11 relationship red flags that aren’t as important as people think

I would say we can find red flags in every relationship if we want to dissect it. But some of the red flags are not as important as we think.

From disagreements and jealousy to the burdens of past relationships, some people go into red alert when thinking about these matters.

But I think it’s time to rethink some of the potential relationship warning signs and see them for what they are.

1) Different interests
Having different interests doesn’t necessarily mean that a relationship won’t work. In fact, it can be beneficial and bring variety and novelty to the relationship.

As long as there is mutual respect and support for each other’s interests, things should be fine.

When both partners have their own thing, they can enjoy time alone or with their separate social circles. This adds to a balanced sense of independence and individuality in a relationship or marriage.

The same goes for a few shared hobbies. Of all the people I know, there are probably a couple who share hobbies. In all other couples, each partner does their own thing.

For example, one partner is into fitness and video games, while the other enjoys playing ball and hiking.

However, different interests sometimes trigger the next red flag.

2) Controversies and arguments
All healthy relationships involve open communication, which sometimes includes disagreements and arguments.

Having different opinions is normal, and respectful discussions can lead to growth and understanding.

As I’ve written many times before, my wife and I rarely argued until our son was born three years ago. Now, we differ a lot because we have a somewhat different way of raising him.

However, these controversies are nothing to write home about, really. We quickly came to an agreement and moved on with our day.

I just want to point out that disagreements and quarrels allow partners to openly express their feelings, thoughts and feelings. It enables each person to feel heard and trusted, which encourages emotional intimacy and trust.

Through arguments, couples get to the core of issues and work together to find solutions and compromises.

This problem-solving process can strengthen the relationship and build mutual respect.

Ultimately, it is unrealistic to expect complete agreement on every issue or decision.

3) Baggage of a past relationship
For many people, their past relationships left them with emotional scars or trust issues.

If someone is actively working on themselves and getting better, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are unable to form a healthy relationship.

It is essential to be aware of the baggage of a past relationship and its potential impact on the current relationship.

While past experiences may have shaped you or your partner, it is important to focus on the present and the dynamics of your current relationship.

Don’t let past experiences cloud the prospect of a healthy, happy relationship now.

One thing I always recommend is to avoid comparing your current partner to your ex. Everyone is unique, and comparing them can lead to unrealistic expectations or inhibit the growth of your current relationship.

4) Moments of jealousy
Occasional moments of jealousy can be expected as long as it is not controlling or harmful.

For example, feelings of mild jealousy often show that the partner cares deeply about the relationship. It reflects the fear of losing a special connection with their partner, which highlights the importance of the bond.

In some cases, jealousy is associated with protective instincts. When not motivated by possessiveness or control, it is a natural response to protect the relationship from potential threats or harm.

On the other hand, excessive jealousy is not healthy. It can lead to trust issues, emotional distress, and damage to the overall health of the relationship.

5) Different backgrounds

People from different backgrounds can enrich the relationship with diverse perspectives, philosophies, and experiences. As long as both partners are open-minded, they can accept their differences.

We’ve all seen at least one comic where the characters come from completely different backgrounds, right?

Their relationship is full of shenanigans and awkward moments, especially when meeting the parents. But it always works out in the end, right?

Joking aside, partners from different backgrounds have the opportunity to participate in cultural exchange.

They can learn about each other’s customs, traditions and values. This can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other’s heritage.

But couples from different backgrounds will often face unique challenges that require creative problem-solving.