10 Signs The Person You Love Is A Narcopath (A Mix Between A Narcissist And Sociopath)

What do you get when you cross a sociopath with a narcissist? The least funny joke and the worst kind of hybrid: narcissistic sociopath, drug patient in short. Both the narcissist and the sociopath have an inflated sense of how important they are, as well as a constant need for praise and admiration.

One commonality between the two is their ability to deceive others to get what they want, without remorse. But what distinguishes them is that a psychopath is unable to handle criticism or be seen in a negative light while a sociopath does not care much about who thinks what or how he or she is perceived.

When you hear the word narcopath, you might imagine a deranged lunatic…at least that’s what I pictured before I met my lunatic. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Narcopaths are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Sometimes their abuse is so subtle that you don’t see it until the curtain closes and your world is torn apart.


Here are 10 signs that the person you love is a drug addict – a mix between a narcissist and a sociopath:

  1. Objects go from zero to 100 in seconds
    From the beginning, nothing is normal with a drug patient. Things move forward incredibly quickly, and you quickly move through the usual stages of a relationship.

Instead of slowly getting to know each other, you go from a first date to planning your future together within weeks of meeting. And when your intuition warns you that things are moving too fast, tell it to shut up because you’ve finally found your soulmate.

  1. They’re a broken record of compliments
    The drug patient will sweep you off your feet, put you on a pedestal, and then worship you from below.

They’ll tell you the things you’ve always wanted to hear, and repeat over and over again.

But listen closely and you’ll notice that there’s not a lot of variety in these love monologues, and that her sweet words sound more like text than anything from the heart. “You are the prettiest. The sexiest. The skinniest. The best mother. The funniest.” If everything sounds too organized and too good to be true, it probably is.

  1. They flatter you with comparisons
    There is no period at the end of a compliment. Instead, the drug addict compliments you by comparing you to someone else in his life.

In my case, he would say things like, “You have a very sexy voice. Not too high and not too low; it’s just perfect. My friend Courtney’s voice is high-pitched and she has a weird way of speaking through it. Teeth. Annoying.” Or “You have a great body. I think I’m used to having more cuddles with my ex!”

Complimenting yourself by belittling others is a huge red flag, not to mention incredibly distasteful. And while it’s undoubtedly fun to hear these compliments, keep in mind that one day they’ll give them to someone else and use your name to fill the second slot.


  1. The chemistry between your papers is off the charts
    She had never felt this much passion with anyone else. By pressing all the right buttons in the right ways, it’s as if they are reading your mind and desires. The reason sex is so exciting, at least at first, is not because they know what to do with their hands; They know what to do with your mind. They will make you feel like you are the only person who has ever existed for them.

Yes, drug addicts are actually great at acting. By mirroring all of your feelings, they are able to make their feelings seem real and trick you into thinking your feelings are real.

  1. Their eyes are windows to nothingness
    My Narc-in-a-Box was staring at me so intensely that I would tense up, fidget, and quickly turn away. He spoke directly into my eyes with a deadpan stare and a steady gaze, I don’t think he blinked once in the four months we were together. Sometimes his gaze was so piercing that his pupils practically disappeared.

But unfortunately, behind all this intensity lies a huge amount of dark nothingness. I turned away from that stare because it made me feel uncomfortable in all the wrong ways.

  1. They always lead the conversation back to themselves
    On the surface, your drug patient seems very focused on you and genuinely interested in learning everything there is to know. However, the moment you start revealing this information, they quickly interrupt you with a story of their own.

It’s like a revolving door: they ask you a question to get a chance to talk about themselves. They are quick to react with their thoughts and opinions and always have a similar experience to share with you. Experiences that, once dissected, are nothing more than beautifully camouflaged faces and indirect ways of letting you know that they know better.


  1. They have a checkered relationship history
    I’ve never met anyone with such a strange and diverse history of relationships. He traveled to Texas after meeting a girl online, then met his ex-wife online, and then brought another girl he met online (through a testing site!) from Europe, before finally meeting me online.

Drug addicts often leave long trails of broken relationships behind them, but of course they were never responsible for breaking those relationships. No matter how long it has been, they will claim that their former fire still burns brightly for them from afar.

  1. They use big words with little meaning
    Have you ever read something that initially seems incredibly deep and profound, until you get to the end and realize that it’s nothing but a meaningless jumble of fancy words? The drug patient craves superiority and thrives on being smarter than everyone in the room.

The only problem is that they often don’t, forcing them to fake it and pray that no one catches them. On the surface, the drug patient seems very intelligent and cultured, but dig deeper and you’ll discover that he’s just fluff.

  1. They give because it makes them look better
    You give and you receive. Or, in the case of a drug addict, give and tell everyone within a thousand mile radius who you gave it to and exactly how much.

The drug addict does not give up because it makes him feel good inside; Rather, they give because it makes them look good on the outside. No act of kindness goes unnoticed because they will never allow it. Whether it’s helping an old lady cross the street, giving a homeless person a dollar, or donating to their child’s PTA, they will make sure someone knows about their generosity.