12 behaviors that indicate someone’s love for you isn’t genuine

True love is a beautiful thing. Finding your twin flame can feel that you have finally found the person you are communicating with.

Everything seems easy with them, and although you don’t need them, it but it adds a lot to your life and makes it more full.

But, unfortunately, not all love is true love.

Some people behave as if they were in your love when they are not. It may be very difficult to know the difference when you are very deep.

Do you think someone’s love for you is not real? Here are 12 behaviors to hold it.

1) They are nice to you in public places, but they criticize you separately

When someone’s love is not real, they want to show you and boast how you are in public places.

But once you leave the party, this behavior will end.

It will end for two main reasons.

Either they love the idea of being with you and the situation you give them – instead of who you are as a person.

Or they want to keep the appearances in front of people, but simply cannot be nice for you when it is just one on one.

2) Their behavior does not match their words

They say they will never harm you, but they continue to harm you. They say they will never cheat on you, but they were doing it constantly.

They say they will take you on nice dates, but they never do so. They say they love you, but the way they treat you make you feel anything but loved.

When someone’s love is not real, his behavior will not match their words. They may say all the right things sometimes, and it will make you faint.

But they do not mean them. Because all the nice things they say they will do, they never do so. There will always be an excuse for that.

When the real reason is that their love for you is not real.

3) They break the promises all the time

When someone really loves you, he will not hesitate to break their promises.

You may promise that your clothes are not ridiculed in front of their friends anymore. Or they will stop admiring these pictures of other girls on Instagram.

But it will not last until a day or two before they return to doing these things – even when they know how painful you are.

This is not because they do not care about you at all. This is because they do not care enough to set better limits around what they do and do not do with you.

They also do not care enough to stop doing the things that harm you when they say they will do.

4) They take, take, take

This is a harsh fact. Some people do not like you to the person you are. They love you how to make them feel or the things you do for them.

It is surprising that we realize this, but this is true in some situations.

When someone’s love is not real, they will take everything you offer to them – and they will enjoy it.

They will love to verify health, status, strength, time, or even the money you offer to them.

But they will not really love you. You will only know that when you discover that the reasons for “love” are material, and not personally.

5) They are constantly lying to you

When you love someone (and not a narcissist who lacks sympathy), you do not lie to them. Lying on someone you love makes you feel bad and like you break their confidence.

But if someone really does not like you, they have no problem with lying on your face. Even if you discover that they are lying and facing them, they will not start.

It will make you look (and feel) as a crazy person or madness – instead of admitting that they have lied.

Because they prefer your situation and make you feel bad than admitting that they were wrong.

6) They press you to do things that you do not want to do

Poilizer pressure is a terrible thing. And pressure from a worse romantic partner.

When someone is dating, you want to make it happy – especially if you are a little bit of people.

But you should not change yourself or offer your happiness for another person.

And if the person who claims to love you is pressing you to do something you do not want to do, this is not a real love.

7) They try to control you

There is a big difference between love and control – but a very thin line separates the two in terms of people’s behavior.

When someone loves you, they may encourage you and push you in the right direction. But in the end, they know (and respect) that you make your own decisions.

As if you were trying to lose weight, someone loves you will happily help you achieve your goals. But they will not put you or try to control what you eat to make you achieve.

They will also not try to change your appearance, make you wear certain clothes, or prevent you from going to the places you want to go to.

If someone does that for you, this is not a real love. It is control.

8) They choose insecurity

A person who really loves you is concerned with your feelings.

If you don’t like someone a lot, or feel jealous of you, they may not be nice to you.

It may highlight your faults or choose insecurity. Sometimes, they will turn it into a joke. But sometimes they will be bad.

Either way, everything will make you feel bad about yourself – and they feel better towards themselves.

It is something that you don’t do when you really love someone.

9) They love you

When you have a great appreciation for itself, it may be difficult to determine the obtaining of lovebombed.

You know its value and do not expect abuse from others. So when someone treats you well, you think it is real behavior.

Unfortunately, many people (especially narcissists) love their partners or potential partners in the early stages.

They do this to treat you, gain your love or verify health. But they will take “love” quickly and replace it with cold behavior.

Although you may think someone you like is real in his feelings for you, it is not.

10) They are afraid they will be alone

Another way to get to know if someone’s love for you is real is to understand what they feel about being alone.

Many people are afraid of giving up and being single. So they will try to stay in relationships as long as possible to avoid being alone.

Sometimes, they do not even know whether they are really love or they are afraid to be alone, according to experts.

But you will know, deep. You will feel that they do not really know you or even like you.

Or as if they were hindering part of themselves. Or even as they are trying to force you, instead of allowing it naturally.

11) They try to buy your love

Love does not revolve around major gestures and expensive gifts. But if someone does this, they may be afraid to give up and do not want you to leave them.

Or you want to take the easy way to gain your love, instead of letting it come naturally.

A friend of mine had her boyfriend once had a harsh person in evenings. When you are upset the next day, he was buying her flowers.

The course was constantly repeating itself. The worse his behavior, the higher the cost of gifts.

Unfortunately, his love for her was not real. Because if so, it will not be harsh for her to start. He will also not try to win it with money, rather than something more honest.

12) Something that does not feel right

The final mark is that someone’s love for you is not real if something he feels.

You cannot completely put your finger as it is. Perhaps this is how they behave. Or maybe this is the way you feel around them.

Or perhaps the fact that you cannot trust them and the things they say at all.

Whatever it is, something will not feel right when someone is not real with you. And when this happens, it is better to trust your intestine, instead of convincing yourself that “everything is fine.”

Last ideas

Being in love with someone who does not love you again is a terrible feeling. In fact, it is a snare.

Sometimes, the person who does it knows exactly what they do. At other times, they are not their mistake. They only lack sympathy or self -awareness to see how they really feel deep.

But this does not mean that you must stay in a relationship with someone who does not love you real.