18 Signs Of Lack Of Empathy To Look For and What You Can Do

Empathy is an essential aspect of human interaction, allowing us to connect with others and understand their feelings and experiences. However, not everyone has a healthy level of empathy, and some individuals may show signs of an empathy deficiency. In this article, we will explore 18 common signs of a lack of empathy and offer suggestions about what you can do when you encounter such behavior.

Understanding lack of empathy

Lack of empathy refers to the inability or unwillingness to understand and share the feelings of others. It can appear in different ways and may be temporary or chronic. Understanding the signs of a lack of empathy can help you handle interpersonal relationships more effectively.

Signs of lack of empathy:

Insensitive remarks: People with low empathy may make insensitive or hurtful comments without considering how they affect others.

Ignoring feelings: They may dismiss or ignore the feelings and concerns of others.

Lack of Active Listening: Individuals who lack empathy often struggle with active listening, interrupting, or not paying attention during conversations.

Difficulty apologizing: They may find it difficult to apologize or take responsibility for their actions, even when they hurt someone.

Insensitive jokes: Making jokes at the expense of others’ feelings is a common sign of a lack of empathy.

Ignoring non-verbal cues: They may ignore non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions.

Selfishness: A lack of empathy often coincides with selfish behavior, where their needs always take priority.

Blaming the victim: They may blame victims of unfortunate situations instead of offering support or understanding.

Inability to comfort: Individuals with low empathy may have difficulty providing comfort or solace to someone in distress.

Minimizing the pain of others: They may downplay or trivialize the pain and suffering of others.

Lack of patience: They may become impatient when others express their feelings or share their experiences.

Difficulty recognizing emotions: Some individuals may have difficulty recognizing and classifying emotions in themselves and others.

Manipulative behavior: A lack of empathy can lead to manipulative behaviors, where they take advantage of others for personal gain.

Rejecting others’ points of view: They may reject or downplay others’ points of view and insist on their own point of view.

Difficulty maintaining close relationships: People with low empathy may have difficulty maintaining healthy, close relationships due to their emotional detachment.

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Avoid emotional conversations: They may avoid emotional conversations or back away from discussions that require empathy.

Judgmental attitude: They may display a judgmental and critical attitude toward the choices and actions of others.

Inability to see things from others’ point of view: Difficulty empathizing with others’ perspectives and experiences is a clear sign of a lack of empathy.

What you can do:

Communicate your feelings: Express how their behavior affects you and others. Use “I” statements to avoid making them defensive.

Set boundaries: Set clear boundaries to protect yourself from their insensitivity or manipulation.

Educate them: Gently educate them about empathy and its importance in building positive relationships.

Be a Role Model: Show empathy in your interactions with them to set an example.

Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist for support and guidance in dealing with individuals who lack empathy.

Relationship Evaluation: Consider whether maintaining a relationship is healthy and whether it aligns with your emotional health.

Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care to maintain your emotional resilience and well-being when dealing with individuals who lack empathy.


Recognizing the signs of a lack of empathy is crucial to understanding and managing interpersonal relationships. Although you can’t change others, you can take steps to protect yourself and promote healthy interactions. Whether through communication, setting boundaries, or asking for support, you have the ability to navigate relationships with individuals who suffer from a lack of empathy while maintaining your emotional well-being.