10 Subtle Signs People Don’t Like You You As Much As You Like Them

Feelings don’t lie. When you have that complicated feeling that your feelings for someone aren’t reciprocated (even though you’re not 100% sure), never ignore it.

Your gut feeling is here to warn you of red flags that you usually ignore to help you not waste time by seeing signs that some people don’t like you!

Have you been having difficulty communicating with some people around you, to the point that simple conversation has become difficult?

Have you started to notice some body language signals (in this case, negative body language signals) that those around you are avoiding you?

In order to be sure that it is time to let go of a certain person (or even certain people), you first need to make sure that the signs you noticed are actually there. And this is where I come in.

Look, there’s no sugar coating this. When someone doesn’t want to spend time with you, you will simply feel it and see it.

Even if this is someone you’ve known since high school and you’re sure they’re the type who will stick by your side.

People leave, feelings get hurt, and life goes on. Some people don’t deserve to have a place in your heart and it’s better to realize that now and avoid staying close to them for the wrong reasons.

The last thing you need is a fake friend who makes you feel unwanted.

Since some people don’t have the decency to have a conversation with you and explain how they feel personally, it’s up to you to find out how they really feel about you.

It is really painful to feel left out and feel neglected. I’ve been there and I’m sure a lot of people were in the same boat.

But for your own sake, it’s time to let go of these unworthy people and focus on those who give your life meaning.

See also: 6 Warning Signs You Are Forcing Your Relationship

How do you know that people don’t like you?

It hurts to admit it to yourself, but you won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. Even your oldest friend may come with an expiration date.

Sometimes, friendships come to a natural end, and as hard and heartbreaking as it is to admit it, life goes on!

True friends stay with you even during your bad days – especially then!

They have no trouble maintaining eye contact when you’re going through a rough patch and they never break your self-esteem.

They don’t put you on blast on social media and never let things get awkward between you two.

True friends always invite you to happy hour and call you first after a fight (texting is okay too) because they consider your friendship important!

But if there are no positive signs and you haven’t really succeeded in maintaining a healthy relationship with them for a while, it may be time to re-evaluate their place in your world.

Letting go of people who were a vital component of your life story is heartbreaking, traumatic, and more than sad and strange, to say the least.

Having to get used to not being around someone you used to go to for everything is the worst reality check ever.

Humans are complex and flawed, but that doesn’t give them an excuse to frustrate and frighten you. Your feelings matter.

So, the next time you start making excuses for someone who was too cold and aloof around you, think twice about who that person is.

In this article, I will point out the biggest signs that someone doesn’t like you.

I’ll explain all the red flags behind someone’s mysterious behavior and help you understand if it’s time to let go of someone who has already abandoned you.

You’ve probably already noticed some signs that things have taken a turn for the worse, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article.

What you need now are two things: assurance and acceptance.

My advice is to always be alert. Watch their body language and pay attention to the feelings they are sending.

You will feel it all yourself. But to help you determine if this is really the case, here are some surefire signs that someone doesn’t love you.

See also: The Truth Is You Cannot Change A Man By Loving Him Harder