10 phrases manipulative people use to blame others for their actions

Have you ever felt like you’re always in the wrong, no matter what the situation? And that every argument ends with you apologizing, even when you’re not sure why?

Well, you might be dealing with a master manipulator.

They have a set of phrases designed to shift blame, making you question your reality. It’s a cunning way to keep you off balance.

Recognizing these 10 phrases is the first step in defending yourself.

Let’s dive into the words that should ring alarm bells, so you can protect yourself from being unfairly blamed again.

1) “If I hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have had to respond the way I did.”

If you’ve ever dealt with a manipulator, you’ve probably heard this!

It’s a cunning way someone might try to avoid the spotlight for their mistake, and blamed you instead.

It seems like they had no choice, right? It’s like you’re the one controlling their actions.

But no one has that power over someone—each person is fully responsible for their behavior. This statement is just them trying to get out of acknowledging their behavior by trying to make you the bad guy who started it all.

Remember, you’re not a skilled puppeteer—no matter what anyone else says or does, they have complete control over how they respond.

2) “You’re too sensitive.”

Have you ever been honest about how you feel about something, only to be told you’re too sensitive?

It’s not just about ignoring your feelings; it’s a subtle way of shifting the focus from their actions to your reaction.

Think of it this way: if someone steps on your toe and you say “ouch,” blaming your oversensitivity for the pain is missing the point entirely—they stepped on your toe!

Your feelings are valid, no matter how much someone tries to portray them as an overreaction.

It’s their responsibility to understand the impact their words have on others and to make sure they respect other people’s boundaries.

Your emotions are your compass, guiding you in what you will and won’t accept – don’t let anyone make you doubt your right to feel upset.

3) “You shouldn’t push my buttons.”

Have you ever been blamed for someone else’s outburst with this phrase?

Suddenly, it’s like you’re a mastermind sitting at a control panel in their mind, making them decide to say or do hurtful things. It’s incredible how much power they’re giving away with this phrase!

But let’s be serious for a second. Even if this is a typical way for them to act, and you know how they are – you’re still not responsible for their behavior.

It’s up to them to manage their reactions, and you don’t have to act cautiously for fear of triggering them.

Everyone always has a choice, no matter how “usually” they act or how often they make a particular mistake.

Don’t let this manipulation make you hesitate to stand up for yourself or express your thoughts. Your voice matters, and you shouldn’t stifle it just to keep the peace.

4) “You’re the only one who has a problem with this.”

When someone tells you this manipulative phrase, it’s like isolating you from everyone else and portraying your concerns as overreactions.

This isn’t just about making you doubt yourself; it’s a way to silence you by suggesting that since no one else is complaining, the problem must be with you, and that you’re the outcast.

They cleverly exploit the human need to belong, and try to use the power of numbers—but there’s a good chance that’s not true.

But even if it’s true that you’re the only one speaking up, that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. It takes courage to express dissent, especially when you feel like you’re going against the grain.

Trust your instincts and stick to your perspective. Your point of view is valid, even if you’re alone in it. Don’t let this tactic undermine your confidence in what you know to be true.

5) “You never listened to me, so I had to take drastic measures.”

It can be annoying to hear this from someone. It’s a declaration in a way that their extreme actions are your fault for not being open to their words.

But here’s the crucial factor they ignore: communication is a two-way street, and understanding each other requires effort on both sides.

They accuse you of not listening, but how much are they communicating?

Moreover, taking drastic measures instead of at least trying is completely unreasonable and unfair.

It effectively puts both people in a lose-lose situation, and that’s not how any relationship should be.

Remember, healthy relationships thrive on mutual respect and understanding, not blame and ultimatums to hear your voice.

6) “I just said that because I was upset.”

Have you ever heard someone justify their hurtful words with this phrase? It sounds like they think their emotional state gives them a free pass to be cruel.

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But common sense tells us that feelings are no excuse for causing hurt. We all feel upset, but we are also responsible for how we express those feelings.

By attributing their cruelty to their upset, they are evading accountability for what they said or did.

It’s important to recognize this maneuver for what it is—a way to make you feel responsible for your actions, when in reality, everyone has the power to choose their words, whether they are upset or not.

7) “You’re making me sound like I’m something I’m not.”

When confronted with criticism, a manipulator might say, “You’re making me sound like I’m something I’m not.”

Suddenly, it’s not about their actions; Rather, it’s about your assumed misperception or deliberate distortion of who they are.

This tactic is a classic misrepresentation, designed to undermine your confidence in your judgment.

It shifts the focus from their behavior to your interpretation of it, suggesting that you’re the one with the problem, not them.

Remember, acknowledging someone’s actions and their impact on you doesn’t mean you’re misrepresenting them—it means you’re holding up a mirror to their behavior and its effects on others.

No one can argue with your feelings—and if they dismiss them with this statement, the real problem lies with their empathy and self-reflection.

8) “You know I didn’t mean it that way; you’re twisting my words.”

Have you ever been told that you’re twisting someone’s words?

It’s a quick avoidance, making it seem like any hurt you feel was just a huge misunderstanding on your part.

Suddenly, you’re no longer the wronged party; you’re the one at fault for not understanding their “true” meaning, or worse, deliberately distorting it.

But communication is about how our words come across, not just what we think we’re saying. When someone uses this line, they’re not taking responsibility for the impact of their words.

As I’ve already said, it’s important to remember that your understanding and feelings are valid.

Misinterpretations can happen, but they shouldn’t be used as a get-out-of-jail-free card every time someone doesn’t want to face punishment for what they said.

9) “Stop being so upset, you’re ruining the mood.”

This is another way manipulators distract from their actions by making you the problem.

It’s powerful because we know that our emotions have an impact on others—and of course, you don’t want to put everyone down.

Your feelings are made to seem like a nuisance or an unwanted guest at a party.

This statement not only invalidates your feelings but also puts undue pressure on you to suppress them to fit in.

The truth is that your feelings are a natural response, and expressing them is part of being human.

No one has the right to censor your feelings or make you feel guilty for how you feel.

You must stand up for your right to feel and express emotions, regardless of the manipulator’s attempts to maintain a facade of joy at your expense.

10) “If you cared about me, you wouldn’t challenge me on this.”

Have you ever heard that last phrase? It’s a harsh way of saying that true love means never questioning or disagreeing.

Suddenly, your interest or different perspective is no longer a sign of engagement; it’s portrayed as a lack of interest.

But as you surely know, deeply caring about someone doesn’t mean blindly agreeing with everything they say or do. Real caring involves honesty, dialogue, and, sometimes, difficult conversations.

This phrase is designed to make you hesitate to stand up for yourself or express a different opinion. But never forget that your voice matters and that true love is fostered through understanding and respect, not through silencing dissent.

Don’t let guilt silence your perspective.

Leave the blame game.

Recognizing these phrases is your first step toward not falling into the traps of manipulation. It’s about understanding your worth and knowing when to draw the line.

Remember, healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, honesty, and understanding—not guilt, blame, or silencing.

Empower yourself with this knowledge, and you’ll find the strength to stand firm, respond wisely, and nurture relationships that lift you and support you, not those that seek to undermine your self-esteem.