12 brutal signs your partner is holding you back from being your best self, according to psychologists

Living our lives to the fullest is something we should all strive for. That’s why it’s especially concerning when your partner, your rock, is holding you back from reaching your full potential and living a fulfilling life.

In a healthy relationship, both partners should support each other’s growth and encourage each other to reach their full potential.

So, let’s look at the brutal signs that your partner is holding you back from being the best version of yourself, according to psychologists.

1) Controlling You

Partners who try to control what you do, who you meet, and where you go are holding you back from exploring new opportunities and experiences. At the very least, right?

I mean, controlling you has far-reaching consequences, too. It’s not just about missing out on new experiences. It goes much deeper than that.

It can make you doubt yourself and your abilities because you’re always second-guessing whether what you want is “right” or “allowed.” Let’s not forget the emotional toll that takes.

Constantly feeling like you’re walking on eggshells or living under a microscope is undeniably exhausting and stressful.

You’re not living your own life. You’re living by someone else’s rules. That’s no way to thrive or be truly happy.

2) Jealousy

Some people are exceptionally jealous of their partner, the things they do, and the people they do it with.

Needless to say, their jealousy and insecurity in the relationship can limit your freedom and stifle your pursuit of your passion and fulfillment in life.

They, again, want to control what you do, where you do it, and who you do it with. Psychologists say these actions can create a toxic environment where trust erodes and both partners feel stifled.

They also stress the importance of addressing jealousy and insecurity in a relationship through open communication and building trust.

Both partners must work together to understand the root causes of jealousy and find healthy ways to manage it.

3) Constant Criticism

If your partner is constantly pointing out your flaws and shortcomings instead of supporting your growth, it may be a sign that they’re holding you back.

Instead of feeling motivated to improve yourself and reach your goals, you end up feeling like you’re not good enough.

He highlights your weaknesses instead of helping you shine. And that’s not good.

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In a healthy relationship, your partner should support you, not tear you down. He should be your biggest supporter, celebrating your successes and helping you overcome your challenges.

When he doesn’t, it’s a sure sign that he might be holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself.

4) Lack of Encouragement and Support

As I just said, your partner should be your biggest advocate, not someone who dismisses your goals and dreams.

I know my wife supports me and has always encouraged me to pursue my passion no matter how far it goes. And I think I do the same for her.

So, if your partner doesn’t do that, that’s a big problem. You feel alone in your ambitions and like you’re facing the world without support.

And that’s not how it should be. Your partner should be there for you, cheering you on through thick and thin.

Whether you want to start a new business, learn a new skill, or chase a wild dream, they need to be there, holding your hand and saying, “Go!”

But there’s something even worse than that.

5) Isolating You

Cutting you off from friends and family makes it harder for you to grow and develop as an individual.

They build a wall around you, locking you into their world. Because of this, you miss out on the diverse perspectives, advice, and love that these relationships bring.

Psychologists confirm that when one partner intentionally cuts off their support network from the other, it creates a sense of dependency and control that is unhealthy for both parties.

In other words, isolation is another red flag that indicates deeper issues that need to be addressed ASAP.

6) Ignoring Your Needs or Input

If your partner is constantly putting their own needs above yours and doesn’t prioritize your happiness, or doesn’t listen to you, this is a big sign that something is wrong.

You deserve to be with someone who values ​​what you have to say and cares about what you need.

If they don’t, you’ll end up feeling neglected, resentful, and frustrated.

Over time, this can create a dynamic where you feel unheard and unimportant, which can have long-term consequences for your self-esteem and happiness.

But some partners go even further.

7) Undermining Your Self-Esteem

Yes, if your partner is belittling your accomplishments or constantly comparing you to others, this can erode your self-esteem and prevent you from pursuing your goals.

For example, they frequently compare you to others in an unfavorable way, such as by saying, “Why can’t you be more like [friend’s name]? They’re so much more successful than you.”

Or, whenever you suggest something new or innovative, your partner immediately dismisses it, saying things like, “This will never work,” or “You’re just wasting your time.”

These are just a few examples, but each one can have a significant impact on your self-confidence and self-esteem.

If you’re experiencing any of these behaviors in your relationship, you need to address them and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist.

8) Feeling Resentful

If you find yourself resenting your partner for holding you back or stifling your ambitions, this is a clear sign that something is wrong in the relationship. Your needs for growth, independence, and support aren’t being met.

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But it’s a natural response to feeling restricted or limited in your personal development and can lead to frustration, anger, and dissatisfaction.

9) Feeling Stagnant

If you constantly feel like you’re stuck and unable to advance in your personal or professional life, your partner’s influence may be a factor as well.

This is especially true when you combine it with other behaviors on this list. If you notice three, four, or ten of these behaviors, they’re the ones at fault, not you.

Your partner plays an important role in your life, and if their influence is holding you back personally or professionally, that’s terrible, right?

If they’re not willing to support you in reaching your full potential, it’s time to reevaluate whether the relationship is truly in your best interests.

After all, you deserve to be with someone who encourages and lifts you, not someone who holds you back.

10) Making Excuses

Partners who make excuses for why you can’t follow your dreams or achieve your goals are not supporting your aspirations.

Some of them seem to be putting up barriers instead of paving the way for you to succeed.

It can be very frustrating and demotivating, especially when you’re passionate about something and ready to pursue it with all your energy.

Excuses like “it’s not the right time” or “we can’t afford it” may seem reasonable on the surface, but if they repeatedly use them to try to bring down your aspirations, it’s a clear sign that your partner doesn’t support your dreams.

Instead of finding solutions or offering encouragement, they find reasons to make you give up before you even get started.

11) Feeling drained

If spending time with your partner always leaves you emotionally drained or worn out, it’s a big sign that something is up in the relationship.

When your partner makes you feel this way, it means they’re draining all your energy instead of lifting you.

A healthy relationship should leave you feeling energized, supported, and emotionally fulfilled.

You need to step back and evaluate the dynamics of your relationship.

12) Settling for less

Finally, if you find yourself settling for less than you deserve or giving up on your dreams because of your partner’s influence, it’s clear that they’re holding you back from being the best version of yourself.

Your dreams and ambitions are an essential part of who you are, and anyone who truly cares about you should support and encourage you to pursue them.