10 phrases a narcissist will use when they’re trying to lovebomb you, according to psychology

Love bombing, a common tactic used by narcissists, involves showering someone with love and compliments to manipulate their emotions.

Psychologists say there are certain phrases that narcissists use when they love to bomb you. Recognizing these phrases can help you spot a love bombing attempt early on.

It’s time to arm yourself with knowledge and protect your feelings.

1) “You’re Perfect”

Let’s start with one of the most common phrases narcissists use when they’re trying to love-bomb you.

“You’re perfect.” Just like that, out of the blue. Sounds like a compliment, right?

This phrase is a classic love bombing tactic.

It’s meant to make you feel special, and it often works. Who doesn’t want to hear that they’re perfect?

However, this phrase isn’t a sincere compliment. It’s a manipulation tool.

Narcissists use this phrase to make you feel special, so they can use your gratitude and affection to control you.

It’s a psychological trick designed to make you more dependent on their approval and less likely to challenge or leave them.

By recognizing this phrase for what it is, you can begin to protect yourself from narcissists’ manipulative tactics.

2) “I’ve never felt this way before”

Another phrase that narcissists often use is “I’ve never felt this way before.”

This phrase resonated with me, as I encountered it in a previous relationship.

In the whirlwind of the early stages, my partner would constantly tell me how different I was, and how he’d never felt so strongly about someone so quickly.

It was intense and, to be honest, very complimentary.

But as the relationship progressed, I realized it was a manipulation tactic.

This wasn’t a declaration of love; it was a way to make me feel extraordinary and irreplaceable.

It made me feel like I was the only one who could make him happy.

This emotional outburst is part of the love-bombing process. It’s meant to sweep you off your feet while blinding you to potential warning signs.

3) “We’re Soulmates”

The term “soulmates” sounds like something out of a fairy tale. It’s romantic, intense, and dreamy.

However, when a narcissist uses the phrase “we’re soulmates,” it’s often not about romance or destiny at all.

This phrase is typically used to create a sense of deep connection and exclusivity.

It paints a picture of a unique bond that no one else can understand or interfere with.

However, behind this seemingly emotional declaration lies a strategic move.

By convincing you that you’re soulmates, the narcissist creates an environment where questioning their actions feels like questioning destiny itself.

According to relationship experts, this is a common tactic that narcissists use to keep their partners unsuspecting and compliant.

4) “I can’t live without you”

This phrase may seem like the ultimate expression of love and devotion, but it’s a red flag when it comes from a narcissist.

“I can’t live without you” creates an immediate and overwhelming sense of responsibility on your part.

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It creates a dynamic where you feel obligated to stay with them, whether out of guilt, fear, or misplaced loyalty.

Narcissists use this phrase to emotionally tie their partners to them.

It’s a clever manipulation tactic that draws in your empathy and compassion.

Healthy relationships are about mutual respect and freedom, not emotional blackmail.

Recognizing this phrase for what it is can help you maintain your boundaries and protect your emotional health.

5) “You’re the only one who gets me”

Narcissists often use the phrase “You’re the only one who gets me” to create a sense of intimacy and exclusivity.

It’s a powerful phrase, designed to make you feel special and wanted.

However, it can also isolate you from others and make you more emotionally dependent on the narcissist.

This phrase is a manipulative tool designed to make you feel like you play an essential role in their life.

It can make it difficult for you to leave or set boundaries because you feel like they need you.

It’s healthy to have multiple supportive relationships in our lives.

If someone tells you that you’re the only one who understands them, it’s worth considering why that is and whether it’s a sign of manipulative behavior.

6) “I’d do anything for you”

When a narcissist says “I’d do anything for you,” it can sound like a warm promise of unconditional love.

This phrase is full of emotion and commitment.

It is designed to make you feel deeply appreciated and cared for, making you more likely to overlook their less desirable behavior.

However, actions speak louder than words. If a narcissist’s actions don’t match their grand declarations of devotion, it’s a clear sign that they are using this phrase as a tool of manipulation.

It’s okay to feel moved by such words but don’t let them cloud your judgment.

Always look at actions over words when discerning someone’s true intentions.

7) “I’ve Changed for You”

“I’ve Changed for You” is a phrase that holds so much promise and hope.

I’ve heard it before, and it made me believe that the person I was with was willing to grow and adapt for the sake of our relationship.

However, change is a personal journey.

Real change comes from within, not because of someone else.

Narcissists often use this phrase to convince their partners that they are interested in the relationship.

They are designed to make you feel guilty or obligated to stay because of the “effort” they put into changing themselves.

Real change is consistent and doesn’t need to be constantly pointed out.

If someone is truly changing, you’ll see it in their actions, not just hear it in their words.

8) “You’re too good for me”

This phrase may sound like a humble admission or even a compliment, but when it comes from a narcissist, it’s often the exact opposite.

“You’re too good for me” is a clever tactic that plays on your empathy.

It can make you feel special, while also making you more inclined to overlook their flaws or misbehavior.

The hidden message behind this phrase is often: “You’re too good, you should accept my bad behavior.”

It subtly shifts the blame onto you, making you feel like the one who needs to be more understanding or forgiving.

Everyone deserves respect and kindness in a relationship.

No matter how “good” you are, that doesn’t excuse someone else’s bad behavior.

9) “I’ve never told anyone this before”

When a narcissist says, “I’ve never told anyone this before,” they may feel like they’re trusting you with their deepest secrets. It creates a sense of familiarity and closeness.

However, this phrase is often used to manipulate you into feeling special and trustworthy.

It’s a strategy to make you feel like you share a unique bond, which in turn makes you more invested in the relationship.

True trust is built over time and through consistent actions, not just words.

If someone uses this phrase too soon or too often, it may be a sign of manipulation rather than true intimacy.

10) “I love you”]

Yes, even the most sacred phrases can be used to manipulate.

When a narcissist says “I love you,” it doesn’t always mean true affection.

Narcissists often use this phrase to control you and bind you to them.

It’s a powerful statement that can make you overlook red flags and ignore your doubts.

If the person saying “I love you” doesn’t demonstrate these qualities, it’s time to question the sincerity of their words.

Final Thoughts

Love should be based on mutual respect, understanding, and growth. It’s not about manipulation or control.

Keep these statements in mind, reflect on them, and trust your instincts when something doesn’t feel right.

Because at the end of the day, you deserve a relationship built on true affection and respect, not manipulation.

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