10 signs you’re dealing with a low-quality person, according to psychology

We’ve all met people who seem to suck the energy out of the room, push your buttons, and put a damper on your mood. These are what psychology calls “low-quality” individuals.

It’s not always easy to spot these types, but don’t worry — psychology can help you with that, too.

There is a list of signs that can help you identify these people, and I’m going to share 10 of them with you. That way, you can make better choices about who you spend your time with.

Here’s a simple guide to spotting a low-quality person, according to psychology. Trust me, you’ll find this helpful.

1) They Always Play the Victim

You know this type. Nothing is ever their fault. It’s always someone else’s fault. According to them, the world is constantly conspiring against their happiness.

This, my friends, is classic low-quality behavior. Psychology tells us that people who habitually refuse to take responsibility for their actions and instead always find a way to blame others tend to be of lower quality.

This is because personal growth and maturity come from acknowledging our mistakes and learning from them.

If an individual is constantly playing the victim, they are not learning or growing. They are just stuck in a vicious cycle of blame and denial.

2) Constantly Negative

Have you ever met someone who can’t see the bright side in anything? Yep, me too.

I remember a former colleague of mine. Let’s call him Joe. Now, Joe was the type of person who could find a problem in every solution. He had this uncanny ability to suck the joy out of any situation with his constant complaining and negativity.

Psychology tells us that this kind of constant negativity is a strong sign of a low-quality person. It’s not just about being down.

It’s about not being able to appreciate or even acknowledge the positive aspects of life.

Not only does this type of attitude drain those around them, but it also indicates a lack of emotional intelligence and personal growth. If you’re dealing with someone in your life, you might just be dealing with a low-quality individual.

3) They lack empathy

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a key trait found in emotionally mature, high-quality individuals. But what happened? It’s often missing in low-quality individuals.

A study found that people who lack empathy are more likely to engage in aggressive behavior. They struggle to understand the perspectives and feelings of others, which makes them more selfish and less considerate.

4) They’re overly critical

Constructive criticism is one thing, but there’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed. Low-quality individuals often have a knack for crossing that line time and time again.

They’re quick to point out flaws and rarely miss an opportunity to put others down. Their criticism isn’t meant to help you improve but rather seems designed to make you feel small.

This over-criticism often stems from their insecurities. By putting others down, they’re trying to raise themselves—a classic sign of a low-quality individual.

5) They’re unreliable

Reliability is a key personality trait of high-quality individuals. They stick to their commitments and can be counted on when needed. On the other hand, low-quality individuals tend to be the complete opposite.

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You’ll find them frequently canceling plans at the last minute, being late, or not showing up at all. Their unreliable nature often leaves others feeling disappointed and frustrated.

This lack of reliability indicates a disregard for others’ time and feelings, which indicates a selfish nature.

6) They Don’t Respect Boundaries

Boundaries are crucial. They help us protect our mental, emotional, and physical health. High-quality people understand this and respect the boundaries set by others.

Low-quality people, unfortunately, don’t. They see boundaries as obstacles to overcome rather than boundaries to be respected. They may pressure you to do things you’re uncomfortable with or disregard your personal space.

This can be very upsetting to experience. It’s a violation of trust and respect that makes you feel disrespected and belittled.

Everyone has the right to set their boundaries. If someone in your life consistently crosses these boundaries without remorse, it’s a strong sign that you’re dealing with a low-quality person.

7) They’re Manipulative

I once had a friend who was a master of manipulation. She had this way of twisting words and situations to fit her narrative, which made me question my own experiences and feelings.

Manipulation, unfortunately, is a common trait among low-quality individuals. They use it as a tool to control others and get what they want without considering the impact of their actions on others.

This can be incredibly destructive, eroding trust and creating a toxic environment. So if you find yourself constantly second-guessing someone or feeling like you’re always on the losing side, it’s time to reevaluate the relationship.

You may be dealing with a manipulative, low-quality person.

8) They’re Always Right

You may think that trusting your beliefs and decisions is a sign of strength. But when someone believes they’re always right, that’s a whole different story.

Low-quality people often have an inflated sense of their rightness. They dismiss different opinions and are unwilling to learn from others or admit when they’re wrong.

This stubbornness to always be right can stifle personal growth and hinder relationships. So if you’re dealing with someone who can’t seem to admit when they’re wrong, you may be dealing with a low-quality person. It’s not about trust; it’s about refusing to grow and learn from others.

9) They’re Not Honest

Honesty is a trait that high-quality people possess. They are honest with themselves and others and show consistency in what they say and do.

Conversely, low-quality people often show different faces to different people. They can be charming one moment and mean the next, depending on who they’re interacting with.

This lack of authenticity can leave you feeling confused and uncertain about where you stand with them.

If you’re dealing with someone whose behavior fluctuates wildly depending on the company they’re in, take that as a warning sign.

10) They Lack Self-Awareness

The cornerstone of personal growth and healthy relationships is self-awareness. It’s the ability to recognize one’s own emotions and behaviors and how they affect others.

However, low-quality people often lack this crucial trait. They’re blind to their flaws and how their actions affect those around them.

This lack of self-awareness can lead to repetitive patterns of toxic behavior, causing tension in their relationships.

Final Thoughts

Understanding these signs can protect your well-being and help you make more informed decisions about who you invest your time and emotional energy.

As the famous psychologist Carl Rogers once said, “The only educated person is the one who has learned how to learn and change.”

For all of us, recognizing these signs is an opportunity to learn, grow, and navigate our social world with greater wisdom.

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