10 signs a man loves everything about you, according to psychology

None of us are perfect and we all have flaws; however, when we fall in love, a person’s flaws start to appear in a trivial or even somewhat cute way.

When a man loves you deeply and appreciates everything about you, you will notice a set of behaviors and attitudes appear.

With the help of psychological theories, let’s take a look at the most important behaviors that show that a man loves everything about you.

Let’s get started!

1) He listens attentively to what you say

The first key is listening:

A man who loves you on the deepest level will hang on every word you say.

Not only will he practice active listening and hear the words that come out of your mouth, but he will also remember and care about what you say. He will do his best to act on what you say and keep it in mind for the future:

He listens and cares about what you say and keeps it in mind for the future of your relationship.

2) He supports you in achieving your goals and ambitions

When a man loves everything about you, he loves your hopes and dreams too.

He’ll give you honest advice when he thinks something you’re doing is the wrong approach: Tough love is still love.

But he’s willing to support you, be your cheerleader as much as possible, and make sacrifices for your success:

It’s not just about patting you on the back or saying “good job,” it’s about doing his best to help you achieve your goals, which psychologists call “costly commitment.”

“If love is in the air, so is sacrifice,” explains social psychologist Teresa E. DiDonato, Ph.D. “People who engage in costly commitment signals are more likely to pursue a long-term relationship with their partner.”

3) He Makes Your Happiness and Well-Being a Priority

Your happiness and well-being are a priority for this man.

He wants to see you happy, healthy, and engaged in your life, and when that’s not happening, he gets anxious.

He’s not counting on you to be okay so he can be okay, but he cares.

He goes out of his way to avoid things that bring you down and do things that make you happy.

Psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D., says, “A man who loves you will avoid doing things that make you unhappy. Whether it’s going to a botanical garden, taking a dance class, going to a sporting event, or getting your feet massaged, he’ll learn what makes you happy and make an effort to do those things.”

4) He gives you deep, lasting affection and intimacy

Every relationship runs on its timeline, and a long-term relationship will almost certainly have times when neither of you is in the mood for hugs, affection, or sex.

But he’ll show a consistent pattern of being close to you and finding ways to show his affection and attraction for you.

Physical attraction is a key component of any relationship, and it’s also an important part of love that the ancient Greeks called eros.

He won’t neglect this part, and it’ll be crystal clear that you’re the one driving him.

5) He goes out of his way to help you when you’re in trouble

When you’re in trouble, he’ll be there.

This ties into the concept of costly commitment discussed earlier.

He spends quality time with you and changes his schedule to be there for you, especially when you’re in need or going through a tough situation.

A man who loves every part of you is willing to make changes to

He will go out of his way to support you and come to your aid when you’re in trouble and struggling.

Whether it’s just a shoulder to cry on or active help in a crisis you’re going through, you’ll never doubt if he’ll show up.

Even if it’s not convenient, he’ll be there, because he’s deeply committed to you and wouldn’t think of leaving you in an awkward situation.

“Is he there for you when there’s a problem? True love is about meeting the other person’s needs.”

6) He Respects Your Opinions and Acknowledges Your Differences

When a man loves everything about you, he acknowledges the differences between you and stays true to himself.

There can be major differences between you that end up strengthening the relationship.

The key is respect.

And when he loves everything about you, he also loves you as a person who honestly disagrees with you on some things.

For example, he may think your political views are wrong and untrue, but he respects that you have a right to hold them and that you have deep values ​​that teach you how to hold those views.

“You and your partner can be on opposite sides of the political spectrum and still be happy together for years,” notes Professor Emeritus Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D.

“But the key trait isn’t what your beliefs are, but how open you are to accepting your partner’s perspective as valid.”

7) Shows empathy when you need time and space alone

True love is kindness and respect.

When he cares for you on the deepest level and loves everything about you, he shows you compassion and care when you need to be alone, too.

He understands that there are times when you both need your time and space.

He doesn’t take it personally, get jealous, or think it’s a blow to his worth or your love for him. He loves the fact that sometimes you need some alone time.

“Distinguishing between feelings that reflect passion versus the kind of love that creates the foundation for a long-term relationship is never easy,” notes DiDonato.

“But research suggests that passionate love can become lasting love when it’s accompanied by core compatibility, a supportive social network, and mutual commitment.”

8) He Involves You in His Future Plans

When it comes to plans, you’re front and center.

He doesn’t build his life around you like an idol: His anchor is himself and his mission.

But he thinks about you and your life together when he envisions and plans for the future.

This is part of what keeps him motivated and excited. He loves talking to you about the future and thinking about things that excite you, too.

As Bernstein explains:

“Does he point out upcoming events and ask if you’re available or willing to join him? … If he likes you, he wants you, too—in a big way—as part of his future.”

9) He respects your boundaries and doesn’t pressure you

When it comes to your boundaries and limitations, he respects them and doesn’t pressure you.

This ties into the previous point about respectful disagreement.

He may want to try something new sexually that you don’t want to, or he may have a career ambition that’s getting in the way of your dreams.

He does his best to be patient and not dismiss or pressure you because of that tension.

He loves the fact that you’re an independent woman and that you won’t do anything that you don’t want to do deep down.

10) He’s transparent and honest with you, even about awkward topics

When a man likes you, he wants to show you his true self.

He knows that your affection and trust in him mean nothing if it’s not based on his true character:

So he’s as transparent and honest with you as possible about who he is, what he values, and the flaws he has.

This doesn’t mean he’s self-critical in any way, but it does mean he’s honest about when he’s making a mistake or when he’s wrong. He loves you so much that he doesn’t let his ego sabotage the relationship.

“Love means engaging in self-reflection rather than self-love when you have to reach deep inside yourself and admit you’re wrong,” Bernstein points out.

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