The universe is wiser than all of us combined, which is why the signs it sends should mean we stand up and pay attention to what’s really going on.
And if we’re hesitant about a person or situation? Well, you can bet the universe will show you the right way…
…just like a narcissist who lives at work shows you.
If you’re dealing with a narcissist, here are 10 signs from the universe you can pay attention to – so it’s time to get wise and match the energy around you!
There are signs out there every day for us to pick up and notice.
When you’re dealing with a narcissist, it feels like there’s no way to escape the toxic way they can crush and humiliate you.
The universe is bigger than all of that, and you’ll soon be unable to ignore the signs it sends you to let you know that there’s a narcissist in your life who intends to make your life miserable.
10 Signs From The Universe That You’re Dealing With A Narcissist
1 Loss of Trust
If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, there will come a day when you wake up and realize that there’s no trust.
Discovering the remnants of what once felt like the perfect love can be devastating. You see them for what they are, and you know that no matter how much you pray or pray for that trust to return – it won’t.
You need to understand that love doesn’t mean ignoring every toxic aspect of your union just to stay with that person. Love means finding someone who respects you, and would never dream of hurting you.
Trust is so hard to earn, and so easy to break, but what it does to you – the victim – stays with you forever.
You’ll take that lack of trust with you into any future relationships you have, and you’ll always expect or experience the same thing.
The universe can be a wake-up call to you to pay attention to any trust issues like it’s waving the biggest red flag imaginable.
2 You Feel Like You’re in a Constant State of Danger
Nothing seems stable anymore, does it?
I know this is a sign, because I’ve heard it so many times from clients.
I can’t seem to feel safe or happy.
I feel like everything I don’t want to happen, happens.
Of course you do. That’s because your emotions are swirling like a rubber ball.
Your heart has been put in a ping pong machine, and you’re watching it get pushed and pulled while all you want to do is feel peaceful.
The calm is leaving your relationship, and it makes you want to curl up and cry.
What’s going to go wrong today?
How can I fix yesterday’s conflict?
None of this is up to you to fix, because none of it was created by you.
3 A Feeling You Can’t Get Rid Of
Intuition is something we rarely tap into these days. We’re so busy being stimulated by tangible things:
- Phones.
- Sounds.
- Smells.
- Tastes.
- Lights.
- Distractions!
What we sometimes lack is time to turn inward.
What’s really going on? What’s causing this anxiety? What creates this heaviness in your gut?
It’s a feeling you can’t shake, but the universe is sending it to you in hundreds of little ways every day.
It comes from having to deal with a narcissist, but it also comes from all the little excuses you make for that person. Maybe you’re programmed to do this, or maybe you’re hoping that one day it will change.
I promise you right now that it will never change.
4 Peace? What peace?
There is no peace when it comes to narcissists, and you’ll feel it the more time you spend with them.
When you feel like you want to explode, and your days are filled with drama and negativity, the universe will send you opportunities to receive what you’re feeling in the hope that you can make a change and do something about it.
5 Solitude
Sometimes solitude can give you space to reflect and evaluate what’s going on in your life.
Why do you seem to have so few people around you? When was the last time you saw your friends? Do you have any friends?
Related : Exposed: The Top 9 Biggest Lies About Narcissists
Solitude is common, and narcissists will look for any opportunity to make you feel even more alone.
If you feel disconnected, you need to look outside yourself, and toward the narcissist for answers. They are the ones causing it, not you.
6 You’ve Lost Yourself
All victims of narcissistic abuse are taken to a place they don’t recognize or know themselves. The narcissist wants them to stay there, so they rot and wither away in a hollow shell of who they once were.
For you, the victim, it’s as if parts of you are slowly slipping away, and over time, you understand yourself less and less.
The universe is great at guiding you in the direction of who you were meant to be; where your true purpose lies.
While toxic people and situations lead you away, you will feel this innate pull back to your true self.
7 You’re Living in a Complex Web of Deception
It surrounds you on all sides, and you find yourself caught in it, like a fly in a real web.
You’re living among the lies the narcissist tells, and others believe them. You’re part of the problem, but you’re not the cause. No one wants this, and no one deserves it either.
When they lie to you, or about you, you start to feel worthless creeping in…
…you know it’s not true.
8 Do you feel the need to heal?
For victims, they can wake up and feel the real need to heal. They want to grow and leave the situation they’re in.
When you see a narcissist for who they are, you can’t ignore them – ever.
Do you understand how important that is?
The universe is constantly giving you signs of healing.
9 Breaking Free One Step At A Time
Breakthroughs are always just out of your reach, until they become something you can grab onto with both hands.
When the universe sends you this kind of message, it’s usually because the narcissist has pushed you to your limits. You can finally see life without them, and it’s no longer scary.
Instead, it feels wonderful.
10 Relationships Feel Heavy
All relationships have their problems, but none should feel heavy and negative all the time.
If so, it’s a sign from the universe that you’re not living in a way that makes you happy, and you need to do something about it.
It’s only when you ignore the signs that they become bigger than you can handle. Over time, this can cause people’s mental and physical health to really deteriorate.