10 Things You Notice When You Are Around Empathic People

There are some common traits that you can notice about empathetic people.

Empathy is defined as a sign of emotional intelligence, an emotional ability that helps people understand the feelings of others as if they were their own. In other words, empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone’s shoes.

Empathic people can identify, understand, feel, and manage not only their own feelings but also those of others.

The best upside to being an empath is that one becomes more flexible in relationships and can easily manage the conversation when he/she understands the emotional charge of others.

On the other hand, the worst aspect of empathy is that other people’s feelings or experiences can become overwhelming and can lead to anxiety or a sense of emptiness for no apparent reason.

Even if you want to talk to someone who deeply understands your inner turmoil or if you are an incredibly kind person who always has the desire to improve people’s lives, you must recognize and understand the traits of empathy.

The reason why it is so important to recognize if you are (around) an empathic person is that empaths tend to absorb the energy of surrounding people and situations, leaving them drained, tired, moody, or anxious.

To be less heavy on your empath’s heart or if you want to know why you feel different around other people, here are some traits that will give you insight into how to empathize:

  1. An extreme dislike of crowded public places
    Empathetic people are introverted individuals and prefer small groups of people. Crowded places usually carry intense energy that can become overwhelming for empaths.
  2. Hearing/watching violence on TV and in newspapers
    These things can cause a sensitive empath to be sad, and anxious, or usually make him/her cry because they are putting themselves in the shoes of others. They are mentally and spiritually open which makes them prone to absorbing every negative or positive vibration.
  3. The need for solitude
    The world has ups and downs, good and bad sides, all charged with energy. Empathetic people feel the constant need to spend time alone to find inner balance. Otherwise, they can become moody or grumpy.
  1. Great listeners
    Empaths don’t pretend to care. They care about someone’s pain or joy and want to hear what hurts you or makes you happy.
  2. Great intuition skills
    Due to their sensitive personality, empathic individuals can easily recognize the slightest emotional or physical change in someone’s behavior and thus can spot a person who is lying or being honest.
  3. Constant fatigue
    Every conversation can drain empathetic individuals emotionally and physically, which is why they tend to feel tired most of the time.
  4. Truth seekers
    Whether it’s work, family, or friends, an empath needs to know what’s going on. They don’t like secrets.
  5. Surrounded by honest people
    Because they are truth seekers, they prefer to be surrounded by honest and humble people. They can hardly tolerate narcissistic or selfish people. They are looking for substance in every aspect of their lives.
  6. Quality relationships
    When talking about the quality of relationships in the life of an empath, they tend to apply this concept in every field and activity: work, shopping, home, etc.

The work they do should motivate or inspire them; The job should be constantly highlighting the qualities of empathy. It should also be a job where ethics and values are respected and applied. Otherwise, they seem disconnected and can’t put much effort into what they do.

  1. Creativity
    Empath would find his energy in singing, drawing, acting, and writing. They are also spirits who can appreciate the art of any kind on a deeper level than others.