10 warning signs you’re in a loveless relationship

It can be very difficult to be in a loveless relationship.

Whether it’s you, your partner, or both of you who have lost feelings, it can be hard to recognize the signs without confusing them with other common relationship problems.

So, here are 10 warning signs to look out for, so you can make an informed decision about your future.

It may not be easy to read, but it’s worth getting the clarity so you know whether to move on or keep trying.

1) Lack of communication
Poor communication is usually the first indication of a problem in a relationship.

And in the case of a loveless relationship, this is obvious.

You’ve gone from talking every chance you get, sharing your dreams, and whispering sweet things, to now just discussing the basics of day-to-day dealings.

A more telling sign is if neither of you can be bothered to even talk anymore.

A problem arises, but you don’t care enough to argue about it, let alone solve it. A far cry from the emotional battles you’ve experienced before.

If so, it’s not just the love that’s missing out, it’s the attention too.

2) No intimate relationship
After a lack of communication, intimacy takes the next big hit.

And I’m not just talking about sex. Intimacy is generally put on the back burner, including:

Holding hands while walking
Put your arms around each other
Stroking or resting your hands on top of each other
Kissing to say good night or good morning

I hate to say it, but if you can’t remember the last time you did any of these things, that’s another warning sign that you’re in a loveless relationship.

You see, intimacy is a huge part of a relationship. Sometimes, it’s easier to show our love than to say it.

So, if you’ve been avoiding each other on purpose, with no plans to find the spark again, it could be that the love simply isn’t there anymore… and neither is the attraction.

3) Lack of emotional support
Do you often feel that your partner doesn’t really care about your problems?

Or maybe you just can’t bear to listen to them anymore?

When we are in love, we feel so attached to the other person that we even feel their pain and sadness. We stay up at night worrying about them.

So, if you feel a lack of emotional support, this is a sign that your partner (or both of you) have withdrawn from the relationship.

And if that’s the case, you may have noticed that you’re starting to seek support elsewhere; Through family or friends.

Your partner isn’t the one for you anymore because the dynamics and feelings in your relationship have changed.

4) Lots of arguments
Conflict is a normal part of any relationship…and if it doesn’t happen every day, then I’d say you don’t have much to worry about.

The real caveat is if you are more into arguing than talking.

It’s the time when you’ve been arguing for days and you can’t remember the last time there was harmony in your relationship.

Now, I’ll be honest, this point can go two ways.

Arguments can happen when the two of you don’t know how to communicate healthily and move forward together. Couples counseling can help with this.

But, if you feel that there is a lot of resentment, not a lot of desire to solve problems, and threats to break up are frequent, then this may be a sign that love has waned.

5) Lack of common interests
When we are in love, we tend to be more accommodating and open about our partner’s interests.

I, for one, don’t enjoy poker but since my husband does, I’ll get in on it from time to time or cheer him on when he’s playing. He does the same when it comes to watching musicals.

But if neither of you cares about the other person’s likes and dislikes, that’s a telling sign.

Perhaps you find yourself spending more time alone or with other people…

Eventually, this rift will grow so large that you won’t remember the last time you went out to dinner together, or for a walk, or for the weekend.

The thing you have to remember is that when you love someone, you crave their company. If that feeling just isn’t there anymore, it looks like both of you are going through the motions.

6) Avoid each other

Do you make excuses to avoid being around your partner?