10 Signs of The Female Narcissist

Ideally, we’d all love to see narcissists wearing a T-shirt that says:

I’m a narcissist, back off!

Sadly, all we have left to do is learn the art of narcissism to identify them ourselves, something many people overlook.

You’ll notice that much of the information you’ll find relates directly to male narcissists, but I want to change things up a bit.

Female narcissists exist, and they go to great lengths to distinguish themselves from males.

If you’re looking to identify the top 10 signs of female narcissism, we’ve got you covered.

Oh They Really Exist…

You think they don’t exist—but I’m here to tell you they do…

…I’ve met more than my share!

Identifying a Narcissistic Personality

Related : The Narcissist Wants You To Hate Them

It may not be easy for you to identify a narcissistic personality, because women are usually:

The fairer sex




Less prone to negativity

In general, women are known to be more composed and more vulnerable to any kind of abuse in personal relationships.

Why They’re Hard to Spot

Well, for these very reasons, female narcissists hide in public.

You can’t pick them out from a crowd because they operate in more covert ways than their male counterparts.

10 Signs of a Narcissistic Personality

  1. They’re More Secretive

“Cunning” is the middle name for most female narcissists. They’re so adept at pretending to be normal, it’s almost scary.

What sets male narcissists apart is their ability to hide and manipulate their victims for longer periods.

In fact, most people don’t notice covert narcissism until much later, sometimes years.

Do you know how much damage a person can cause in that amount of time, and how much abuse they can endure?

Women play a gentle and honest role in their covert narcissism, and you’d be surprised how many people not only believe it, but also consider them close friends.

  1. They’re adept at playing the victim

They often portray themselves as incomprehensible and resort to playing the victim to gain sympathy from people—both those they know and those they don’t.

What comes with gaining sympathy? Well, there’s validation, support, and feeling “seen.”

Do you think any narcissist needs more of that? I don’t know! However, toxic women are easy to deal with, and all of this is a much-needed resource.

  1. They Know It All

Men typically don’t study narcissism unless they’ve been directly affected by someone who fits all the criteria.

Related : Narcissists Hate People With These 8 Traits

I’m speaking very generally here, but no man is willing to sit down and read or watch something in detail to learn about it unless he has to or wants to.

Narcissism is well-known to everyone, but the complex transformations that Narcissistic Personality Disorder takes are completely unknown to them.

Women, on the other hand, are known for their desire to understand their behaviors, feelings, and relationships.

They tend to understand the difference between men and women more and look for ways to support this.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is of great interest to covert narcissists. If they can study and learn about it, they can also learn how to overcome it and overcome any doubt.

This makes it difficult to expose covert narcissists in society!

Doesn’t that upset you?

  1. The Woman Card

I’m a woman, this isn’t because of me—it happens to me!

Well, statistically, yes. Women are more likely to be abused and to be victims in abusive relationships…


Let’s not pretend narcissists don’t exist—because they do!

Women can play the part and pretend to be the sweet, suffering, brave, and all-around horrible person—but that’s a dangerous lie.

No—narcissists aren’t victims, but also, by lying, they disrespect actual victims of abuse.

  1. The Gut Feeling That Something’s Wrong

You always get a strange feeling when you’re with someone who isn’t right for you. I can only describe it like this:

Sometimes your body reacts to the presence of another person before your mind even allows you to realize it.

That’s what it feels like when you’re with a narcissistic woman. The kindness seems even sweeter than usual, to the point where it makes you uneasy.

And you’d be a fool to speak up and say something, wouldn’t you? I mean, everyone seems to love her.

  1. Overly Emotional

Men are naturally more reserved or limited in their emotions, and narcissistic men reject the exaggerated positivity that women resort to.

Related : Why I Couldn’t Tell The Difference Between Love and Narcissistic Abuse

You may find that narcissistic women tend to laugh more, or feel excited. They share news happily and act joyful, as if they want to share their news with everyone.

Similarly, when it comes to negative emotions, you’ll see tears—and lots of them.

Narcissistic women cry constantly, and what happens when people cry? They get sympathy! Hugs. A shoulder to cry on. Ears to listen.

They get attention.

This is what they love to do, and they take advantage of the fact that women find it easier to express emotions.

  1. Pettiness

A narcissistic woman will bring up every little thing and throw it in your face. Things can almost turn sour with them, as they get so caught up in everything that doesn’t matter.

It’s a toxic way of trying to create drama where none exists, and they’ll do it by involving you as much as they can.

It’s actually hostile, and it stirs up conflict in those who are otherwise well-off and having a good time.

Narcissists are generally detail-oriented, and the finer details are often brushed aside and left to dry in this petty, almost childish way.

  1. Users? Yes!

Narcissists will use you until there’s nothing left to extract.

Related : Watch Out: These Phone Habits Are Deadly Signs of a Narcissist

Once that happens, you can say goodbye to them because they’ll move on to their next partner or best friend.

No loyalty, just motivation.

  1. Sex is a weapon

While men love-bomb, women sex-bomb!

Toxic women usually understand what attracts men, and they use this love language to attract them and keep them hooked over time.

  1. Shy or seemingly reserved

Oh my, isn’t that cute?

Do I not make you feel warm inside?

Related : See How Modern Society Is Turning More People Into Narcissists

Stop it now, please…!

These women are intentionally sweet and repulsive.

“If I can be the opposite of what I really am, that’s how I show off my fake charm to the world.”

It’s not all cars, hobbies, and compliments, as it can be with men.

It’s more about favors, exaggerated offers of help, or that humble “Oh my God, I mean, I’m so surprised” attitude when you win something or are voted the best performer at work.

It’s a classic tool for being seen, noticed, and appreciated for something you can’t truly be.

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