10 Alarming Signs You Are In A Relationship With A Freeloader

The difficult thing with a freelance scalper is that you can’t spot it at first. He will put on a charade until you are superior to him and then subtly reveal his true face.

The charming man who would do anything for you suddenly begins to change.

Suddenly everything becomes difficult for him and he lets you do basically everything.

All he does now is take, take, take as much as he can. Even by definition, a freeloader is “… someone who takes advantage of the generosity of others without giving anything in return.” Google Dictionary Does this sound like your significant other or perhaps your ex?

Take a look at the signs and see if there is anything to worry about:

  1. It forms an association very quickly

He doesn’t have time to build a relationship. After a few dates, he will tell you that he actually cares about you or even that he loves you.

He will tell you that this has never happened to him before with any other woman and that you are special.

And before you know it, he’ll be continuing his tales of commitment, marriage, and even naming your kids.

His words are never sincere, they are just a means to an end.

He wants to trap you in his web of lies so he can take advantage of your generosity.

  1. He wastes his days
    He is unable to hold down the job. Something unexpected and unlikely always happens.

When you come home from work, you find him still asleep or staring at his phone while everything around him is a mess.

What he loves most is watching a season of his favorite series, playing video games, participating in a movie marathon, or hanging out aimlessly with his friends.

Let’s face it, that’s not how a real man acts. This is a clear picture of an independent exploiter who will fail in life and take you with him.

  1. No matter what you do or how hard you try, he makes you feel like it’s not enough

He always finds a way to spin the story and make you feel like you are the one to blame for all your problems.

Even if he admits blame, he’ll say you’re not innocent in any of it either, and he’ll make mistakes ten times bigger than they actually are.

He does all this just to keep you under his control and manipulate you to his will. Exploiters have mastered emotional manipulation to a T.

  1. You can’t count on him to do anything he said he would do
    You never know where his “busy day” will take him. He may not pick you up from work on a rainy day because he’s too busy lying on the couch doing nothing.

He may tell you that he will do a task for you but suddenly something will happen. More similar and even worse scenarios are likely to occur.

The bottom line is that he’s lazy and irresponsible and you can’t count on him to do squats.

  1. Nine times out of ten, you’re the one who takes care of the bill when you’re out on a date

There’s nothing wrong with splitting the bill or paying dates every now and then, but it can’t be all the time.

Mainly because it drains your bank account, and secondly, it’s extremely annoying and unfair.

He can give you a lot of excuses but you will find out his lies properly.

What are the odds that he will have a financial emergency every Friday? Could he be so irresponsible that he forgets his wallet every time you go out? I do not think so.

What are you saying? This man is nothing more than a leech and he is taking advantage of you financially.

  1. He has a habit of borrowing money from you
    At first, he said it would cost a few dollars and he would be back as soon as possible.

Then the amount will be higher and before you know it it will stop coming back and you will never see your money again.

You know he makes enough to pay off your debt, but he’s so cheap that he doesn’t want to.

He won’t mind taking from you but when it comes to returning the favor, he won’t be willing to.

  1. He still lives with his mother
    Well, if the man is still living with his mother, this may just be a temporary solution until he gets back on his feet or finds a better job.

But if it’s been a few years already or if you see that he’s not doing anything to change his place…be upset, be really upset, because this guy will never leave Mommy Dearest and will probably depend on his mom and dad for financial support for the rest of his days.

  1. You live together but you are the one paying the rent
    This is an example of the freelancer at its best. He has no problem living with you and acting as if the place belongs to him without giving a dime to help you.

Buying groceries, vacuuming the apartment, washing the dishes, cooking meals, taking out the trash, etc. is still mostly up to you because he doesn’t feel like doing anything.

  1. He’s a deadbeat father
    If you have a child with him, you are probably feeling very overwhelmed. He can’t even pick up his child from kindergarten, let alone pay for it.

All the financial, physical and emotional attention a child needs comes from you, while he plays with them every now and then.

  1. He is afraid of the idea of your separation
    If you mention breaking up with him, he will turn the story around and make promises to change.

He may even cry and beg you to give him another chance.

On the one hand, he may feel real regret and see that he is on the wrong path.

But the most likely scenario is that he does not want to lose his proven source of additional income.

He doesn’t want to lose your emotional support or anyone willing to put up with his crap either.

After reading this, you will see that just one of these signs is enough to show whether your man is being exploited or not.

If certain signs ring in your head, well, there’s no doubt about it, you’re dating someone who is taking too much advantage of you.

If you recognize him by some of these signs, say goodbye without hesitation.

It is nothing more than a leech that will drain you not only financially but physically and emotionally as well.