Possessive relationships vary depending on the intensity of possession. While she can be mildly jealous at times, it can reach a level where it becomes toxic.
However, there is no healthy ownership relationship. Every royal relationship starts out like a fairy tale, where you meet someone who cares about you so deeply, that you’re not willing to look for signs that something is wrong, because it’s good to be wanted.
But if you feel like you’re trapped in a relationship or the feeling of being stalked is creeping up on you, maybe it’s time to look for signs that your partner is the possessive type.
He’s in control
He has the need to control you wherever you go, as well as when and with whom. If he’s not involved in the decision-making process, he’ll bombard you with text messages until he’s involved.
He has ways of manipulating you into doing his bidding, which ultimately isolates you from your friends and family, until he is the only one you have.
Sharing means caring, but not when it comes to you.
Demands to know your passwords
“Come on, what’s the big deal? What are you hiding anyway?”
Social media accounts are something special that we share with others when we feel like it, when we trust them in a way that they don’t need to check up on us, because they trust us too.
But demanding to know someone’s passwords is neither healthy nor likable.
When we fall in love, it’s natural to want to spend every moment with that person. We want to know how they feel, how they think, and how they breathe.
It feels so good, but over time, we learn to live apart, yet together.
If he refuses to do that, if he still wants to spend every second of his free time with you, you have a problem.
He will ask you to give up your friends for him and give up your hobbies just because he wants to be with you.
He’s stalking you
And that’s not something any of us are really willing to admit. He’s my friend, there’s no way he’s following me.
But if you find him reading your messages, snooping through your phone and browsing history, logging into your accounts, or showing up unexpectedly at your workplace or the bar you’re at with your friends, he’s a stalker.
This is not nice behavior, it is very scary.
His desires are binding
If he wants to go somewhere, go there. Compromise is a word he does not know, and does not want to know.
It’s all about him, because he knows what’s best for you anyway. If you don’t fulfill his desires, everything will explode.
Mood Swings
He’s so happy that you’re finally with him, but the moment you mention a colleague or childhood friend, his mood changes.
Even the smallest things make him upset or angry. He’s happiest when you’re just with him and just talking about him.
Continuing accusations
He constantly accuses you of flirting with other men, regardless of whether you do it or not. If you talk to a guy, you’re flirting with him.
If you look at a man, you no longer love him. If you want to go out with your friends, you’re just looking for a way to trick him.
You are always to blame, no matter what you do and no matter how much you try to prove your love to him.
He does not respect your personal space
If you’re in a relationship, why do you need space in the first place?
His idea of the ideal woman is one who is completely submissive to him, whom he can control and about whom he knows everything.
If you ask for some time alone, he’ll feel offended, because that means you’re tired of him and you’re clearly hiding something. But let’s be honest.
Everyone needs some “me” time.
Constant bombardment of messages
If you break up with him, at work or with your friends and family, he constantly bombards you with messages.
He needs to know where you are, what you’re doing, and how long you’ll be gone.
You can’t have a minute of peace without him nagging you and demanding your attention.
He’s extremely paranoid
He is always afraid that you will leave him, that you will look at other men and cheat on him.
It needs to know why you’re talking to your friends, why your colleague calls you after work, why you’re messaging your friends, if that’s not enough, etc.
He is always in a state of panic, fearing that his control is not strong enough and will leave, and he is afraid of losing his favorite toy.
He has the need to control what she wears
That dress is too tight, that skirt is too short, and those shoes look slutty.
He’s trying to mold you into the ideal woman he has in mind, regardless of how you feel about it and how much harm it might cause you.
He tries to separate you from your friends
He needs to spend every moment of his day with you, and he wants you to be available to him the moment he calls.
That’s why he’ll start slowly turning you against your friends, talking about how he doesn’t like them, how they’re toxic to you, and how you don’t need them.
It is easier for him to manipulate you when you are lonely and lose your support system.
All because he loves you
Justifying manipulation and toxic possession with love is his favorite thing to do. He tried to cut you off from your friends, because he knew what was best for you.
He doesn’t want you to talk to other men, because he knows what they are after. He wants you isolated, because the world is cruel and he can protect you.
Jealousy is not love. Possessive behavior is not love. Remember that. No man deserves your freedom.