If you keep going on dates with the same type of guys, over and over again, then this post is for you.
There are things we should know about our character and character that make us vulnerable to attracting and staying with unbalanced partners.
If the types of men you attract tend to be the ones that always leave you sad, it’s important to pay attention to what makes you attracted to this person in the first place.
Doing so can help bring a healthier type of man into your life.
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What type of guy gets the most girls? There are 4 types of guys who usually get the most girls: the adventurous guy, the athlete, the musician, and the cool guy.
What type of man you are attracted to says a lot about you and your personality? Read on to find out what the type of person you’re dating says about you.
Here are ten different types of men and women date and what dating these types of men can say about you.
- Mr. Narcissist.
His charm, talent, success, beauty and charisma cast a shadow over you and everyone around you. His conversation is sparkling and he has to be the leader. However, once you become attached to him, you struggle with his demands, criticisms, and selfishness.
Being attracted to this type of man may mean:
You are a narcissist too. If you are a narcissist, a common misconception is that you love each other. In fact, you hate yourself so much. Your inflated self-adulation, perfectionism, and arrogance are just a cover for the self-loathing you don’t admit to—usually even to yourself.
Narcissists are often attracted and this is very dangerous. They’ll need each other one minute and the next minute they’ll be fighting over who comes first. Narcissism can be treated with courage, time, and commitment to yourself.
- The master is emotionally unavailable.
He doesn’t appear impatient to you. He is full of excuses and is indecisive. He talks about his past a lot. He is quick to claim that he likes you but is not looking for a committed relationship, whatever the reasons.
What it could mean to be attracted to this type of man
You’re looking for that kind of man to date if you don’t feel like you deserve it. Unworthiness usually arises from a significant person’s failure to stand up for you early in life. Someone was not essential to your life support, was abusive, or was neglectful. As a result, you came away with a deep feeling of unworthiness.
To correct this trait, it is important to begin by confronting (and often forgiving) the person who originally let you down.
- The master needs repair.
He feels “underneath” you. You consider it a diamond in the rough. The man standing before you today is not great but he certainly has potential. Acquaintance with him feels like a project.
Being attracted to this type of man may mean:
You overcompensate and often make excuses for something or what someone has done. Therefore, you go into most relationships with extreme patience and a ready-made toolkit to fix everything.
This trait often comes as a result of overcompensating for some mistakes or mistakes in your own life. In order to prove that you are someone worth dating, stop trying to make up for what you missed or something you did in the past that ended.
- Mr. Obligation-Phoebe.
He has a history of short relationships and has probably never been married and does not want to be a husband. He has several excuses for not meeting the right woman. He justified his date by saying he had plenty of time to settle down. One of his favorite phrases is “someday.”
Being attracted to this type of man may mean:
You are needy. Being constantly needy, whether romantically or otherwise, means you’ll attract men who feel the need to “rescue” a woman (but not necessarily commit to her). Being needy means that you thrive on the attention you get from men, no matter how little or infrequent it is.
This is most commonly seen in women who have had sudden endings to their previous relationships. In order to meet a secure man who wants commitment, you need to be a secure woman who supports the “vitals in her relationship.”
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- Mr. Tufaili.
He gets help at your expense, and helping him often puts you in harm’s way. Neither you nor the relationship benefits from what he takes from you.
What it means to be attracted to this type of man is:
You are insecure. Feeling insecure and low in self-esteem can attract needy and clingy men who take advantage of you. It is important to maintain your self-esteem before you start dating so that you send a message to parasitic men that you do not need them. Women who are secure with themselves are less likely to attract parasitic men.
- Mr. Bully.
These types of boys are actually the worst. He blames you for things that are not your fault. He talks to you like you’re a child. Uses an intimidating tone to others when asking for help. He criticizes your personality and perhaps even your children.
What it means to be attracted to this type of man is:
You have problems maintaining emotional boundaries. You don’t instinctively know where to draw the lines of emotional responsibility between yourself and others. You seek to win others over by pleasing them or casting a positive light on yourself, to your detriment.
This boundary problem usually stems from bearing the burden of other people’s feelings for which you are not responsible. When you become clear about where you take responsibility and where your emotional responsibility ends, you can manage boundaries better.
- Mr. Buchover.
He will agree to anything you say. He has low self-esteem. He has no sense of self-confidence. – His inability to express or discuss his opinions or desires.
What it means to be attracted to this type of man is:
You are a dominant woman and tend to appear put-together. If you’re a dominant woman, it’s easy to attract (or should I say, pursue and find) men who make their job easier. These men love you because they identify elements of maturity in you that they do not possess.
Unfortunately, most of these people never develop, instead taking on the role of permanent “yes men.” It is best, if you are this type of woman, to stay away from this type of man and stick with more complete personalities.
- Mr. Tekken.
He must be married, engaged, a father, or in a relationship with another woman. Please note that if he is only married and separated, then he is married.
What it means to be attracted to this type of man is:
You have low self-esteem and you have no self-love. No matter the excuse, if you are having a “relationship” with someone who is in another relationship, you are showing one of the lowest forms of self-love and self-esteem. If you are “dating” a cheater, you are in fact a cheater and will likely be cheating towards the people closest to you.
Your family and friends have likely expressed concern about the people you interact with, and as a result, your relationship with them has become strained. Although I don’t think friends and family are the best relationship experts, if they’re all telling you the same thing, listen up!
- Mr. Cool Guy.
He’s probably in a band, has a killer fashion sense, great hair or beard, and is the coolest guy. He has been traveling all over the world and has a lot of stories to tell. He’s also really smart and knows what’s trendy and cool.
What it means to be attracted to this type of man is:
If you’re attracted to Mr. Cool, you probably don’t think you’re cool and that googling this guy and dating him will effortlessly make you cool and make your friends jealous. You’re so obsessed with men’s looks because you want others to think you look great together and that’s what matters.
You also feel like you have to change yourself to keep up with this guy and that’s why you’re dating him. You’ll have to buy a whole new wardrobe and develop and grow your music taste to be seen with this guy because his validation means everything to you.
If you are this type of woman, you should learn how to be more confident. Don’t let this “cool guy” make you feel uncool and unworthy. Love yourself as you are and don’t let others change you.
- Mr. Perfect on paper.
Check, check, check, he’s the man who defines everything you want but what is it that makes him the worst? He has the job, the looks, the body, and the mind, so you convince yourself he’s the perfect man, even if there’s no strong connection.
What it means to be attracted to this type of man is:
You’re so focused on finding the person you’re picky about, and if that person has everything you want but no chemistry, you tell yourself that’s good enough. However, chemistry and a strong emotional and physical connection tick all the boxes. You have to stop being so picky and let love find you, you can’t search for it yourself.
You have too many expectations for men and you need to temper that. Nobody is perfect and sometimes you have to make exceptions for love. Don’t be that person who always has to find something wrong with the person you’re dating.
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