10 Signs That Clearly Say You’re Destined To Be Together

Falling in love is the best feeling in the world. It is a peak that can begin at the first sight or touch, and grow as you get to know the other person more closely.

But despite the time you both enjoyed together and the effort you put into the relationship, you may be wondering if you are destined to be together and should commit more seriously.

When you get to this point, you can second-guess your intuition, and start looking for rationales as to why he is “the one.” This is especially true if you’ve had bumpy relationships in the past. You may not even believe in kindred spirits.

No, finding your soulmate isn’t as straightforward as getting struck by lightning or put into a glass slipper. But don’t lose hope. When you take a step back and examine your partnership with your heart and head — and look for valuable clues, you’ll know if a person is right for you.

These are 10 surefire signs you need to be together:

10 Signs that clearly say you are destined to be together

  1. You have a deep, inexplicable connection.
    Many people think that you have to feel love, at first sight, to know that you were meant to be. not like that. Feeling compatible with each other often happens early on, but it deepens as you get to know each other. Then one day he hits you. You love this person on so many levels, and you know you’ve never experienced anything like it. Simply put, your soul has been moved.
  2. You laugh at the same things.
    As famous therapist Dr. John Gottman says, “Couples who laugh together stay together.” If you can find humor in a difficult situation, chances are you can get through anything. And if you both laugh about the same things, it’s like glue for the couple. If you can be warm and fun together, and laugh a lot, you will experience a lot of joy.
  3. You have undeniable chemistry (including sexual attraction!).

If your eyes look on without any embarrassment, or you feel drawn to touch each other unconsciously, you have some good chemistry going on. This same connection will likely extend into the bedroom, and although you may like to think that your relationship can continue to be platonic, the sexual attraction will make it more exciting and fun.

Biology does a pretty good job of choosing partners, so if the chemistry is there, don’t give in to it. Consider it a sign.

  1. You feel at home.
    10 signs that clearly say you are destined to be together
    When it comes to the relationship department, you feel safe and protected. You can be your true self, no one judges you, and you don’t have to change. Falling in love is like lounging by the fire under a warm blanket on the couch. It feels like home.
  2. You can respectfully disagree.
    Long term couples don’t have to be mirror images. If you are attracted to qualities that you lack, such as being spontaneous when you are naturally scheming, this can be a source of stress or stimulation. Soulmates strive to become whole and explore new facets of their personality. In a mature relationship, you can disagree with each other and be okay with it. You don’t need to be right or make the other person feel less than that. Instead, you appreciate their different point of view and become curious versus angry.
  3. You share a common goal.
    There is a great feeling that two people in love share when they are destined to be together. They are on fire, moving toward similar goals and aligning themselves with a common goal in life. It doesn’t matter if it’s giving to those in need, planning to raise a family, or traveling to exotic destinations, you feel in sync. Life is no longer about you alone. You and me for the world!
  4. You lift each other up.
    When you find the right person, you feel supported — whether that’s someone who encourages you or pulls you in new directions. Your personal growth is important and you are much better together than not. You are like two balloons reaching new heights.
  1. You “get” each other.
    Couples are forever attuned to each other’s needs. After a while, when they’ve discovered each other’s love language, a helping hand, a touch, a text at the right moment says it all. After all, you just want to be understood and recognized, right?
  2. You are both there for each other when it counts.
    The test of your relationship is the willingness to let go of whatever is going on and be present when you get the call. The call when your mom is in the hospital, you’ve lost your job, you’re sick or you’ve had some other heartbreaking blow. If your significant other has stood with you through your highs, and laid with you through your lows, then you know you have a soulmate for life.
  3. You’re willing to do what it takes.
    Often you can get clues from the way a person lives their life outside of your relationship. Do they rise when they fall? Do they insist on getting what they want – even in the face of obstacles? If the answer is yes, then they will probably go the distance with you as well.

Sometimes couples argue or need time to process a conflict or painful emotion. This is not necessarily unhealthy. But what is key is how quickly they bounce back from it and strive to move the relationship forward. Couples who together are meant to find a way to deal with challenges no matter what.

Finding your soulmate changes your life in subtle and profound ways. If you recognize these 10 signs, congratulations, there is no doubt that you are destined for each other.
Realizing that you are meant to be together is the starting point for relationship bliss. Then, to keep her alive, free will must kick in. Committing to someone you love is a choice you make every single day.