their energy on pointless pursuits. Once they use you and you are no longer useful to them, they do not need to acknowledge your existence. Remember, narcissists are immune to social etiquette.
  1. Nothing you do is right
    Does your partner belittle or criticize you in public and in private? Do you feel that you cannot satisfy your partner? Is the honeymoon period over? Once your partner was charming and adoring, now you are disgusted with them.
  2. The narcissist will be honest with you
    When a narcissist is done with you, they won’t have to hide their true feelings. They can say what they think, which is usually insulting and unkind.

If they use you for money, they will tell you. They will mock your naivety in their charming attack. Once the narcissist has drained you, they are happy to tell you all about their game plan.

  1. You get narcissistic stares
    To a narcissist, you are a pathetic, weak, disgusting bastard caught up in deceit and lies. We all know it’s rude to stare, but a narcissist can’t help himself. You’ll know a narcissist is done with you when you catch them staring at you with cold, dead eyes.
  2. The narcissist has stopped begging you to stay
    Narcissists will do anything to stay in the relationship if something still holds for them. One of the signs a narcissist is thinking about you is that he doesn’t care whether you stay or go. They may dare you or tell you that you don’t have the balls to go.
  3. They are never available
    Once upon a time, a narcissist loved to bombard you and shower you with compliments and affection. Nowadays, you never see them. She is not at home; They come home late and you can’t get them when you need to.

When they distance themselves from you, this is one of the signs a narcissist has moved on.

  1. They are blatantly insincere
    How does a narcissist end a relationship? They will cheat you. However, a narcissist will not try to hide their affairs. They will be more likely to express their cheating ways to your face.

The narcissist will take great pleasure in annoying you. Narcissists are lazy and parasites. If they can convince you to end the relationship, that gets them the job.

  1. They accuse you of cheating
    It doesn’t matter if you catch a narcissist cheating, they will accuse you of the same behavior. This is a technique narcissists use to throw light into balance.
  2. They say terrible things
    How do you know if a narcissist is done with you? They turn bad. They will highlight your weaknesses, tell you, an idiot, believe their lies, and mock your feelings.

When a narcissist is done with you, it’s like night and day. You feel like you are dealing with Jekyll and Hyde.

  1. They become very confident
    Have you noticed a change in your partner’s self-esteem? One of the signs that a narcissist has disappeared with you is overconfidence. Narcissists brag about how they got along without you, how they are so much better than you, and why you are lucky that they tolerate you.
  2. They accuse you of being jealous
    In addition to a heightened sense of trust, the narcissist will accuse you of being jealous of them.

Narcissists have short memories, so they will forget how they followed you and all the compliments they gave you about your life. They’ll flip it over and say you chased them because they’re so amazing.

  1. They have a makeover
    Narcissists are cunning and manipulative. They know they have nothing to offer a new partner, so they have to present themselves in the best possible light. If you see them taking special care of their clothes, hair, or makeup, this is a sign that the narcissist is done with you.
  2. They prepare new partners
    Now that the narcissist is done with you, they want to move on quickly. This means preparing a new victim.

With the rose-tinted glasses removed, you can see exactly how she trapped you in a relationship. They use the same love bombing techniques they used on you to catch potential new partners.

  1. They are physically abusive
    Sometimes a narcissist will be physically as well as verbally abusive. By the time the narcissist is done with you, they have no feelings for you at all. You are nothing to them, so it won’t take long for your verbal insults to turn into physical abuse.
  1. They will ignore your friends and family
    At the beginning of the relationship, the narcissist had to win over her inner circle of people. Now that they’ve decided the relationship is over, they don’t have to pretend anymore. They will drop the charade and show their true colors.
  2. You can’t do anything right
    When a narcissist is done with you, no matter what you do, you can do nothing right in their eyes. Sometimes you think your presence is bothering them. The more you try, the worse it gets. Look for signs such as eye-rolling, deep sighs, and interruptions.
  3. They are always angry with you
    Narcissists’ anger quickly turns into rage when they want out of the relationship. This is one of the major signs that a narcissist is done with you.

At the beginning of your relationship, the narcissist bent over backward to seduce and romanticize you. Now they invent things that will piss you off.