12 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Love You Anymore

Do you notice that your relationship is no longer what it used to be? He may not have actually said this to you, but you know that your relationship is never the same again. If you’re wondering if your relationship is heading toward troubled waters, here are 12 telltale signs your partner doesn’t love you anymore.

Love is not the only thing needed to maintain a relationship. It needs commitment and adjustment. There is no perfect relationship. No matter how hard that may be, it’s a fact that not all relationships last forever.

It takes a lot to move forward, but if you can spot the signs of a relationship dying, you can prepare yourself for it from an early stage. Seeing things clearly will help you understand your relationship situation and whether it would be a better option to get out of the relationship than to walk it out.

Watch out for these 12 signs your partner doesn’t love you anymore

If he is behaving in these ways, this is a warning that your relationship is dying. Look out for these telltale signs your partner no longer loves you so you can finally decide if it’s time to move on or work things out.

  1. They no longer compliment you on your appearance.
    A relationship requires both emotional and physical attraction. At first, they will tell you how beautiful or handsome you look but as time goes on they don’t seem to notice you at all. Did you cut your hair or put on a new shirt? They don’t seem to have any attraction left for you.
  2. They don’t seem to put in any effort to make the relationship work.
    It is clear to them that the two of you will no longer be together. They are not interested in fights and have no residual enthusiasm for resolving conflicts. They are slowly beginning to accept the end is near.

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  1. They don’t seem to care about you anymore.
    You get the feeling that they are no longer interested. You get that feeling from it. Those sparks went into their eyes. The smile has already faded. It’s becoming clear that you’re getting a hint of that, too.
  2. They don’t thank you for your gestures.
    They will look forward to dates. Now dates are boring and boring. You don’t get that warm hug when you bring them gifts. You don’t get that endless ‘thank you’ when you give them a surprise they love. Indifference is the only expression you get from them.
  3. Contact is rare:
    Communication is the foundation of every relationship. When the connection begins to die, the relationship dies, too. If communication between you is rare, then the spark is no longer there. Your partner lacks interest in talking to you and if they can’t communicate, they can’t live with you either.
  4. They make no effort to make you feel special.
    They don’t treat you to your favorite food or gifts that you love. They make no effort to make you feel special. They don’t care whether you feel happy or not. They have lost all interest because they are not happy in the relationship anymore.
  5. They act regardless of how you feel about their actions.
    They don’t care if their actions hurt you or not. They will do whatever they want and in the end, if they offend you, they won’t get upset. They don’t regret their actions because they lost interest in you.
  1. They don’t give you any attention anymore.

12 Signs your partner doesn’t love you anymore

Signs your partner doesn’t love you anymore

They don’t care if you had a bad day at work. They don’t care how you feel. They hurt you without feeling guilty. They don’t care where you are and what you do. They don’t seem to invest their time in you. They have stopped caring about you.

  1. They don’t care about getting your attention either.
    They don’t interact anymore if you don’t call them all day. They don’t get bothered if you don’t care about them at all. It is as if they have accepted your ignorance knowing that this is the reality.
  2. You are the one who starts the conversations.
    They hardly talk to you. They don’t care to talk to you at all. You’re the one who always starts conversations and they don’t seem interested in continuing it. The long conversations you both enjoyed have lost their magic.
  3. Your physical presence has lost its importance.
    They don’t crave your physical presence anymore. They don’t bother if you’re around at all. They won’t be excited if you come and meet them. They tend to treat you like a ghost when you are around.

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  1. There is hardly any physical intimacy between you:
    Kisses or hugs… forget them! excitement? This is a forgotten past. They don’t feel sexually attracted to you anymore. The moment the physical relationship ends, it is an indication that the relationship will end soon as well.