10 Covert Narcissist Discard Signs: Unveiling the Subtle Manipulation

Of all the types of narcissists, the hidden variable is a special kind of hell. Going through life with a humble, shy, sensitive, and gentle man’s façade, the narcissist’s secret world crumbles once they realize someone has seen right through them. The narcissist is overwhelmed with unbearable shame and profound terror and is on the verge of collapse. what happened after that? You need to look for signs of covert narcissistic disposition.

Narcissism is a personality trait that exists on a wide spectrum, with some individuals displaying overt behaviors while others display covert tendencies. Covert narcissism can be particularly insidious, because it often operates under the radar, leaving victims confused and hurt. One of the most painful aspects of a relationship with a covert narcissist is the ignoring phase.

When the narcissist decides to end the relationship during this period, the victim is left emotionally devastated and confused. This article will delve into 10 signs that a covert narcissist is ignoring you, and shed light on their subtle manipulative tactics.

Gradual emotional withdrawal

Covert narcissists typically engage in a gradual withdrawal from emotional intimacy. During the ignoring phase, you may notice that they become distant, uninterested, and less interested. He may suddenly seem less interested in your conversations and activities, leaving you feeling emotionally neglected.

Unclear boundaries

The covert narcissist often seeks to blur boundaries in a relationship. They may start invading your personal space, reading your messages, or making decisions on your behalf without your consent. This manipulation tactic aims to make you more dependent on them, giving them greater control over your emotions.

The silent treatment

The silent treatment is a classic sign of covert narcissism. They may suddenly stop communicating with you, leaving you guessing what happened. This tactic exists to create anxiety and insecurity, leaving you emotionally unbalanced.

Mind manipulation

Gaslighting involves distorting the truth to make the victim question their perceptions and reason. Covert narcissists excel at gaslighting, especially during the elimination phase. They may deny previous conversations, distort events, or make you feel like you’re overreacting to their behavior. Their attitude makes it difficult for you to trust your judgment.


Vulnerable narcissists often project their negative traits onto their victims. During the ignoring phase, they may accuse you of behaviors they are personally guilty of. This projection deflects blame and manipulates your emotions, making you feel like you are at fault.

Ignore without closing

At the top of the signs of covert narcissism, these individuals are known for ending relationships suddenly without closure. They may disappear without explanation, leaving you yearning for answers. This lack of closure exacerbates emotional pain and confusion because you cannot understand the situation on your own.

Ideal for the new source

While the covert narcissist is preparing to get rid of you, he may already have a new source of interest. They may begin to idealize this new person, comparing them favorably to you. This tactic undermines your self-esteem, leaving you feeling incompetent and replaceable.

Distort your feelings

During the ignoring phase, the covert narcissist may belittle or reject your feelings. They may tell you that you are too sensitive, that you are imagining things, or that your feelings are irrelevant. This manipulation tactic invalidates your emotions and makes you doubt yourself.

Manipulative compassion

Covert narcissists are skilled at eliciting pity from those around them. During the elimination phase, they may present themselves as victims of your alleged abuse, obtaining sympathy and support from mutual friends or acquaintances. This pathetic performance can isolate you further and damage your reputation.

Ignore and return cycle

One of the hallmarks of a covert narcissist is the tendency to engage in a cycle of neglect and return. They may ignore you, only to come back later with promises of change and reconciliation. This cycle can be very confusing and emotionally draining as you oscillate between hope and disappointment.

Surviving the rejection of the covert narcissist

Navigating and living through the signs of a covert narcissistic disposition is an emotionally exhausting experience. Here are some strategies to help you cope:

Related : 6 Things Covert Narcissists Say in an Argument

Educate yourself: Understanding narcissism’s covert and manipulative tactics can enable you to recognize the signs and protect yourself from its effects.
Ask for support: Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist who can provide emotional support and a safe space to share your feelings.
Set boundaries: Set clear boundaries to protect yourself from further manipulation. Limit contact with the narcissist and focus on your well-being.
Believe in yourself: Rebuild your self-esteem and confidence in your visualizations. Remember that you deserve respect, love, and understanding.
No Contact: Consider implementing a no-contact period with the covert narcissist wherever possible. This time can help you heal and regain your emotional strength. Sad to say, the ultimate goal for most people is to live a life free of narcissism.

FinalThoughts on Secret Narcissists Ignoring Signs

Recognizing the subtle signs of a covert narcissist is crucial to protecting yourself from emotional manipulation. By understanding their tactics, asking for support, and prioritizing your well-being, you can navigate the difficult healing journey and come out stronger on the other side. Remember, you deserve healthy, respectful relationships that nurture your emotional growth. Don’t let yourself become a crossfire victim in the narcissist’s endless battle against themselves.

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