Have you ever heard the saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?”

Well, when it comes to the highly successful people in our world, that’s not the case. Their weekends aren’t all about relaxing and forgetting about work.

But wait a minute.

No, they’re not tied to their desks or glued to their screens either. So, what do these highly successful people do on their weekends that makes them stand out?

Are you interested? I thought you were.

Here’s a look at “10 Unique Things Highly Successful People Do on Their Weekends.” These aren’t your typical weekend activities, but on the other hand, these aren’t your typical activities for ordinary people either.

1) They Plan Their “Off” Time

You might be thinking, “It’s the weekend! Why would anyone want to plan it?”

Here’s the thing.

Successful people realize that time is their most valuable resource. They don’t let a single minute go by without using it.

That’s right.

They plan their weekends with the same meticulousness as they plan their weekdays. But don’t get me wrong. This doesn’t mean scheduling every second with work-related tasks.


It can be as simple as setting aside time for a morning run, planning a date night, or even reserving the afternoon for some well-deserved rest.

That way, they make the most of their weekend while finding a balance between productivity and fun.

2) Disconnect to Reconnect

This is something I’ve personally experienced.

A few years ago, I found myself constantly glued to my phone, even on the weekends. Emails, texts, social media—you name it. I was always “connected.”


One weekend, I decided to do something different. I made a conscious decision to disconnect from all digital devices for a full 24 hours. No phone, no laptop, no TV.

And what happened?

It was liberating! I’ve been able to reconnect with myself and the world around me in a way that was impossible when I was immersed in my digital life.

Like me, many successful people make it a point to disconnect from their gadgets over the weekend. Why?

Because they realize that to truly recharge and rejuvenate, they need to take time away from the digital world.

They make room for other things – like spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing a hobby, or enjoying some quiet contemplation.

So the next time you find yourself reaching for your phone on a lazy Sunday afternoon, think again. Would you be better off reconnecting with the world around you instead?

3) They embrace the chaos

It’s Saturday morning. You’ve got a to-do list as long as your arm, and all you want to do is crawl into bed and pull the covers over your head.

Let me let you in on a little secret.

Even the most successful people have messy kitchens and overflowing laundry baskets. Guess what? They don’t rush to clean up every speck of dust.

Amazing, right?

The weekends are their time to let go of the perfectionism that often drives their weekdays. Does that mean they live in filth? Not.

But they know it’s okay to leave the dishes behind even after enjoying their morning coffee or ignoring the mess in favor of spending time with their kids.

Because at the end of the day, it’s not about having a perfect home—it’s about having a home that people live in, love, and enjoy.

It’s all about priorities, right?

4) They invest in their health

You’ve probably heard this phrase a thousand times—health is wealth.

But you know what? It’s true.

The most successful people understand this better than anyone. They realize that they can’t perform at their best if they don’t feel their best.

So what do they do?

They make their health a priority, especially on the weekends.

They focus on rejuvenating their bodies and minds with healthy food, adequate sleep, and activities they enjoy. Yoga, meditation, hiking—it can be anything that helps them relax and recharge.

Here’s something you might not expect.

They’re not afraid to indulge a little. A scoop of ice cream, a glass of wine—these things aren’t off-limits. Because they know that a truly healthy lifestyle is about balance, not deprivation.

Taking care of your health isn’t just about looking good. It’s also about feeling good. And that’s something we can all strive for, right?

5) They feed their curiosity

Did you know that Warren Buffett, one of the world’s most successful investors, spends 80% of his day reading?

Yes, you read that right.

And he’s not alone. Many high achievers have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. They use their weekends to delve into books, articles, podcasts—anything that can broaden their horizons and give them new ideas.

Why? Because they realize that learning doesn’t stop once you leave school—it’s a lifelong journey.

They don’t just read about their industry or career, either. They explore a wide range of topics, from philosophy to psychology, and history to science fiction.

Their motto? Be curious.

So next time you have a free weekend, why not pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read or listen to that podcast you’ve been hearing about all along?

Who knows where your curiosity might lead you?

6) They Help

Take a moment and think about the last time you helped someone. It felt good, right?

Now, think about this.

Many successful people make it a point to spend part of their weekend doing something for others.

It could be volunteering at a local food bank, mentoring a young person, or simply helping a neighbor in need.

You see, they understand that success isn’t just about accumulating wealth or achieving personal goals. It’s also about making a positive impact on the lives of others.

But here’s the beautiful part.

This habit not only benefits the people you help, but it also enriches their lives as well. It provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment that money can’t buy.

So next time you have some free time, consider lending a helping hand. It’s more rewarding than you might think.

7 They Prepare for the Week Ahead

Here’s the deal.

Successful people don’t wait until Monday morning to start thinking about their week. They use Sunday to set themselves up for success.

That’s right. They review their upcoming schedule, set their goals, and make sure they’re ready to hit the ground running when Monday arrives.

It’s not about working through the weekend. It’s about creating a roadmap for the week ahead so they can navigate it with ease and efficiency.

So, as the weekend winds down, take a few moments to prepare for the week ahead. You’ll be amazed at how much smoother your days will be when you’re not struggling to figure out what’s next.

Final Thought

Ultimately, it comes down to this—living on purpose. Each of these habits reflects a conscious choice to make the most of every moment, even the ones that seem “off.”

So, as the weekend approaches, take a moment to reflect—how can you live a more intentional life? What habits can you adopt to not only make your weekends count but make them truly valuable?

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