10 Behaviors Of A Narcissist To Never Ignore

Know the critical red flags of narcissism.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a psychological condition characterized by excessive self-importance and a lack of empathy for others. Identifying behaviors that reveal narcissism is crucial to understanding the dynamics and protecting one’s well-being. By recognizing the behaviors of a narcissistic person, individuals can set healthy boundaries and protect themselves from the emotional and psychological toll often associated with dealing with a narcissistic individual.

  1. Grandiosity and exaggerated self-importance are behaviors of narcissism
    Narcissists often display a grandiose self-conception and an exaggerated sense of self-importance. This makes it one of the crucial behaviors to identify when dealing with someone who may have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

They relentlessly seek validation from others, and crave constant admiration and adoration. Consequently, this behavior manifests itself in their tendency to dominate conversations, redirecting the focus to themselves and their achievements. Their inflated self-worth may lead them to belittle the achievements of others. They also dismiss it as insignificant in comparison.

Furthermore, their narcissistic grandiosity can be seen in their tendency to engage in self-aggrandizement, using various methods to enhance their image. They may exaggerate their accomplishments, embellish their stories, or create a false narrative to impress and manipulate others.

  1. Lack of empathy
    One of the most important and disturbing behaviors of narcissists is a marked lack of empathy. Narcissists often struggle to understand and cope with the feelings and experiences of others, prioritizing their own needs and desires above all else. Empathy deficits and emotional detachment characterize them. This lack of empathy is rooted in their extreme selfishness and overwhelming focus on their own desires and interests. Narcissists are primarily driven by a need for personal validation and gratification, which makes it difficult for them to offer true compassion or consideration toward others.
  1. Sense of entitlement
    One of the dominant behaviors observed in narcissists is a deep sense of entitlement. Narcissists firmly believe that they deserve special treatment, privileges, and attention, often without reciprocity or consideration for others. This sense of entitlement stems from their inflated self-perception and inflated sense of self-importance.

Narcissists view themselves as inherently superior to others, which leads them to believe that the rules and standards that apply to everyone else do not apply to them. They expect everyone to meet their needs, and demand unwavering attention and validation from those around them. Narcissists may feel entitled to have their needs met immediately, ignoring the needs and boundaries of others.

They may show impatience, frustration, or anger when their desires are not immediately fulfilled, taking this as a personal insult. In addition, narcissists’ behaviors often include a lack of reciprocity in their relationships. They expect others to do their best for them, yet they rarely provide the same level of interest or effort in return.

Their sense of entitlement blinds them to mutual respect and compromise, because they believe they deserve special privileges without meeting the same standards.

  1. Needing constant attention and demanding admiration are behaviors of a narcissistic person
    One of the defining behaviors of a narcissist is his insatiable need for constant attention and admiration. Narcissists relentlessly seek praise, praise, and adoration from others to support their inflated self-image. Their narcissistic pursuit of attention is relentless, as they thrive on being the center of focus in any social setting.

They seek to always be admired and appreciated for their supposed exceptional qualities. The narcissist’s need for admiration goes beyond a mere desire for attention, driven by deep-rooted insecurity. They rely on constant validation to maintain their fragile self-esteem and reinforce their grandiose self-perception.

They may feel worthless or weak without constant affirmation and admiration. This behavior can be emotionally exhausting for those around them, as narcissists demand constant praise and admiration without reciprocating or showing genuine concern for others. They may reject or devalue the achievements of others, seeing them as a threat to their superiority.

  1. Exploitative behavior and narcissism
    Exploitative behavior is a common disturbing trait of narcissists.) In fact, narcissists often exploit others to meet their own needs, ignoring the well-being of those around them. Due to their selfish nature, narcissists view relationships as opportunities for personal gain rather than as mutually beneficial connections.

They have a keen ability to identify and exploit the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of others, using manipulation as a means of controlling and exercising power. Narcissists use different methods to exploit others. They may highlight and distort reality to make their victims question their perceptions and reason. They may use charm and charisma to manipulate their emotions, controlling individuals who become enamored or charmed by their superficial charm.


Furthermore, narcissists tend to exploit other people’s compassion and empathy, taking advantage of their willingness to help and support. They manipulate situations to elicit sympathy or guilt, and use emotional manipulation to extract resources, favors, or attention without real reciprocity.

  1. Lack of accountability and blaming others are behaviors of narcissists
    One of the striking behaviors of a narcissist is his constant lack of accountability and his tendency to blame others for his own shortcomings or mistakes. Narcissists display a remarkable ability to deflect responsibility and protect their self-image by avoiding accountability.

Narcissists often refuse to accept responsibility when faced with criticism, failure, or negative outcomes. Instead, they engage in a pattern of blame-shifting, blaming others, and absolving themselves of wrongdoing. They may largely justify their actions, manipulate the narrative, or completely deny their mistakes.

By shifting blame, narcissists maintain their boastful self-image and avoid feelings of shame or vulnerability. They are adept at manipulating others, distorting the truth, and presenting themselves as victims or innocent parties. This enables them to maintain a façade of superiority and evade the consequences of their actions.

  1. Reactions of envy and jealousy
    Envy and jealousy are common reactions observed in the behaviors of a narcissist. Narcissists struggle to tolerate or celebrate the achievements of others, often harbor feelings of resentment and display behaviors aimed at undermining or devaluing those around them. Narcissists have an intense desire to be seen as superior and exceptional.

When they encounter others’ achievements or positive qualities, they may feel a deep sense of envy. This envy stems from their fear of being overshadowed by the success of others or of having their self-esteem compromised by the success of others. Instead of offering genuine support or admiration, narcissists may respond with jealousy and attempt to undermine others’ accomplishments.

They may downplay or downplay the achievements of those around them, seeking to maintain their sense of superiority. Their envy-driven behaviors may include making dismissive comments, engaging in competitive behaviors, or actively looking for ways to sabotage others’ success.

  1. Fragile self-esteem masked by arrogance often occurs in narcissism
    Despite their outward display of arrogance and superiority, narcissists often have fragile self-esteem that is carefully concealed. Behind their grandiose behavior lies a deep sense of insecurity and a weak sense of self-worth.

This fragility is protected by their exaggerated confidence, which creates a defense mechanism to protect themselves from perceived shortcomings. Individuals with narcissistic tendencies embrace an inflated sense of self-importance and engage in self-aggrandizement to mask their inner fears.

By projecting an image of superiority, they create a false narrative that they are invincible and flawless. This grandiosity is a shield that hides insecurities and protects their fragile self-esteem from perceived threats or criticism. Their grandiose behavior is not a true reflection of their true selves, but rather a carefully designed defense mechanism to preserve their sensitive ego.

  1. Boundary violations and disregard for the feelings of others
    One of the characteristic behaviors of narcissism is the constant violation of boundaries and blatant disregard for the feelings and well-being of others. Narcissists often overstep personal boundaries, ignore the feelings and needs of those around them, and prioritize their own desires above all else.

Personal boundaries are essential to maintaining healthy relationships and respecting individual autonomy. However, people with narcissism view boundaries as limiting their freedom and entitlement. This narcissistic boundary-crosser intrudes into the personal space, emotional boundaries, and privacy of others without remorse.

Narcissists lack empathy, ignore other people’s feelings and ignore their fears. They may manipulate individuals or force them to compromise boundaries to fulfill the narcissist’s desires or maintain their approval. Disregarding personal boundaries and the feelings of others can lead to significant emotional damage to those involved with narcissists.

  1. Manipulative and gaslighting tactics are behaviors of a narcissist
    Narcissists are skilled at using manipulative tactics and gaslighting techniques as part of their repertoire. These behaviors allow them to exert psychological control over others, distort reality, manipulate perceptions, and undermine the confidence and reason of those around them.

Manipulation is a core feature of narcissistic behavior. Thus, narcissists have a keen ability to exploit the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of others for their own gain. They manipulate situations, emotions, and information. This is because they must assert control and maintain self-perceived superiority. Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation used by narcissists.

Through gaslighting, they systematically erode their victims’ confidence and awareness of their reality. Gaslighting is a powerful tool that allows narcissists to maintain power and control over their victims while distracting from their negative behaviors. They use charm and charisma to manipulate emotions and win over others, enhancing their control over relationships and social dynamics.