10 Types of Personality Disorders and Their Symptoms

We’ve all heard of personality disorders, but what do they mean and how many different types are there?
What is a personality disorder?

We all have our unique way of thinking, feeling, behaving, and reacting. All this goes into the formation of our personality. A personality disorder is a disease that affects these very things that make us the people we are.

Therefore, personality disorders affect the way we think, feel, act, and react. They can cause problems in everyday life and have long-term effects.

It affects our relationships with significant others such as family and friends, and we may find it difficult to maintain work.

Symptoms of personality disorders

It is generally accepted that you can be diagnosed with a personality disorder if you display all of the following:

Your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors cause significant problems for you or others in everyday life.
Your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors cause major problems in various aspects of your life.
These problems have been going on for a long time.
Types of personality disorders
Ten different types of personality disorders can be categorized into three broad groups – A, B, or C:

Group A
Paranoid personality disorder
Schizoid personality disorder
schizotypal personality disorder
Anyone who exhibits Cluster A personality disorder will be suspicious of others and display bizarre, eccentric behavior bordering on paranoia.

Group B

Antisocial personality disorder
borderline personality disorder
Histrionic personality disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder
Those who display Cluster B personality disorder will have problems relating to others and may come across as dramatic, impulsive, erratic, and menacing in their behavior.

block c

Avoidant personality disorder
approved personality disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
A person diagnosed with Cluster C personality disorder is afraid of relationships and shows fear and anxiety around people. They may also withdraw from society.

Different types of personality disorders

Group A
Paranoid personality disorder
People with paranoid personality disorder find it very difficult to trust people. them too:

I think people lie to them
Worry about using confidential information against them
Believe that they are being watched
I believe there are hidden messages in innocent communications
Look for betrayal and signs of manipulation
Schizotypal personality disorder
People with schizotypal personality disorder may become cold and detached. them too:

Not interested in forming close relationships with people
You have little desire to form relationships
They have a limited ability to experience pleasure or joy
You prefer to be alone
Not interested in praise or criticism
Schizotypal personality disorder
People with schizotypal personality disorder have poor social skills, behave strangely, and suffer from delusional ideas. them too:

Place undue importance on everyday events, believing that they are receiving secret messages
Express themselves in a way that others find weird
I think they have special powers like reading people’s minds
You have unusual ways of talking and often get off topic
You feel very anxious in social situations