10 Thoughts A Narcissist Keeps Hidden Before Revealing His True Self

The narcissist is always on the move and always needs attention.

If he doesn’t get it with his current victim, he’s looking for the next one.

He needs to take care of his “emotional supply” and his “narcissistic supply.”

Their ego is never fully boosted, so they never relax.

This is the idea they always hide in front of their victims, even though it is precisely what drives them to act this way.

Attention is their number one ego booster, so it’s no surprise that they’re thinking about it forever.

“I don’t care”

In case you don’t already know, the narcissist doesn’t care.

He doesn’t care about his actions, he doesn’t care what he does to you, and he doesn’t care how you feel.

He is unable to empathize and does not care about a single person there.

As he watches you go about your daily routine and pretend to care, all he’s thinking is that he couldn’t care less and he can’t wait for you to leave so he can stop pretending to care.

“I’m always right”

No matter how wrong he is, in his opinion, he is always absolutely right.

He could do a lot to you and you could suffer because of his actions, and he will still think that he was right to do it and that you are overreacting.

For him, there is only his way and the wrong way.

You can try to convince him otherwise all you want, but we both know that won’t work.

Your narcissist is “Mr. Always Right.”

This is the most torturous habit for those who have to endure it.
“Deep down, I have no self-confidence.”

A narcissist can pretend to be the most self-confident man you’ve ever met.

He’ll make you believe it too.

But deep down, he has no self-confidence.

It is believed that narcissists have learned to rewire their brains as a coping mechanism.

So they can display behavior that presents them as the strongest man you’ll ever see, but in reality, it overcompensates many of the insecurities they secretly suffer from.

Related : Why Narcissists Use DARVO: Deny, Attack And Reverse Victim And Abuser

The strangest thing is that he convinces himself of this as well, so you are not the only one who is deceiving you!

“I have the right to have everything I want”

A narcissist is really like a five-year-old when it comes to something he wants.

It doesn’t matter that he can’t get it or how hard it is to get it. In his mind, he is entitled to whatever he wants.

The narcissist has no concept of worthiness, which makes him believe that he is superior to everyone and therefore entitled to everything.

He will not hear no for an answer.

It would be like dealing with an immature child who happens to be somewhat manipulative and evil.

“How dare you challenge me?”

When he confronts the narcissist, his true personality is very close to being revealed.

On the outside, he would seem like a cool, collected guy, but when he was criticized, all he could think about was how anyone dared challenge something he said.

He’s very insecure (something he would never show), so he can’t understand the concept of confrontation.

What he says goes. There is no other choice.

He always needs his way.

If you confront him, doubt him, or criticize him, you rob him of his power.

“What an idiot!”

Narcissists are known to believe that they are smarter than everyone else.

They have deluded themselves into really believing this, so they look down on everyone around them.

You can say something completely matter-of-fact, but if he disagrees, he’ll call you an idiot in his mind (and maybe even out loud if he’s embarrassed).

“I’m in desperate need of something”

They need validation, power, money, and sex.

They are always looking for the easiest victim to provide them with all of this.

Oftentimes, they don’t get everything from just one person, so they keep looking for more sources.

For them, people are ego boosters.

Related : Blocking a Narcissist: How the Narcissist Feels

If he feels his power is diminishing, he will find someone weak to change that.

If he needs sex, he will seduce the next naive girl he finds.

His needs never end and so does his quest.

“You’ve just made an enemy”

A narcissist is a passive-aggressive type of person.

He won’t explode at you when he’s angry, but he will secretly plan revenge.

Unless he’s really sad and you’re close to him, that might change, but in any other situation, he’s quietly plotting his revenge.

“I need to find the next victim”

When the person who is currently using it stops using it, he immediately thinks about his next step.

Where will he look next?

How will he make her fall in love with him?

It takes him some time to organize his tactics, so he always thinks in advance.

He may seem like he’s happy with what you’re giving him (or better yet: what he’s taking from you), but he’s already starting to plan his next mission.

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