13 brutal signs your friend doesn’t respect you

In this post, I’ll show you exactly how to recognize the signs your boyfriend doesn’t respect you.

This list is the exact process I used to filter out the people in my life who disrespected me.

So, if you want to know if your boyfriend doesn’t respect you, as well as what you can do about it, you’ll find exactly what you need in this article.

Let’s dive into it.

#13 Sign that your boyfriend doesn’t respect you

1) They are jealous of you and your successes

When something good happens to us, the first thing we tend to do is call our friends and loved ones to share the happy news.

But if your boyfriend isn’t really happy to hear about your accomplishments, no matter how small or big, it’s a sign that he doesn’t have your best interests in mind.

Instead of celebrating with you, they’ll feel withdrawn or even comment negatively on your good news – two very clear signs that they don’t respect you.

2) Friendship is very one-sided

Do you ever feel like you’re doing everything to keep a friendship going?

Maybe you do your best all the time for your friend but he doesn’t do the same in return?

I used to drive my (ex) boyfriend home all the time, agree to meet him wherever he wanted, and would always help him if he had a problem.

Related : 18 signs of a condescending person (and how to deal with them)

But I remember many times asking for a favor in return, or a ride when my car broke down, and he was never free to help me.

It was the ultimate sign of disrespect, not to mention selfishness. I wish I had recognized these signs sooner, but it’s never too late to know who your real friends are.

3) They don’t have your back

A true friend will defend you even in your absence.

But a friend who has no respect for you will not care enough to support you, and may even participate in all the gossip and backbiting.

One of the signs that this is your boyfriend is that he is always creating drama and telling you what other people are saying about you behind your back.

Because if they support you, others won’t gossip about you.

They seem to know everything people say about you just because they encourage or participate in it.

4) They never apologize or acknowledge their behavior

The fact that you are reading this article indicates that there is something off in your friendship – perhaps your friend has hurt you a few times now and you are wondering if this is normal.

Well, the good news is that there will be difficult or painful times even in the best of friendships…

But most people apologize for their mistakes and work hard to rebuild trust again.

The bad news is that if your boyfriend never apologizes for the way he treats you or hurts you — whether intentionally or unintentionally — he almost certainly has no respect for you or your feelings.

5) They don’t respect your boundaries

Boundaries are essential in every relationship – with family, friends, and partners.

Your boundaries are your values, and they tell the people around you what matters to you, what you’re willing to tolerate, and what doesn’t work for you.

Without them, people will walk around you and take advantage of your time and energy.

For example, you explain that punctuality is important to you.

However, every time you meet them, they are ridiculously late and never care to apologize or change this habit to respect you.

You will know that your friend has little respect for you if he constantly crosses those boundaries and refuses to acknowledge your feelings.

They may go so far as to blame you by saying that you are being “difficult” just because you are trying to stick to what works for you.

6) They are not honest

What is the most important part of any relationship?


Without it, how can you rely on your friend, trust him with your business, and know that he will never try to cheat you?

Although trust is not black and white, and there may be times when good friends make mistakes – a friend who is always dishonest with you is not a true friend.

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By repeatedly exploiting your trust by lying to you, they show that they feel no remorse for their dishonesty and that they do not respect your right to the truth.

7) They cannot keep their promises

The flip side of untrustworthiness is if your friend can’t stick to their word.

When you decide to meet, they will never show up on time.

When you make plans, you will be bailed out at the last minute, or worse – they will leave you waiting without contacting you.

Whatever the situation, a friend who can’t keep his promises is a major sign that he has no respect for you (or your time).

8) They put you in front of others

Does your friend embarrass you in front of others?

Do they make fun of you just to get other people’s attention?

If so, it means your friend is simply using you to look good (although he or she may be achieving the opposite by being mean in public).

It’s their way of hiding their fears.

This is cruel.

Any friend who does this does not deserve your friendship – they are taking advantage of you with little thought to how you feel when they belittle or embarrass you.

9) They push you to make bad choices

Well, we all have that one friend who always gets us into trouble.

For better or worse, we end up spending a crazy time with them but we know they are a good friend because they still keep your best interests in mind and it’s harmless fun.

But what happens when your friend pushes you to intentionally make bad choices that could have dire consequences for your life?

They know they are setting you up for disaster, and yet they seem to come out of it.

They will encourage you to make bad decisions, encourage you to engage in destructive habits, and then conveniently disappear when you need their help.

This type of friend doesn’t respect you, even if it’s “just having fun.”

10) They never give you priority in their lives

The fact that they don’t care about your well-being will be obvious because you will be at the bottom of their priority list.

Although they expect you to drop everything for them, when you want to meet up or need a favor, they have better things to do.

By not putting you first, they are giving you a clear signal that they do not respect you, and they are not even trying to hide their disinterest in you.

11) They are always trying to control you

A controlling friend is not a real friend.

the worst:

Using control over someone is a form of manipulation, and it is disrespectful to you because they want to control your freedom of choice, your opinions, and your desires.

Control comes from low self-esteem, and always making decisions, it’s your friend’s way of feeling superior to you.

Forget fairness or consideration of your desires, they will always find a way to take charge and decide what you will do when you meet.

Getting out of a manipulative and controlling friendship can be difficult, but staying in it is much worse because, over time, your self-esteem and confidence will suffer.

12) They don’t notice when you have a problem

Have you ever felt like your friend goes out of his way when you talk to him?

Or do they interrupt you and start giving you their latest life updates?

This is probably one of the most annoying things someone can do when you reach out to them for help or advice, and all they can do is talk about themselves.

And after a while, you end up sitting there wondering why you bothered trying in the first place. Whatever they have to say is more important.

If this is the case with your friend, there is no doubt that he does not respect you – he is simply using you to complain and complain about his problems.

13) They see you as a competitor

Friends are supposed to cheer each other on and support each other’s dreams.

When one friend succeeds, the other should feel happy for them and celebrate their hard work.

But if your friend views you as a competitor, he or she will likely discourage you from achieving high goals in life.

The painful truth is:

They will want to see you fail.

Related : 15 signs they’re a secret hater (and not a true friend)

Anytime you succeed, whether it’s in your love life or at work, they will take it as a personal blow and will pour a lot of negativity into your happiness.

So, whether you finally go on that first date, or get a promotion at work, they will always find a way to somehow get around that and try to obscure your successes.