How Many Sexual Partners Will the Average Narcissist Have?

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by traits such as grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. These traits can greatly influence a narcissist’s approach to relationships and sexual behavior. One area of ​​concern is the number of sexual partners a narcissist is likely to have. This article explores the factors that contribute to narcissists’ sexual behavior and examines the findings of research on this topic.

Characteristics of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Key traits:

Grandiosity: An exaggerated sense of self-importance and superiority.

Need for admiration: A persistent need for excessive admiration and validation.

Lack of empathy: Difficulty recognizing or caring about the feelings and needs of others.

Entitlement: The belief that they deserve special treatment and that the rules do not apply to them.

Manipulative behavior: Exploiting others for personal gain or to maintain their self-image.

Narcissism and sexual behavior

Polysexuality and conquest:

Need for validation: Narcissists often seek multiple sexual partners as a means of proving their self-worth and attractiveness. Each new conquest provides a temporary boost to their fragile self-esteem.

Grandiosity: Their sense of entitlement and superiority may lead them to pursue multiple sexual relationships, believing they are worthy of the attention and admiration of multiple partners.

Lack of empathy:

Emotional detachment: Narcissists may engage in sexual relationships without regard for their partner’s feelings. This lack of empathy allows them to pursue multiple partners without feeling guilty or caring about the emotional impact on others.

Impulsivity and risk-taking:

Impulsive behavior: Narcissists often exhibit impulsive behavior, which can extend to their sexual activities. They may seek sexual encounters without considering the risks or consequences.

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Thrill-seeking: Pursuing new sexual partners can provide a sense of excitement and novelty, which narcissists may find attractive.

Research Findings

Studies on Narcissism and Sexual Behavior:

Higher Number of Sexual Partners: Research consistently shows that individuals with higher levels of narcissistic traits tend to report a greater number of sexual partners than those with lower levels of narcissism.

Short-term relationships: Narcissists are more likely to engage in short-term sexual relationships rather than long-term, committed partnerships. Their desire for novelty and admiration often leads to frequent changes in partners.

Gender Differences:

Men vs. Women: Studies suggest that male narcissists may report a greater number of sexual partners than female narcissists. This difference may be influenced by social and cultural factors, as well as differences in how narcissistic traits manifest in men and women.

Motives for Multiple Partners:

Ego Boost: Often, the primary motivation for narcissists to seek out multiple sexual partners is the ego boost they receive from each new conquest. This behavior is driven by their need for constant validation and admiration.
Power and control: For some narcissists, having multiple sexual partners can be a way to exercise power and control over others, enhancing their sense of superiority.

Implications and Considerations

Impact on Relationships:

Instability: Narcissists’ tendency to pursue multiple sexual partners can lead to unstable and short-lived relationships. Partners may feel exploited and emotionally neglected, leading to conflict and breakups.

Trust Issues: Narcissists’ promiscuous behavior can create trust issues in relationships. Partners may experience feelings of jealousy and insecurity, which can add to the strain on the relationship.

Potential Risks:

Sexual Health: Engaging in sexual relationships with multiple partners increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Narcissists may not prioritize safe sex practices, which increases this risk.

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Emotional Consequences: While narcissists may be emotionally detached, their partners can experience significant emotional distress due to the narcissist’s behavior. This can lead to issues such as low self-esteem and anxiety.


The number of sexual partners a narcissist is likely to have can be influenced by their need for validation, lack of empathy, impulsive behavior, and desire for novelty. Research suggests that narcissists tend to have a greater number of sexual partners than individuals with lower levels of narcissistic traits. This behavior can lead to unstable relationships, trust issues, and potential health risks. Understanding these patterns can provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics of relationships involving narcissistic individuals.

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