12 qualities of a classy woman that separates her from everyone else

Understanding class in someone is not as easy as attractiveness or wealth.

It comes in many forms, but it largely stems from a woman’s sense of self and how she treats others.

While these are certainly common habits among stylish people, becoming stylish is an internal effort; more than just a lifestyle change, it’s a behavior change.

To help you out, here are a few guidelines that most stylish people adhere to.

These principles tend to go unspoken, but if you watch enough stylish people, you’ll find that they all follow roughly the same guidelines.

Here are 12 rules that every stylish woman follows to elevate her life.

  1. She respects herself
    While society may have a different idea of ​​what she should and shouldn’t be, a stylish woman doesn’t allow herself to be defined that way.

Her integrity and self-respect enable her to be who she wants to be; who she feels she is, not what others say she is.

She respects her body, so she exercises and eats well.

She respects her mind, so she reads books and continues to learn.

She respects her identity, so she doesn’t do things that she knows are beneath her.

A stylish woman is self-reliant, independent, and strong.

She is confident, sticks to her values, and doesn’t conform to someone else’s idea of ​​her.

  1. She doesn’t play games with others…

Good communication is essential to forming good relationships with friends and colleagues.

No riddles. No games. Just the real truth.

A stylish woman says what she means and means what she says. She doesn’t expect people to read her mind.

Instead, she clearly expresses her thoughts and feelings.

When someone disappoints or upsets her, she doesn’t bottle it up and hides it.

She discusses it maturely with the other person while maintaining respect and kindness.

She also doesn’t try to manipulate others with her words.

She can share her opinions respectfully without imposing them on others.

3… But she has a playful side

She knows when to be serious and when to be playful.

When she makes a mistake in the past, she can laugh at herself with humility.

She knows not to take life too seriously, so she accepts and lets go of her regrets and past mistakes, learns from them, and then moves on.

When she jokes, it is not at the expense of others. Rather, it is usually about the silly things that happen in life.

This is what makes her a source of happiness: no one gets hurt.

She tries to make everyone feel comfortable when she is around her.

  1. Choose good friends
    The elegant woman tends to spend most of her time with others.

Whether she is attending another event or meeting someone for lunch, the company she keeps does not tend to be accidental.

She is intentional about who she wants to spend her time with.

Multiple studies have shown that one’s friends can influence one’s behavior—for better or worse.

So she prefers to surround herself with positive people who support her, and who she can support.

Don’t hang out with people who don’t respect waiters or doormen, or who talk behind other people’s backs.

  1. She’s always looking to improve herself
    A stylish woman knows her potential.

The skills and knowledge she’s born with aren’t finite, and she knows it.

She’s able to reinvent herself over and over again.

This is what psychologist Carol Dweck calls a “growth mindset.”

This is what allows good women to grow and pursue their passions.

If she’s not familiar with the management side of her business but is interested in it, she takes the initiative to learn.

You might see her taking online courses and reading business books to help her grow her knowledge of the subject.

She’s able to walk the fine line between self-acceptance and never giving up.

She pushes herself to be better but has the empathy to understand her weaknesses.

When she falls or gets knocked down, she doesn’t let it get to her. She gets up and tries again.

  1. She shows respect for everyone
    A stylish woman understands that everyone deserves to be treated with the same level of respect. We are all human, after all.

While there may be people with a bad history and a record of less-than-ideal behavior, she still interacts with them politely and with her grace.

This is the same attitude she adopts when dealing with senior executives as it is with interns, receptionists, and customer service staff—people who are traditionally above and below her on the corporate ladder.

It costs nothing to show respect and kindness to others, but for others, it can still be a bit pricey.

She greets people by their first name. She remembers what they’ve said to her, and she’s generous with her compliments.

She doesn’t do it to curry favor: she does it because she genuinely loves people.

  1. Choose timeless and appropriate styles
    Trends are fleeting, but style can be enduring.

That’s why, when it comes to styling herself, a stylish woman tends to gravitate toward more timeless fashion styles.

Instead of wearing the latest shiny piece of jewelry, she might instead invest in genuine pearl earrings that will last and never go out of style.

Her clothes are always appropriate for the occasion. You will never see her underdressed.

By dressing in timeless clothing, she ensures that she will always look appropriate, whether it’s a formal lunch or a cocktail party.

  1. She can forgive and understand…

Forgiving someone for their actions can be difficult, especially when they have crossed a line. It’s one of the hardest things anyone can do; most people spend their entire lives holding a grudge against someone.

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A stylish woman can find it in her heart to say that some things are just water under the bridge.

While it’s hard to understand someone, she believes that no one is above forgiveness.

She doesn’t need to carry such heavy emotional burdens.

By forgiving someone who has wronged her, she can form a whole new relationship with that person.

After all, what good does it do to someone to hold onto hate anyway?

9…but she can also be assertive when she needs to

She is brave and confident when it comes to standing up for her beliefs and standing up for others.

While she can laugh off jokes and insults directed at her, when they are directed at someone she cares about, that’s when she puts her foot down.

While she may forgive that person, it may take her longer to do so.

  1. She has integrity
    It can be hard to find true integrity in a person these days.

So often, people’s actions and behaviors are shaped by those around them, and by what they believe will give them the most social influence.

Elegant women will always live with integrity, whether millions of people are watching or they’re alone with no one around.

Because elegance means living by the standards you set for yourself, what you believe is right, and sticking to those standards even when no one judges you otherwise.

  1. She’s a role model
    Everyone loves heroes. They’re people we should look up to. They show that someone can be so kind and forgiving; someone can be strong and confident enough to stand up for others.

When you’re with a stylish woman, you know that.

She inspires you to be a better version of yourself every day.

She motivates you to work harder and go further because she’s truly invested in seeing you reach your full potential.

She uses her platform to speak up about important issues that affect the people she knows.

She’s not afraid to stand up for the truth when others are afraid of the consequences.

The actions she takes may inspire others to do the same, and that’s exactly what she hopes for.

  1. She Empathizes and Connects
    When someone is feeling down and unsure about how to process their feelings, she’s there to help.

She doesn’t judge or criticize others. Instead, she listens and gives them the attention they need.

She may even go so far as to cancel plans just to comfort a friend.

This is also why good women tend to have very deep and intimate relationships around them.

Her relationships are important to her, so she invests her time and energy in maintaining them.

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