He seems like a normal, caring person. Beneath his charming facade, he has no conscience for the pain and suffering he causes you.
When you’re dating a sociopath, the only warning sign you might have is a slight feeling of doubt and doubt – it’s a warning sign you should pay attention to.
Related: If a man says these 7 things in conversation, he’s trying to manipulate you
Sociopaths can be very romantic, very charming, very generous, and seductive. He drinks wine and dines, calls you constantly, sends you greeting cards and love letters, writes you poetry, and surprises you with flowers, jewelry, gifts, and trips.
It’s thoughtful. Fixes a broken necklace clasp. Pick up your kids from school and bring groceries and wine to your home. It sounds too good to be true.
You feel like you have met your soul mate.
The sociopath declares his love and devotion to you early in the relationship. He tells you that he has never felt so fast for a woman. He convinces you that he has been misunderstood and mistreated all his life and that you are the only one who understands him. He is quick to propose engagement and marriage. She is drawn to his stories of difficulties and sadness.
Feel needed and validated.
Makes you feel special. He talks about a romantic and secure future together and intrigues you with his grandiose plans. Although his stories seem complicated and far-fetched, he seems like a normal, decent, caring person. You choose to believe him because he is so convincing.
His only goal is to please himself.
Everything about a relationship is a sociopath’s game. They are astute observers of human behavior and will target women who are nurturing, trusting, kind, and caring. It identifies your beliefs, issues, and emotions and declares that you like what you like, hate what you hate, and believe what you believe – thus becoming your perfect companion.
- History of failed relationships and/or divorce, lack of friends, and distance from family members
He blames everyone and everything for his problems and harmful actions. They often portray their victim as the perpetrator. They can end relationships quickly when necessary or when it suits them.
- Weak behavioral controls on expressions of irritation, annoyance, impatience, aggression, and anger
Secretive and paranoid. Defensive when asked about his whereabouts, work, money, or how he spends his time.
- Consistently irresponsible business behavior or failure to fulfill financial obligations
A parasitic lifestyle – or, if a successful businessman, using his status to manipulate, intimidate and control others.
- He has an innate ability to discover the weaknesses of others
He will use this knowledge to manipulate, intimidate, and control people.
Do you frequently fall for emotionally unavailable, uncommitted, or abusive men? It is easy to buy a man’s adulation, attractiveness, and good looks.
If you think you may be suffering from depression or anxiety as a result of ongoing emotional abuse at the hands of a narcissist, you are not alone.