10 signs a man is incredibly attracted to you, according to psychology

Trying to figure out whether a guy is attracted to you is a bit like trying to decipher hieroglyphics. It paints a pretty picture, but the real meaning eludes you.

Many guys will pretend to be cool when they’re attracted to you. Sometimes, they’ll hide their true feelings until they’re more certain that their feelings are reciprocated.

But thanks to psychology, we can make some pretty educated guesses. Several signs can help you figure out whether or not he’s really into you. The following information might inspire you to make a move on the guy in question yourself.

So, without further ado, here are ten signs that a guy is seriously into you, all backed by science.

1) He Starts the Conversation

If a guy is always finding an excuse to start a conversation with you, chances are he finds you attractive. Starting a conversation with you is one of the most obvious ways guys express their interest.

If he’s really into you, experts suggest he might be looking for an opportunity by bringing up topics he knows you’re interested in.

How does he know? Because he’s a master at active listening, at least when it comes to you.

He’ll always ask you follow-up questions because he wants to know as much about you as possible.

I remember years ago when my neighborhood crush started a conversation with me about The Beatles. I asked him how he knew The Beatles were my favorite band.

He said, “I have my way.” Yep, listen to what I said and remember it. That was his way. It was a good way.

2) Eyes Don’t Lie

According to psychology, eye contact between two people is one of the most powerful forms of nonverbal communication there is.

When a man looks deep into your eyes, and you look into his eyes, you’re telling each other (without telling each other) that you want to connect. The rest of his world fades away, while his attention is focused on you with intense focus.

Eye contact is a great way for two people to figure out how attracted they are or aren’t.

3) He yearns to be close to you

If a man finds you attractive, he’ll use any excuse to get as close to you as possible without making it awkward.

If you happen to be standing close to him, he might gently touch your arm, playfully nudge you, or squeeze your ribs like my friend used to do.

It was annoying, wonderful, and exciting.

Yes, getting squeezed in the ribs by the right guy can be sexy. Decades later, I still get goosebumps thinking about it.

By closing the gap between you physically, it becomes easier to “accidentally” initiate more casual, casual touches, which also clearly indicate attraction.

This is another good clue to your feelings for him — if you have any. That hint used to make me feel like Sam Cooke.

4) He’s Nice to You

Men have relied on flattery to seduce women since Keith Richards was a kid. And some of those guys are more sincere in their compliments than others.

So, direct verbal cues are pretty easy to pick up on. It’s just a matter of assessing the motivation if you’re a cynical, distrustful person like me.

5) He Wants to Know Everything About You

So, what kind of conversation are you having while you’re staring intently into each other’s eyes? Is it the hockey score or your life goals?

If he’s guiding the conversation toward personal matters, he’s probably really into you.

Men aren’t very interested in learning more about women they’re not attracted to. If he’s happy to hear about your long-ago grandparents’ wedding or why you’re afraid of faucets, keep him.

He’s trying to build a deeper, more meaningful relationship because he’s emotionally invested in learning everything he can about you.

Of course, it’s great to discuss all the mundane stuff, too.

However, fostering a successful, long-term relationship involves having lots of conversations about your backstories, your thoughts, your opinions, and your future goals.

6) He Wants Your Opinion

Some men are reluctant to take advice from anyone when faced with a tough decision. According to the Newport Institute, this is a toxic social conditioning that many men succumb to — which equates asking for help with weakness.

But, if your man likes to ask you when he’s weighing his options, he’s probably attracted to you.

Not only that, but it also means he respects you and your judgment. He trusts you, plain and simple.

7) He’s Your Personal Joker

Here are your certainties in life: death, taxes, and a man who kills himself to make you laugh is a bad person for you. When a man turns into a comedian when you’re around him, it’s a sure sign he’s attracted to him.

He wants you to associate him with laughter because science proves that laughing together creates a strong bond.

Funny moments are memorable moments. When a man tickles your laughter bone, you’re more likely to remember him and how happy he made you feel.

So making you laugh might be a guy’s way of showing how much he enjoys being around you and loves being the reason for your good mood.

8) He teases you

Teasing is a good indicator of attraction, but there can be a thin, sometimes imperceptible line between friendly teasing and flirting.

Here’s what we know. Guys who are just being nice are usually more reserved and polite in their interactions than a guy who is trying to act on the chemistry he feels between you.

When you’re flirting, teasing each other can be funny and sexy. Science confirms that it’s the perfect way to assert your interest and ignore your sexual chemistry, which may be off-kilter.

More from my glory days: I called my ex “jerk.” He called me “mouth.” Between that and teasing, my knees were constantly weak.

We were in sync. That’s rare.

9) He wants you in his world

And he wants to be in yours. That’s awesome.

One of the surest signs that a guy is interested in you is when he’s eager to meet your significant other.

He knows that until that happens, he’s not getting the full picture of you. Getting close to your family and friends helps build your budding relationship on a stronger foundation.

This behavior goes both ways, of course. He’s excited to tell his tribe about you, too. Guys who are attracted to you want to show you off as much as possible.

10) He’s the guy you go to

True attraction isn’t about physical appearance or flirty banter alone. Making an emotional connection is much more important than superficial considerations.

When a guy is seriously attracted to you, he’s always there when you need him. Whether it’s a tough day at work or a major life challenge, he’s the one you go to.


If this is the case with the guy you love, then he’s interested in you and your relationship romantically.

Final Thoughts

Sure, it would be a lot easier if figuring out a guy’s feelings was straightforward, but it’s not. Humans are much more complex than that.

You have to be alert to the subtle and not-so-subtle signals a man is giving you and do your best to read his intentions.

And honestly, isn’t that more exciting and fun anyway?

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