10 ways to spot a fake friend before they let you down

Navigating friendships can be difficult. There are times when someone may seem like a true friend, but they are hiding their true intentions.

Spotting a fake friend before they disappoint you is an essential skill. It can save you a lot of heartache and keep your trust for those who truly deserve it.

Knowing the signs of a fake friend can help you stay away from them. I’ve compiled a list of 10 ways to identify these claimants before they let you down.

So, if you’re ready to ditch the fakery and keep your circuit real, keep reading. Trust me, this is the kind of knowledge that can make life a lot easier.

1) They always take, never give

Friendships are about give and take. But with fake friends, it’s usually more about it.

You will notice that they are always willing to accept your help or take advantage of your generosity, but when you need a service or support, they are nowhere to be found.

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This is a clear sign of one-sided friendship. It’s as if they are only around you for their own sake and not because they truly value your company.

Pay attention to this type of behavior. A true friend doesn’t keep scores, but there should be some balance in how much each of you gives to the relationship. If you feel like you’re constantly giving and they’re just taking, it’s time to question whether or not this is a true friendship.

2) They cannot be found in difficult times

Life is a rollercoaster, and we all have ups and downs. But a true friend is someone who sticks with you through thick and thin.

I remember a time in my life when I was going through a rough patch. I lost my job, and it affected me badly. I was anxious, worried about my future, and needed someone to rely on.

I reached out to a friend – let’s call her Lisa – who I thought was close to me. We shared countless laughs and good times. But just when I needed her most, Lisa suddenly became very busy.

Her sudden unavailability during my time of need made me realize that our friendship wasn’t as strong as I thought. It was a wake-up call.

A true friend is someone who is there for you in your darkest hours, not just when times are good. If she disappears when things get tough, this may be a sign that she’s not as real as you thought.

3) They are quick to share your secrets

Trust is the cornerstone of any strong friendship. You trust your friends because you trust them to keep your secrets safe.

However, a fake friend may not treat your private information with the respect it deserves. Instead, they may use it as gossip fodder, spreading it without a second thought about your feelings or privacy.

Gossip can strengthen social bonds by promoting cooperation and promoting shared norms. But when it comes at the expense of someone’s trust, it can be really harmful.

If you discover that one of your friends is sharing your secrets, it may be time to reconsider whether they are your friend at all.

After all, a true friend understands the value of trust and would never risk it for the sake of exciting gossip.

4) They are often too good to be true

Have you ever met someone who seemed perfect from the start?

They instantly liked everything you liked, agreed with every opinion you had, and were always available.

It’s as if it’s too good to be true.

Well, maybe they were.

True friendships take time to build, and true friends aren’t afraid to disagree with you or have their own lives.

When you notice someone mirroring you too closely, it may be a sign that they are not revealing their true selves. Be careful, because this may just be the first red flag for a fake friend.

5) They never celebrate your successes

A true friend is one who rejoices in your achievements and celebrates your successes with you.

If you just received a big promotion at work, passed an exam, or achieved a personal goal, your friends should be the first to congratulate you and share your joy.

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Conversely, it is not surprising that the fake friend’s reaction will be different. They can belittle your success or even ignore it completely. Worse still, they may try to put the spotlight on themselves, shifting the focus away from your accomplishment.

Lack of enthusiasm for your victories is a clear sign of a fake friend. Because a true friend will be truly happy for you and want to celebrate these moments with you.

6) They are full of empty promises

We all know that actions speak louder than words. A fake friend is often just words and no action. They may make big promises, assuring you that they will be there when you need them or that they will do something important for you.

However, when it comes time to hand in, they are often full of excuses or simply disappear. This discrepancy between their words and actions can be truly disappointing and hurtful.

If you notice a pattern of broken promises, this is a clear sign that you are dealing with a fake friend. True friends understand the importance of keeping their word and will go out of their way to help you when it is necessary.

7) They don’t make time for you

Time is one of the most precious gifts we can give anyone. It is a clear indication of where our priorities lie. A true friend will always find time for you, no matter how busy they are.

But a fake friend? Making time for you often feels like an afterthought to them. They may constantly cancel plans or be unavailable when you want to meet up.

Are you always the one who initiates contact? Do they only hang out when it’s convenient for them? These may be signs of a one-sided friendship.

Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re not worth their time. you deserve the best.

8) They are constantly negative

We all have our days off where we might feel a little down or negative. But with fake friends, it often feels like they’re stuck in a constant state of negativity.

I once had a friend who always found something to complain about. Even on the happiest of occasions, she can find a way to lighten the mood. At first, I tried to be understanding and supportive, thinking she was having a hard time. But as the months turned into years, she realized that this was just her default state.

This constant negativity can be incredibly stressful. It can also lead to a toxic friendship where you are constantly pulling you down instead of lifting you up.

Remember, a true friend should bring happiness and positivity into your life, not just constant negativity.

9) They talk about you behind your back

There’s nothing quite as painful as knowing a friend is talking about you behind your back. It’s a profound betrayal, especially when it’s someone you trust.

A fake friend may spread rumors or share unkind words about you when you are not around. It’s not just disrespectful. It’s a clear sign that they don’t value your friendship as much as they should.

True friends will defend your reputation when you are not there, and will not damage it. So, if you hear a friend talking about you behind your back, it may be time to confront them or reconsider the friendship.

10) It makes you feel bad about yourself

Ultimately, a true friend is someone who makes you feel good about yourself. They lift you up, encourage you, and help you see the best in yourself.

On the other hand, a fake friend may constantly bring you down or make you feel like you’re not good enough. They may make fun of your dreams, belittle your accomplishments, or even make you doubt your self-worth.

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You have every right to be happy and successful. Don’t let anyone dim your shine. You deserve friends who celebrate you, not those who tear you down.

Final Thoughts: The essence of true friendship

When it comes to friendships, quality always trumps quantity. Having a few true friends who stand by your side through thick and thin is much more valuable than having a large number of fake friends.

Friendship, like any relationship, should be built on mutual respect, trust and care. It’s not just about having fun together; It’s about being there for each other in times of need.