How do you know if someone is behaving in a passive aggressive manner?
Well, is it that hard to be around? Do you not trust or respect them the way you wish? The truth is that they may exhibit passive-aggressive behaviors that completely confuse the people around them – and make them angry at you.
In order to fully illustrate these inappropriate behavioral traits for you, I give you a very clear list of passive aggressive examples.
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These 12 examples of things passive-aggressive people do, but they may not realize:
- They don’t speak their truth openly, kindly, or honestly
How this manifests itself in communication is by being “non-assertive”. They say “yes” (firm) when they really mean “no way” (non-assertive).
- They are often late and/or forgetful
One way to push people away is to be brash, impulsive, and irritating. Then, to put things into context, the passive-aggressive person points out that it is unrealistic to expect them to arrive on time, or, as they put it, to “think everything out.”
Being chronically late is disrespectful to others. It is assumed that forgetting to do what was agreed upon is simply showing a lack of trust.
Who wants to be around that for a long time?
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- They drag their feet to disappoint others
Again, the control move is somewhat similar to procrastination, but the difference is that it starts out and appears to be doing what they said they would do. However, they always have an excuse for why they cannot continue or complete the task.
They will not even say when – or even if – this will happen.
- They make up stories, excuses, and lies
Passive-aggressive people are masters of avoiding a direct answer. They will go to great lengths to tell a story, omit information, or even withhold love and affirmation in their primary relationships.
It seemed that if they allowed people to think that they loved them too much, that would give them power.
They prefer to be in control by creating a story that seems plausible, gets people off their backs, and makes reality seem better from their perspective.
- They constantly protect themselves so that no one knows how afraid they are of being incompetent
Take some time to think seriously about this behavior, and if any of these traits describe someone you know, pay attention.
This may help you understand why you are having difficulties in your personal and professional relationship with this person.
The good news is that people are not passive aggressive by nature. These behavior patterns can change with some relationship ideas, skills, and advice.
And if you’ve realized some uncomfortable things about yourself in the list above, what now?
Get some relationship help. We all deal with our passive aggressive “things” honestly.
There is no blame here. If you read the list and see yourself, you have two choices: recognize what doesn’t work for you and change it, or continue to ignore it as other people’s problems.
Choose the former so you can instantly feel more accepted, loved, desired, appreciated, and respected.
Related: 10 subtle signs your partner is bringing you down, not lifting you up