10 unfortunate signs your friend actually hates you (complete list)

You’ve been friends forever, so you can sense when something isn’t right with your friendship.

Despite this, you want to give them the benefit of the doubt. What if they’re going through something? You’re both mature enough to know that friendships change over time.

However, you can’t shake your suspicions that it’s more than that and that he or she might hate you!

To find out for sure, pay attention if your friend does a lot of the things listed below.

37 Signs Your Boyfriend Hates You

1) You’re the One Who’s Talking to You All the Time

You used to talk nonstop in person, through phone calls, through chats. Chatting all day, every day! You used to share even the simplest things like your boring lunches and your daily horoscopes.

If your phone rings, you kind of know it’s them.

But these days, they’ve been talking less and less. And the change has been gradual, of course. Every other day, every other week, every twice a month. And guess who initiates these twice-a-month meet-ups? You, and only you.

2) They’re not excited to see you

You don’t talk much online anymore, so you invite them for a quick meet-up, expecting them to be the same person you used to know when you finally meet again.

Of course, that doesn’t happen.

On the last few dates you’ve initiated, they’ve been late and in a rush to get out. They don’t even have any excuses handy.

They decline when you ask if they want to grab more beers or coffee. They keep looking at their watches, more excited to leave than to meet you.

They could be super busy and stressed, have important things to take care of, or maybe they find it pointless to meet you if deep down they hate you.

3) They don’t like to open up anymore

It’s been a long time since you’ve opened up to each other and shared your burdens. Now when you ask them how they’re doing, they just shrug and say “Same old, same old.”

But you don’t know how they’ve been lately, so you don’t even know what they mean by “same old,” so you push them a little harder. Then they get angry or push you away, telling you not to be so nosy.

It’s like they’ve built a wall around themselves. Maybe they don’t trust you anymore, or maybe they’re trying to push you away so they don’t end up hating you even more.

4) They can’t take jokes anymore

You used to say stupid things and you’d just laugh it off. But now, even if you were just joking about something as trivial as their drink choice or the color of their shirt, they react as if you’ve committed a crime.

It’s sad when you can’t joke with each other anymore because being able to “offend” each other is a sign of closeness.

What did you do to deserve this? Everything was fine before, but now it’s like they think you’re a heartless weirdo whose goal is to make them feel bad.

5) Your questions suddenly become offensive to them

When you ask “How’s your relationship?”, it sounds like you’re asking “Why are you still together?”

When you ask “How’s your job?”, it sounds like you’re asking “Are you still stuck in the same boring job that pays so little?”

But they don’t show that they’re upset. They don’t want to show weakness. Instead, you’ll notice that their mood changes.

6) They make you feel like you’re clingy and demanding

You want to maintain your friendship because it’s so precious to you. Naturally, you want to do things together.

They’re not excited but you try to reach out anyway. You ask them what’s going on and ask if you can join them, only to get annoyed and tell you that you’re being too demanding.

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This can be helpful if you try to be with them every day, and if you try to make sure that they don’t do anything without you.

But if it’s been a long time since you last talked to them, that’s not good. It just means that your friend is upset with you on some level.

7) They enjoy bullying you

They can’t stand jokes but they enjoy bullying you in front of everyone.

They’ll laugh so hard when you’re struggling and sometimes you’ll wonder why they do that now when they used to bully everyone except you.

Well, then you’re no longer an exception because your friend probably hates you now. You might even be their favorite person to bully now if they hate you.

8) They become condescending

They want to put you down every chance they get, but they do it in a sarcastic, funny tone so you have no right to feel offended.

They’ll lecture you on how to handle your money, and how to get rid of your bad habits.

They’ll roll their eyes when you ask them about something you don’t know anything about, reminding you that you’re kind of an idiot.

9) They’ll demand that you return the things you borrowed

You two have always been generous to each other. You borrow each other’s things, you borrow each other’s money… you’re like family!

But now, they’re demanding that you return those things ASAP as if you’re a bad friend for keeping their stuff. Your girlfriend will probably resent you and show her anger in these little ways.

10) They flirt with your crush

When your friendship was great, there was no way they would get close to your crush. If they made advances, you knew your friend would run away. You’re best friends!

But now, even though your friends aren’t actively pursuing your crush, they’re not pushing them away either. It’s like your friend enjoys torturing you.

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