10 Things Narcissists Steal From You

When involved with a narcissist, the impact they have can go far beyond emotional manipulation or verbal abuse. Narcissists often take things from you that are intangible but deeply valuable, leaving lasting scars even after the relationship ends. Whether it’s a romantic partner, a family member, or a colleague, narcissists exploit others for their own gain, often leaving their victims feeling drained and diminished. Here are 10 things narcissists steal from you.

1. Your Self-Esteem

One of the most common and damaging things a narcissist steals is your self-esteem. Narcissists often use tactics like gaslighting, belittling, and constant criticism to make you doubt yourself. They may initially shower you with praise (love-bombing) to gain your trust, only to later chip away at your confidence. Over time, you may start to internalize their negative assessments of you, which can lead to feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt.

2. Your Time

Narcissists are incredibly selfish with their time and often expect you to prioritize them above everything else. They may demand excessive amounts of your time and attention, leaving little room for your own personal needs or other relationships. Whether it’s constantly calling, texting, or requiring your presence, narcissists steal your time by making everything about them.

In the process, you may find yourself neglecting your own goals, hobbies, or friendships, as the narcissist consumes your life.

3. Your Peace of Mind

Narcissists thrive on chaos and drama, often leaving their victims feeling emotionally unsettled. They are skilled at keeping you on edge, never allowing you to feel a sense of calm or stability. They may provoke arguments, create confusion through manipulative tactics, or engage in emotional outbursts that keep you walking on eggshells.

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This constant state of uncertainty can rob you of peace of mind and create a heightened sense of anxiety in your daily life.

4. Your Identity

When in a relationship with a narcissist, whether it’s a personal or professional one, you may start to lose sight of who you are. Narcissists have a way of imposing their views, desires, and values on others, often manipulating you into abandoning your own identity. They may criticize your choices, dismiss your opinions, or pressure you into adopting their preferences and lifestyle.

Over time, you might find yourself questioning your own identity and values, becoming a reflection of what the narcissist wants you to be, rather than your authentic self.

5. Your Energy

Dealing with a narcissist can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Narcissists are energy vampires, draining you through constant emotional demands, manipulative behavior, and unpredictable mood swings. You may find yourself spending so much time trying to keep the narcissist happy or prevent conflicts that you have little energy left for yourself.

This emotional exhaustion can lead to burnout, making it difficult to focus on your own needs, work, or personal life.

6. Your Trust in Others

Being involved with a narcissist can make it difficult to trust others, even after the relationship ends. Narcissists are notorious for betrayal, lying, and deceit, which can leave you feeling suspicious or guarded in future relationships. Whether it’s cheating, gaslighting, or manipulating you, their behavior often erodes your ability to trust people’s intentions.

Many victims of narcissistic abuse struggle with trusting new friends, partners, or colleagues, fearing they might be manipulated again.

7. Your Joy

Narcissists often steal the joy out of life. They may minimize your achievements, dismiss your happiness, or create conflict in moments that should be joyful or celebratory. Whether it’s undermining your success or shifting the attention back to themselves during happy occasions, narcissists find ways to dampen the positive moments in your life.

They may also make you feel guilty for experiencing joy, framing it as selfish or inappropriate, leaving you feeling conflicted about your own happiness.

8. Your Boundaries

Narcissists are known for violating boundaries, both emotional and physical. They often push past limits you set, whether it’s demanding more time than you’re willing to give, disrespecting your personal space, or emotionally intruding into areas of your life you want to keep private. Over time, you may find it increasingly difficult to set or enforce boundaries with the narcissist, as they manipulate you into compliance.

This erosion of boundaries can make it hard to protect yourself from future manipulation and can affect your relationships with others.

9. Your Voice

Narcissists have a way of silencing those around them. Whether through intimidation, belittling, or manipulation, they often make it difficult for you to express yourself openly. You may find yourself constantly second-guessing your thoughts or opinions, fearing that speaking up will lead to conflict or punishment. Over time, this can result in a loss of confidence in your ability to advocate for yourself.

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Many victims of narcissistic abuse report feeling silenced, either because they were afraid of the narcissist’s reaction or because they were conditioned to believe their voice didn’t matter.

10. Your Relationships

One of the most insidious ways narcissists steal from you is by isolating you from other important relationships in your life. Narcissists often want to be the center of your attention and may become jealous or resentful of your connections with friends, family, or colleagues. They may manipulate you into cutting off contact with others, either by creating drama, planting seeds of doubt, or outright demanding that you distance yourself from loved ones.

This isolation leaves you more dependent on the narcissist, making it harder to leave the relationship or seek support from others when needed.


Narcissists are not just emotionally abusive; they steal valuable aspects of your life that are essential to your well-being and sense of self. From your self-esteem to your energy, your trust to your relationships, narcissists can take a tremendous toll on those they entangle in their lives. Recognizing the ways narcissists steal from you is the first step in reclaiming what’s yours and rebuilding your life after experiencing narcissistic abuse. By setting boundaries, seeking support, and prioritizing self-care, you can begin the journey of healing and recovery.

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